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The Trump presidency

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.....OK but .....

alot of his voters actually want to metaphorically blow up Washington - even the Republican Party members - and will be absolutley revelling in the media pearl-clutching & horror stories that just conjure up an image of Steve Bannon running up and down wood panelled corridors like some rabid pit-bull savaging glossy-haired expensively-suited extras from the West Wing

I can't see any reason to suppose his immigration order is going to be anything other than very popular with a large section of his supporters - the "shambles" narrative attached to international travellers being rounded-up & "papieren bitte" stuff at airports will look much more like the smack of firm government & restoration of order in redneck country

I do think it possible to actually over-hype the short to medium term degree of even a Trump shambles - in the breadth & depth of outrage currently being generated - firstly you can't maintain that pitch indefinitley & you can also end up not unlike the situation of the Remainer / Project Fear campaign who still found themselves on the defensive against a shambolic & decapitated Tory government facing a colossal possibly existential crisis with absolutely no coherent plan or idea how to deal with it post Referendum - when things ended up failing to match the public perception that the sky was supposed to fall in immediately

Nice one, haven't seen Brexit so subtly inserted into an unrelated topic since I stopped reading the Guardian comments section.
There's no comparison between Brexit and Trump>>>>>>>>>>> Brexit thread thataway.
This is exactly the thinking that got is where we are now.

We must support the lesser evil!

Which just leads us down a path of ever deeper shit, and straight to Trump.

If more Democats had simply held their noses and voted for HC, then possibly we would not be having this shytestorm, possibly we could now have had HC as president under fire for her manipulation of the primaries? And subsequently a positive move in the direction of the DP?
FFS, I know which I'd prefer.
You'd hope that highlighting where he goes against the constitution would be good, too, as mentioned above somewhere. Opens up the opportunity for any liberals who might get in next time to come for gun rights.
FfS, I think this ( and in the foreseeable)would be an extremely bad time for any American politician to mention gun control.
This is exactly the thinking that got is where we are now.

We must support the lesser evil!

Which just leads us down a path of ever deeper shit, and straight to Trump.

So voting against Trump was a mistake because it led to his election?
I just gave you the heads-up then. You're welcome.

You should have been able to identify it yourself tbf - that the content of the article doesn't support the breathless headline should be a bit of a warning.

No, of course not.

"Only together can we be fully independent,” Mr Tusk wrote. “We must therefore take assertive and spectacular steps that would change the collective emotions and revive the aspiration to raise European integration to the next level.”
Jeez, how long will it take these people to recognise you can't create a 'superstate' in this day and age!
Reported on BBC too, and pretty much every major media outlet.

It is a pretty big deal actually. Trump seems to want the EU to break apart. The EU obviously is not happy about this. So the traditional alliance between the USA and the EU may be no more. It's certainly worthy of discussion.

True, but worthy of discussion on a new thread, as is the fucking slide into online gaming!
I noticed this in a minute by minute from the White House speech

"7.25am: Trump will be moving to the 'winter' White House in Mar-a-Largo later this week - his personal mansion."

The only people who can stay there are the very, very rich. I checked and this is the estate that raised doubled it's enrolment fees from !00,00$ to 200,00$ after the inauguration. (also $2000 a night)

I wonder if this is a way to get away from the protesters, or a way to be surrounded by people of his kind.

Or, just to make as much money from his ( hopefully short lived position) as possible?
Who said anything about Boris Johnson? I would put him in the "same old shite" category, not the "threat to democracy" category. Trump is not the same at all, can you really not see that?
Not quite sure that Trump is a ' threat to democracy' a threat to a lot of things but I reckon him and democracy get on ok tbh.
The reaction to Trumps election on here reminded me of the reaction to Johnsons election ie that fascism was at the gates.
Not quite sure that Trump is a ' threat to democracy' a threat to a lot of things but I reckon him and democracy get on ok tbh.
The reaction to Trumps election on here reminded me of the reaction to Johnsons election ie that fascism was at the gates.

You'd have to give links to persuade me of that.
I think the evangelicals were willing to support Trump to get the guy they really wanted. I think they really voted for Pence, hoping that Trump would either fuck up or die, or perhaps both.

I still laugh at Donald Trump saying that "two Corinthians" was his favorite bible verse.
Or for his redemption - a Road to Damascus (perhaps literal) experience. With millions of good Christians praying hard for his soul, he's bound to be saved by the Grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ any minute now!

You seem to be unaware of a little something called 'the past'. I am suggesting that what was said and done before now might have an impact in the present, or in this case I guess the more recent past.

You were responding to a comparison involving Hilary Clinton.

So, would it be your position that voting for her was the right or wrong thing? It sounded like you thought it was the wrong thing.
The thing I find really puzzling is seeing Americans applauding Trump as a 'Christian'; though my guess is it means as 'white with no funny foreign names', seeing as the guy has shown no sign of any spiritual life whatsoever beyond looking bored in Church. I'm more Christian than Trump and I'm Jewish. Well, I suppose I'm more Christian than Trump because I'm Jewish.
The Evangelicals mostly backed Ted Cruz but cynically voted for Trump on the hope he'd pack the Supreme Court with judges that would outlaw abortion and gay doings.

The justifications for voting for a lecherous, lying, serial adulterer with pussy grabbing tendencies were interesting.

In Forward Religious Right: Trump is ‘King Cyrus’ Freeing the Jews
“He came in, this king, as a secular ruler and decreed for the building of the house of the Lord. He literally made it possible for the Jews to end the captivity,” Lance Wallnau, an evangelical leader and author, told the Christian Broadcasting Network. “Trump has the Cyrus anointing to navigate in chaos.”

Trump as “Cyrus,” President Barack Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as “Babylon,” the Jews as either modern-day Israelis or Americans? It’s not only evangelical Christians who buy it. Before the election, Rabbi Matityahu Glazeron predicted a Trump victory based on an analysis of Bible codes, which he said also pointed to the new president as a Cyrus-like figure.

n a pre-inauguration faith gathering, Likud Knesset member Yehuda Glick, in Washington, D.C. for the festivities, expressed a like sentiment. Calling the new president “the king of the United States of America,” Glick said that if Trump moved the United States embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, “He will be the latter-day Cyrus!”

Cyrus isn’t the only Biblical figure that Trump might be compared to. During the campaign, after a leak of a tape in which he bragged about sexually assaulting women, some Christian preachers compared him to King David, a competent ruler but a notorious lecher.
Well King David probably was the sort of fella who'd stride into the Miss Teen America changing rooms unannounced with the hope of catching an eyeful.
1 Now king David was old and stricken in years; and they covered him with clothes, but he gat no heat.

2 Wherefore his servants said unto him, Let there be sought for my lord the king a young virgin: and let her stand before the king, and let her cherish him, and let her lie in thy bosom, that my lord the king may get heat.

3 So they sought for a fair damsel throughout all the coasts of Israel, and found Abishag a Shunammite, and brought her to the king.

4 And the damsel was very fair, and cherished the king, and ministered to him: but the king knew her not.
Kings 1 (KJV)
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