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The Trump presidency

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He didn't pull anything though. This is who he is. He is the most important Agent Orange in the world. He needed to walk up those steps and it mattered not if she was beside him. She isn't important in that regard.

Oh yes, I shouldn't be the least bit surprised that he is abusive towards his wife. I only watched snippets of the inauguration, and to be fair, only snippets of the campaign because the sight and sound of him made me want to boak. I read transcripts where possible, so didn't see the stuff with his wife from the inauguration until now. Abusers aren't always so obvious in public though - the ones that are do so because they're confident they have complete control, and no one around them will intervene. Wouldn't wish relationship abuse on my worst enemy, honestly. Her politics aside, poor lass.
National Day of Patriotic Devotion, eh?

Don't honestly think there's that much fresh air between some die hard Sanders supporters and faithful Trump supporters. I'm seeing a lot of Bernie supporters still huffing and puffing about Hilary Clinton "stealing" the nomination and parroting a lot of the same guff I see from Trump fans. If they were really that bothered about the direction Trump is taking, they'd surely let that shit go and back the people who are standing up to Trump, like Congressman John Lewis and Congresswoman Maxine Waters, or doing SOMETHING to make their opposition obvious.
To be fair Saunders supporters , with others organised the demonstrations in support of healthcare
The placard that made me laugh inside the most...in a scared, shit I hate that, surely she knows her own mind, kind of way this weekend was 'FREE MELANIA'....

As a feminist I know that is problematic...equally so...ye gods she seems so nervious (understandable) yet Agent Orange does nothing but kiss her occassionally to confirm ownership, he does not give a flying fuck... Do i imagine he would be any different? NO.

Apparently when they first met she broke it off. For all we know he sent his goons to acquire her. Shit like that does happen. Well... it happens in Game of Thrones anyway.

He's still on the golden shower thing, seems to have been thinking about that too much.
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As in the allegations of sexual assault of a minor?
As in golden hair and 'hiding in plain sight'?

I dunno. That was my association there.

I'd be very surprised to find out that Trump hasn't sexually bothered, harassed and molested a whole string of women, tbh. And that Mr JS shows how you can get away with it for decades.
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As in golden hair and 'hiding in plain sight'?

I dunno. That was my association there.

I'd be very surprised to find out that Trump hasn't sexually bothered, harassed and molested a whole string of women, tbh. And that Mr JS shows how you can get away with it for decades.
Yup, distressingly so :(

Speaking of which . . .

Pretty good breakdown for anyone wondering why many African Americans didn't turn up for Bernie Sanders, and still not impressed by him.

(When he says "white middle class" here, he's not talking about the same thing as it would be in the UK. I've mentioned class descriptors don't translate neatly between the countries. Some interesting discussion of that in this blog and comments after it.)

praise bigots.png
Without evidence, Trump tells lawmakers 3 million to 5 million illegal ballots cost him the popular vote

Days after being sworn in, President Trump insisted to congressional leaders invited to a reception at the White House that he would have won the popular vote had it not been for millions of illegal votes, according to people familiar with the meeting.

Trump has repeatedly claimed, without evidence, that widespread voter fraud caused him to lose the popular vote to Hillary Clinton, even while he clinched the presidency with an electoral college victory.

Two people familiar with the meeting said Trump spent about 10 minutes at the start of the bipartisan gathering rehashing the campaign. He also told them that between 3 million and 5 million illegal votes caused him to lose the popular vote.
Pretty good breakdown for anyone wondering why many African Americans didn't turn up for Bernie Sanders, and still not impressed by him.
that's not really a 'breakdown' just one persons twitter opinion tbf.
sanders support to work on ttp came after trump won didn't it? Can't see how that would affect his own earlier polling (as claimed)?

sanders nominal support is an interesting moment, but id expect it's pure strategy designed to try and win back trump voters, and claim these anti trade deal positions for the left. It's not as if trump needs anyone's help not to go along with ttp. It's just a posture born of desperation.

wether it alienates more people than it wins is a matter for strategists. Here in the uk seeing certain people on the left directly act in alliance with ukip (Galloway shared platforms with farage, others took part in a ukip film) equally disgusted me, but there I felt they looked clearly co-opted.... That feels a lot less the case with Sanders. From what I saw I think he held his own.

winning people back to the left (alongside pulling the centre back to the left) is a desperate task... At least sanders is trying.

is there any real plan or opportunity for sanders and trump to "work together"? It was just positioning talk on sanders part wasn't it?
Pretty good breakdown for anyone wondering why many African Americans didn't turn up for Bernie Sanders, and still not impressed by him.

