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The Trump presidency

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As if things aren't bad enough without making stuff up. If this were true it would be all over the news.
I did look back through the guy's Facebook account. Looks legit with pictures of his fiance, posts from his granny, selfies, etc., and he engaged with people who asked questions about the post. Surely it's accepted that immigration officials were given zip guidance about how to implement the new Executive Order, so may have been making up some stuff on the hoof. There have been documented examples both of US Citizens and citizens of countries among the 7 getting stopped and detained, so none of this guy's account is beyond the realms of possibility.
I did look back through the guy's Facebook account. Looks legit with pictures of his fiance, posts from his granny, selfies, etc., and he engaged with people who asked questions about the post. Surely it's accepted that immigration officials were given zip guidance about how to implement the new Executive Order, so may have been making up some stuff on the hoof. There have been documented examples both of US Citizens and citizens of countries among the 7 getting stopped and detained, so none of this guy's account is beyond the realms of possibility.
Sorry, CRI, that just doesn't cut it. I will amend my original observation: If *any* of this were true, it would be all over the news. It would be explosive. It's just the kind of story WaPo and co are hanging their tongues out for. I bet they've already been sent it dozens of times and after the first it goes straight in the bin.
Yes they can read, just they read what they want to read and not what you think they ought to, and that's a key bit of why the trump got elected in the first place. My aunt (in Florida) who was planning to vote for him, explicitly said that his lack of cleverness is what made him trustworthy and appealing, compared to Clinton.

There's a book called 'Anti-intellectualism in American Life' which won the non fiction nobel prize in 1964. I've had it on the shelf for years took it down for a look recently and the deep roots of what's at play or maybe coming to fruition are important.
They read the Bible, but mostly only the King James version. I've been told (honestly) that it's because it's the "actual word of God" unlike more modern translations. Uh, ok . . .
Sorry, CRI, that just doesn't cut it. I will amend my original observation: If *any* of this were true, it would be all over the news. It would be explosive. It's just the kind of story WaPo and co are hanging their tongues out for. I bet they've already been sent it dozens of times and after the first it goes straight in the bin.
Plenty of stuff happens that never gets "all over the media." Heard much lately about what's happening with the water protectors?

I've had interviews with the Home Office and US Immigration - never this detailed of course, but even if his story is embellished, I could see the story being plausible.
Plenty of stuff happens that never gets "all over the media." Heard much lately about what's happening with the water protectors?

I've had interviews with the Home Office and US Immigration - never this detailed of course, but even Tehis story is embellished, I could see the story being plausible.
Then can I suggest you send it on to Washington Post or somewhere like that, who will fall on your neck with kisses of gratitude. The world will be a better place for sharing this knowledge more widely than here among the cynics on urban.
CRI is this someone you know irl? Granted, the clerks had no advance notice so some of them may have been way off message, but not this way off surely?
What the fuck is the matter with these people? Seem to want a nice little war with the Iranians. Only trouble is they may well be biting off more than they can chew. One can only but hope saner heads prevail.
The saner head, Gen Mattis, tends to agree with the loons on that point. The IRGC probably are planning to kill or kidnap not a few US personnel in Iraq after Mosul falls and US CAS become irrelevant. They'll want US troops gone and so will most Iraqis. After Iraq Syria is another US strategic disaster that's enabled Iran.

It was obvious once Trump started picking his cabinet that he would tilt against Iran. Unlike Clinton he's no interest in Obama's attempt at detente with Iran. The only complication is Syria and Trump essentially does not give a damn about that. Like the Ukraine it can be Russia's plaything for Trump. Until the first shouty phone cal with Putin that is.

It would not be a little war. That's the problem every time the Pentagon war games a serious confrontation with Iran it ends up with a costly US invasion or finally nuking Teheran. The Iranians may well gamble on their tested formula of incremental terrorist actions. Hoping for a Russian guarantee of retaliation. What would Trump, who clearly has the moral restraint of an eight year old, do?
CRI is this someone you know irl? Granted, the clerks had no advance notice so some of them may have been way off message, but not this way off surely?
I don't know him and I know there are fake pictures and stories that do the rounds. This guy's profile just seemed really ordinary with nothing that whiffed of a troll. Now, he could be a bit of a bullshitter and over egging the pudding, but I got the sense he was just taken aback by it rather than saying, "OMG, this is outrageous, yada, yada," hysterics that you get with the fake ones. But no, I can't be sure.

I am seeing lots of tweets and posts related to people being detained at airports, but that there is official denial from authorities that it's happening, and scant mention in mainstream medai. I'm inclined to think that's actually happening, even though I can't verify it with, say a news article or government statement.

