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The Trump presidency

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Eleanor Roosevelt was a great woman, well worth communicating with.

She's fucking DEAD :facepalm: . Anyone communicating with her is a fucking nutcase making it all up in their squirrelly head .

Elvis was a great singer . But if I'm having little chats with him maybe I shouldn't be operating heaving machinery . Much less sitting in the nuclear hot seat .
Eleanor Roosevelt was a great woman, well worth communicating with.

She's fucking DEAD !! There is no communication !! It's a pretty worrying delusion .

Anyone hearing voices in their head shouldn't be Operating heavy machinery Much less sitting in the nuclear hot seat .

" please Eleanor..make the voices stop .....I don't want toooooo "

You were responding to a comparison involving Hilary Clinton.

So, would it be your position that voting for her was the right or wrong thing? It sounded like you thought it was the wrong thing.
Frankly I reject the whole premise of the question. It limits politics to the single act of voting.

What I want is large militant opposition movement. Something that can challenge the general political direction of the last few decades. The politics of lesser evilism is a barrier to the development of that moment.

If 4 years from now Trump is ousted by whatever pile of shit the democrates stand. What will they do? Make a few changes back in a more socially liberal direction at best. Meanwhile they will continue to ensure the poor get poorer and die younger. And people like you will stand and cheer ar your great victory.

Any opposition to Trump needs to challange the policies promoted by both parties. But it wont it will collapse into support for the Democrats, and we will sink firther into the shit.
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I did enjoy the WoW movie. :)

I've not read The Silmarilion, but I think there was more to it than they were made of mud (the kind of notion Bannon would be at home with mind), something to do with degenerate elves? Probably down to un-christian lifestyle choices anyway. Not that Tolkien was that Narnia guy but whatever.

IIRC magically-manipulated/degenerated elves.
Frankly I reject the whole premise of the question. It limits politics to the single act of voting.

What I want is large militant opposition movement. Something that can challenge the general political direction of the last few decades. The politics of lesser evilism is a barrier to the development of that moment.

I didn't limit anything to any single act. It's you who were opposing the idea of supporting the lesser of two evils, on the grounds that this is what lead us to Trump. I merely interjected. Regardless of the merits of your argument, it seems pretty obvious why it is going to be less applicable when it comes to Clinton v Trump.
How many people have been killed on Trump's watch so far? :hmm:

A few, including one minor child:

Navy SEAL, 8-year-old American girl died in Yemen raid

Many more will die just from his abortion policies alone. Add the changes expected to healthcare to that total and it adds another 40,000 people per year.

And then there's what will happen if they defund Planned Parenthood:

Defunding Planned Parenthood Would Put 900,000 Women's Lives At Risk Every Year

Don't want to think what will happen if they cut Social Security and Medicare.
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The overturning of Obama’s Executive Order No. 13688 is probably not far along on Trump's list and could have a massive impact. :(

Police Militarization in the Trump Era

On the campaign trail, Trump pledged to remove the barriers to police procurement of military equipment. Unsurprisingly, the National Fraternal Order of the Police –the largest police union in the US – expects him to deliver: They listed rescinding the order as the first “potential action” during Trump’s first 100 days in office . . .

We argue that the core problem with police militarization is that it establishes a presumption of threat, meaning it normalizes the presumption that those being policed are threatening to an extent which justifies the deployment of combat-ready forces. Crucially, however, a liberal order must assume the exact opposite: Citizens cannot be presumed to be a threat, neither to one another nor to the state, if the state is to be any different from the nasty and brutish reality of the Hobbesian state of nature. The threat/non-threat dialectic is, to us, a key difference between liberal democracies and totalitarian states.

In our view, police militarization implies a presumption of threat because it exhibits two salient characteristics. First, it is primarily preventive rather than strictly reactive. The deployment of militarized police reflects the anticipation of extreme violence, of the type that could require a forcible response. Second, it is collective. Since it is not (always) aimed at specific individuals, it tends to rely on collective assumptions about violent potential. When militarization becomes normalized, the presumption of threat becomes normalized as well. And when it is the police that becomes militarized, normalization of the presumption of threat is enhanced, precisely because the police – contra the military – are elements of the normal, rather than exceptional, legal order.
The Columbia year book graduation picture of Gorsuch and the Kissinger caption is legit. It was sent to the journalist by a friend who graduated with him. She later posted the whole page.

Context for the Kissinger comment:


yes and as i've posted he said it in 1973 as well. :facepalm:

as he says, he used to say it quite a bit, it's therefore not like it was shiny new in 1975 :facepalm:

do keep up with the thread please.
How many people have been killed on Trump's watch so far? :hmm:
Not dead but, Christ . . . :(

Executive Order Separates Badly Burned Iraqi Boy From Family

Many families have been torn apart including the family of a boy who was badly burned at a refugee camp.

“Dilbreen, at the age of about a year and a half, was severely burned,” said Carrie Schuchardt from House of Peace in Ipswich.

After a heater exploded in the Iraqi refugee camp where he was sleeping, an aid group got two travel visas and rushed the boy to Shriner’s Hospital in Boston along with his father.

After preliminary surgery, his dad returned to their war-ravaged country to be with his wife as she gave birth to Dilbreen’s little brother. It was November 8th an hour before Donald Trump won the election. They named the baby ‘Trump.’

Dilbreen was set for a second surgery this month. His family was set to stay at the Peace House in Ipswich. Then they got the news their visas were suddenly revoked.

“So they are stranded in Iraq,” Schuchardt said. “The child is here. The need for surgery is pressing.”

(No doubt regretting the name choice now.)
yes and as i've posted he said it in 1973 as well. :facepalm:

as he says, he used to say it quite a bit, it's therefore not like it was shiny new in 1975 :facepalm:

do keep up with the thread please.
Some of us have busy lives outside this message board, silly man.
Christ Almighty! :eek:

Republicans vote to suspend committee rules, advance Mnuchin, Price nominations

Senate Republicans took an extraordinary step Wednesday to move forward with two of President Donald Trump's top Cabinet nominees after confronting a boycott from Democrats.

Republican lawmakers on the Senate Finance Committee -- the panel that oversees the nominations of Steve Mnuchin to be Treasury secretary and Rep. Tom Price to be secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services -- gathered for the second day in a row with Democrats on the committee refusing to show up.

The dramatic move could foreshadow strategy from Republicans over contentious battles still to come as Democrats try to use a variety of Senate procedures to stall the newly empowered GOP. The most high-profile of upcoming fights is Trump's Supreme Court pick Neil Gorsuch, a nomination that would require at least 60 votes to break a filibuster.

Democrats on the Finance Committee have raised serious concerns about both Price and Mnuchin, arguing that the two nominees made misrepresentations in their testimonies before the Senate.
Earlier on Wednesday, the Democrats on the panel sent a letter to Hatch requesting that the two nominees provide more information about their past investments and actions.
Richard Spencer, (the punched nazi) who claims that he invented the term Alt Right, just started a new website - alt right dot com . There's an essay there explaining in his own words what it's all about and what the next steps are, to seize the day, consolidate and unify the movement etc. Quite revealing in its way if you can stomach it. Uses the word identitarian a lot.
Richard Spencer, (the punched nazi) who claims that he invented the term Alt Right, just started a new website - alt right dot com . There's an essay there explaining in his own words what it's all about and what the next steps are, to seize the day, consolidate and unify the movement etc. Quite revealing in its way if you can stomach it. Uses the word identitarian a lot.
ah but identitarian is just a cover for what they are - see identitarian
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