(When he says "white middle class" here, he's not talking about the same thing as it would be in the UK. I've mentioned class descriptors don't translate neatly between the countries. Some interesting discussion of that in this blog and comments after it.)

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True political revolutionaries praise the CIA and call critics of neoliberals racist.
Can't believe you said that, "the US had a 'top reputation'" amongst who?
All sorts of people. Maybe you don't recall how the 14 points of President Wilson enthused anti-colonial movements at the end of the first world war or how the American reputation stood at the end of the second. And it's been downhill ever since.
As in golden hair and 'hiding in plain sight'?

I dunno. That was my association there.

I'd be very surprised to find out that Trump hasn't sexually bothered, harassed and molested a whole string of women, tbh. And that Mr JS shows how you can get away with it for decades.
sir js obe kcsg i think you'll find, not only getting away with it but being honoured for the work you did to get access to many victims
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Stealing Iraqi oil still a "maybe" then as the brilliant Trump as Commander in Chief needs to be so unpredictable. Well done Baghdad Sean as they are calling Spicer. These people really are morons.
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Pretty good breakdown for anyone wondering why many African Americans didn't turn up for Bernie Sanders, and still not impressed by him.

(When he says "white middle class" here, he's not talking about the same thing as it would be in the UK. I've mentioned class descriptors don't translate neatly between the countries. Some interesting discussion of that in this blog and comments after it.)

View attachment 99284
The constant repetitive assertion that "Bernie is a racist" is not enough to establish the proposition that "Bernie is a racist". Here's what the Beloved Leader, King in the North (Vermont) actually said:

"“I am glad the Trans-Pacific Partnership is dead and gone,” Sanders said. “For the last 30 years, we have had a series of trade deals — including the North American Free Trade Agreement, permanent normal trade relations with China and others — which have cost us millions of decent-paying jobs and caused a ‘race to the bottom’ which has lowered wages for American workers. Now is the time to develop a new trade policy that helps working families, not just multinational corporations. If President Trump is serious about a new policy to help American workers, then I would be delighted to work with him.”"

Bernie says that because he knows fine well that Trump is not in any way serious about any policy, old or new that would help American workers. Once Trumpenbashi (may he die falling of his yacht, like Bob Maxwell) reneges on this claim, he can then be exposed, and bits of his supporter chiseled off. This is what we call a tactic, you see.

Sanders, joined by Rust Belt Democrats, praises Trump for nixing TPP

Seriously, what do you hope to achieve with your bloody nonsense, CRI?

Stealing Iraqi oil still a "maybe" then as the brilliant Trump as Commander in Chief needs to be so unpredictable. Well done Baghdad Sean as they are calling Spicer. These people really are morons.

"Comical Seanie" - would that work as a nickname? Not sure.

al-Diyar (The Lands) [Beirut] reports on what Egyptian officials allegedly leaked about the telephone conversation between Donald J. Trump and Egyptian president `Abdel Fattah al-Sisi. There is no way to certify the truth of this report. For all I know it is Egyptian propaganda, or Syrian propaganda. The newspaper is linked to the semi-fascist Syrian Socialist Nationalist Party. So buyer beware.

The leakers are alleged to have said that when Trump and al-Sisi discussed Syria, Trump expressed admiration for Syrian strong man Bashar al-Assad, saying that he is “a brave man” who endured steadfastly in the face of terrorism, but adding, “Circumstances don’t allow me to contact him directly.”

Trump said, according to these sources which al-Diyar maintains are in the Egyptian president’s office, that he would be in contact with Russian president Vladimir Putin to coordinate military operations in Syria against terrorism and and against Daesh [ISIS, ISIL] so as to wipe it out.

Al-Sisi is alleged to have contacted al-Assad after the call and to have conveyed Trump’s compliment about him being brave and unswerving, since al-Sisi suspected that Trump was speaking to al-Assad through him.
A bit too light on superlatives to be from the mouth of The Donald I think, there be a "fantastic" or "beautiful" for padding and some self congratualtion. The interesting thing there is that is said at all and by whom. Not just the European far right that the Trump-Putin tag team is getting all moist.
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