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The Trump presidency

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First Lady is a pretty crappy job when you'd thought you'd just landed a nicely aged billionaire and could kick back and relax. A lot of them are unhappy. I'd not assume Melania is much worse off then most as one of a series of Trump Trophy Wives that may not have finished. It's the really political women like Michelle and Hilary that it's probably hardest on.
Not sure about the portrayal of Meliana as a cowed victim. Other than lols it's smearing her as a weak woman. She speaks five languages so imagine she's not an idiot

I don't mean to push that image... my point a few pages ago was that we don't know. Could be a Lady Macbeth situation, could be a Sleeping With the Enemy situation, could even just be a Dolly Partons "Stand by your man" or "Beaty and the Beast" actual genuine love situation or a straight forward transactional he rich/I pretty understanding. But as it's a complete mystery what goes on between them... I reckon we shouldn't bother slagging the woman off (or even slut-shaming her as someone said she'd seen happening a lot) for being Trumps wife (an "antifeminist" thing to do apparently).

I did find that clip darkly funny though but yeah, it's perhaps too dark.
I'm sure you don't mean to suggest that women who are trapped in abusive relationships are weak and stupid.
Not sure how many very wealthy women get trapped in such abusive relationships. There isn't any evidence whatsoever that she is - the fact that Donald is a piece of shit isn't evidence. Just strikes me as denying her any agency.
I'm sure you don't mean to suggest that women who are trapped in abusive relationships are weak and stupid.

I don't the meme is. At first I thought it was a bit funny but then, haw haw Donald slaps his missus about a bit much. Sorry if I've offended you
CrabbedOne aparently there's a suggestion that his daughter will be appointed First Lady as she's resigned from her role in one of his businesses. Maybe Meliana is full communist and not to be trusted after all
First Lady is a pretty crappy job when you'd thought you'd just landed a nicely aged billionaire and could kick back and relax. A lot of them are unhappy. I'd not assume Melania is much worse off then most as one of a series of Trump Trophy Wives that may not have finished. It's the really political women like Michelle and Hilary that it's probably hardest on.

On the contrary, she's struck gold. Trumps death is now much more imminent and thats what she's been waiting for since the moment she married him.
On the contrary, she's struck gold. Trumps death is now much more imminent and thats what she's been waiting for since the moment she married him.

She best try not to sit too close to him from now on when they go for a drive. Actually, maybe just take the bus "I'll catch up" sort of thing.
that's not really a 'breakdown' just one persons twitter opinion tbf.
sanders support to work on ttp came after trump won didn't it? Can't see how that would affect his own earlier polling (as claimed)?

sanders nominal support is an interesting moment, but id expect it's pure strategy designed to try and win back trump voters, and claim these anti trade deal positions for the left. It's not as if trump needs anyone's help not to go along with ttp. It's just a posture born of desperation.

wether it alienates more people than it wins is a matter for strategists. Here in the uk seeing certain people on the left directly act in alliance with ukip (Galloway shared platforms with farage, others took part in a ukip film) equally disgusted me, but there I felt they looked clearly co-opted.... That feels a lot less the case with Sanders. From what I saw I think he held his own.

winning people back to the left (alongside pulling the centre back to the left) is a desperate task... At least sanders is trying.

is there any real plan or opportunity for sanders and trump to "work together"? It was just positioning talk on sanders part wasn't it?
Yes, it is one person's opinion, but I keep hearing similar opinions from other people of colour in the US - on social media, and folks I'm still in touch with from living there. I thought it might give some insight for those still wondering why most minority ethnic voters, especially African Americans, didn't back Sanders for the nomination and overwhelmingly voted for Clinton, while white Americans (including 53% of white women) chose Trump. It's also not just about the one issue of TTP. It's that Sanders has consistently failed to convince Black Americans that he genuinely understands their situation, how white supremacy is embedded in American society and won't throw people of colour under a bus in pursuit of policy that will benefit white people/harm not white people. For example, if he's trying to "win back Trump voters," (remember - they're nearly all white people) that will probably mean conceding something that will disadvantage non-white Americans.

I know Sanders is trying to win people back to the left, but when he ignores what people of colour are saying to him, he is going to fail. I've already seen white Sanders' supporters critizing Black people on social media for not lining up behind Bernie,often trotting out racist tropes about intelligence and laziness. That's also not going to win people over. I, too, despair when I see people supposedly on the left drinking from the same glass as those on the right, so surely it's understandable that POC in America may be dubious about hitching their wagon to either end of the spectrum.

When I try and explain to white people in the UK just how deeply embedded white supremacy is in the US, I tend to meet with disbelief or "does not compute" blank looks. It's been pretty much the same on Urban, often with the addition of defensiveness and taking it personally (i.e. "How dare you say all white people are / I am racist?" when that's not what I've said. :/) It's not about individual people being prejudiced, calling people names or wearing white hoods. It's about a nation founded on white supremacist values that are still woven tight into the social, economic and political fabric of America. It's why people of colour thought moderate Clinton was a better bet as the Democrat nominee. It's why the GOP have rode so hard to keep non-white people from voting since forever. It's why it was mainly congressmen and women of colour who boycotted Trump's inauguration and are saying they won't work with his administration, and why folks of colour are angry with white politicians who make any ovations towards the Trump team. It's why the policing tactics at women's marches across the US where miles away from those used in Black Lives Matters demos (and why some white women are suggesting the lack of incidents on Saturday shows they know how to "organise right" ergo, Black people don't. :(

Nowt's going to change until there's acknowledgement of the situ as a starter.