Like this sign - sure, could be fake, but given the multiple posts about similar situations and the consistent lying from the Trump administration, accounts from lawyers that court rulings are being ignored, etc. I'm inclined to think there's a lot of nasty shit going on.
I don't know him and I know there are fake pictures and stories that do the rounds. This guy's profile just seemed really ordinary with nothing that whiffed of a troll. Now, he could be a bit of a bullshitter and over egging the pudding, but I got the sense he was just taken aback by it rather than saying, "OMG, this is outrageous, yada, yada," hysterics that you get with the fake ones. But no, I can't be sure.

I am seeing lots of tweets and posts related to people being detained at airports, but that there is official denial from authorities that it's happening, and scant mention in mainstream medai. I'm inclined to think that's actually happening, even though I can't verify it with, say a news article or government statement.

Like this sign - sure, could be fake, but given the multiple posts about similar situations and the consistent lying from the Trump administration, accounts from lawyers that court rulings are being ignored, etc. I'm inclined to think there's a lot of nasty shit going on.
Well, go for it then. Share it with the media who are champing at the bit for something that will destroy Trump. No point trying to defend it here because I don't think there are any of us buying it.
Texas high school students give Nazi salute and shout ‘Heil Trump, heil Hitler’

A group of Texas high school students gave the Nazi salute and shouted “Heil Hitler” and “Heil Trump” while their class photo was being taken.

The Cypress Ranch High School senior class on Tuesday lined up outside to have their picture taken — one photo was supposed to be serious while the other was allowed to be funny.

Following the first picture, about 70 students put their hands in the air, performing what appears to be the offensive salute, KPRC reported.

But of course, the Government decided it's anti-extremist programme must stop challenging white supremacist extremism. Islam, only Islam is the problem. :rolleyes:
Well, go for it then. Share it with the media who are champing at the bit for something that will destroy Trump. No point trying to defend it here because I don't think there are any of us buying it.
Which media are champing at the bit for something that will destroy Trump? I'm asking genuinely because I'm still seeing most of the mainstream media at best gently poking the administration, but mostly still fawning and licking his brown round. I'm seeing independent journalists digging and finding stuff, but saying their pitches to mainstream outlets are ignored.
Wow, this is a surprise. She was of the "we're taking down names" of the countries who don't back the US, and calling the United Nations "US-UN."

Has she gone rogue? Will she be toast tomorrow?

Which media are champing at the bit for something that will destroy Trump? I'm asking genuinely because I'm still seeing most of the mainstream media at best gently poking the administration, but mostly still fawning and licking his brown round. I'm seeing independent journalists digging and finding stuff, but saying their pitches to mainstream outlets are ignored.
Are you sure you don't have somewhere else you need to be?
The saner head, Gen Mattis, tends to agree with the loons on that point. The IRGC probably are planning to kill or kidnap not a few US personnel in Iraq after Mosul falls and US CAS become irrelevant. They'll want US troops gone and so will most Iraqis. After Iraq Syria is another US strategic disaster that's enabled Iran.

It was obvious once Trump started picking his cabinet that he would tilt against Iran. Unlike Clinton he's no interest in Obama's attempt at detente with Iran. The only complication is Syria and Trump essentially does not give a damn about that. Like the Ukraine it can be Russia's plaything for Trump. Until the first shouty phone cal with Putin that is.

It would not be a little war. That's the problem every time the Pentagon war games a serious confrontation with Iran it ends up with a costly US invasion or finally nuking Teheran. The Iranians may well gamble on their tested formula of incremental terrorist actions. Hoping for a Russian guarantee of retaliation. What would Trump, who clearly has the moral restraint of an eight year old, do?

Aye, invade Iran, couldn't think of a better move to see the total destruction of SA and associates, the one thing that would unify all those warring little factions.
And the cherry on the cake, Russia rattling various bits of tableware in the Ukraine and Baltic regions as the US gets bogged down in another conflict it can't possibly win.
Though the military/industrial complex will continue to cream its keks at the prospect of years of combat.
TBH I think trump is pretty much capable of doing anything - hes deluded enough for sure. The question is how much he can be held back. He clearly has got the hots for going to war with Iran - but im would be surprised if the CIA, the in-touch-with-reality wing of the republican party, the state department and the pentagon share his enthusiasm - as it would be a fucking disaster with no winners - other than Russia.
How far would the establishment go in restraining him? How dirty? Im guessing they have some pretty compromising stuff on him - or are in the process of collecting it.
I can't see them just saying "yes mr president" and launching the cruise missiles,drones and the marine armoured corps at Tehran.

But thank fuck HC isn't warmongering, right? RIGHT?
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Sandy hooks all round :)
Unfortunately, very possible, the Loony has let his dogs off the leash, I think anyone who looked for a small measure of bipartisan support to control this train wreck on steroids is well and truly fucked.............bugger, words fail me.
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But thank fuck HC isn't warmongering, right? RIGHT?

Your missing the point, HC would have at least observed the diplomatic niceties, giving us time to lay in bottled water, dry goods etc,afore nuking Tehran.
I honestly wake up each morning wondering if this stupid bastard hasnt actually provoked a major conflict.
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