By the way, he name checks Maxine Waters. She is my hero. I agree that the only way to deal with the rising kleptocracy in the US is to flatly refuse to engage with it. Full stop.
1 policy

1 single policy that Clinton supports that Sanders doesn't or vice versa.

Has anyone seen even one mentioned by CRI?
The constant repetitive assertion that "Bernie is a racist" is not enough to establish the proposition that "Bernie is a racist". Here's what the Beloved Leader, King in the North (Vermont) actually said:

"“I am glad the Trans-Pacific Partnership is dead and gone,” Sanders said. “For the last 30 years, we have had a series of trade deals — including the North American Free Trade Agreement, permanent normal trade relations with China and others — which have cost us millions of decent-paying jobs and caused a ‘race to the bottom’ which has lowered wages for American workers. Now is the time to develop a new trade policy that helps working families, not just multinational corporations. If President Trump is serious about a new policy to help American workers, then I would be delighted to work with him.”"

Bernie says that because he knows fine well that Trump is not in any way serious about any policy, old or new that would help American workers. Once Trumpenbashi (may he die falling of his yacht, like Bob Maxwell) reneges on this claim, he can then be exposed, and bits of his supporter chiseled off. This is what we call a tactic, you see.

Sanders, joined by Rust Belt Democrats, praises Trump for nixing TPP

Seriously, what do you hope to achieve with your bloody nonsense, CRI?
Read my post above.
look at pences veiny hand. Thats not natural, I'm calling lizardry
Calls his wife, "Mother" from one account. A lot of my family live in Indiana and will vouch that he's a prize tool and comparing him to lizards is an insult to all reptiles.

Well what I said above. Exum just left DoD I believe. Former Army Ranger officer, served in Afghanistan.

What I'm not getting is why Trump doesn't understand some of his positions that seem to start off as a dinner party joke and probably got a laugh at a rally can go sour on people rapidly when he repeats the gag as POTUS and has poor old Spicer double down on them. That'll include a lot of military folk who voted for him. Even if Trump's intention is to have the US military go out on the rob you don't telegraph that like some teenager trying to impress the girls.
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On the contrary, she's struck gold. Trumps death is now much more imminent and thats what she's been waiting for since the moment she married him.
Probably a watertight prenup though. I'd wager the bulk of his dosh (if he actually has any once the books are done,) will go to is 3 eldest kids.

Well what I said above. Exum just left DoD I believe. Former Army Ranger officer, served in Afghanistan.

What I'm not getting is why Trump doesn't understand some of his positions that seem to start off as a dinner party joke and probably got a laugh at a rally can go sour on people rapidly when he repeats the gag as POTUS and has poor old Spicer double down on them. That'll include a lot of military folk who voted for him. Even if Trump's intention is to have the US military go out on the rob you don't telegraph that like some teenager trying to impress the girls.

Just hope he makes enough stupid off hand remarks to make enough of the stupid people who voted for him pause and act, before Trump and his team manage to destroy everything.
Yes, it is one person's opinion, but I keep hearing similar opinions from other people of colour in the US - on social media, and folks I'm still in touch with from living there. I thought it might give some insight for those still wondering why most minority ethnic voters, especially African Americans, didn't back Sanders for the nomination and overwhelmingly voted for Clinton, while white Americans (including 53% of white women) chose Trump. It's also not just about the one issue of TTP. It's that Sanders has consistently failed to convince Black Americans that he genuinely understands their situation, how white supremacy is embedded in American society and won't throw people of colour under a bus in pursuit of policy that will benefit white people/harm not white people. For example, if he's trying to "win back Trump voters," (remember - they're nearly all white people) that will probably mean conceding something that will disadvantage non-white Americans.

I know Sanders is trying to win people back to the left, but when he ignores what people of colour are saying to him, he is going to fail. I've already seen white Sanders' supporters critizing Black people on social media for not lining up behind Bernie,often trotting out racist tropes about intelligence and laziness. That's also not going to win people over. I, too, despair when I see people supposedly on the left drinking from the same glass as those on the right, so surely it's understandable that POC in America may be dubious about hitching their wagon to either end of the spectrum.

When I try and explain to white people in the UK just how deeply embedded white supremacy is in the US, I tend to meet with disbelief or "does not compute" blank looks. It's been pretty much the same on Urban, often with the addition of defensiveness and taking it personally (i.e. "How dare you say all white people are / I am racist?" when that's not what I've said. :/) It's not about individual people being prejudiced, calling people names or wearing white hoods. It's about a nation founded on white supremacist values that are still woven tight into the social, economic and political fabric of America. It's why people of colour thought moderate Clinton was a better bet as the Democrat nominee. It's why the GOP have rode so hard to keep non-white people from voting since forever. It's why it was mainly congressmen and women of colour who boycotted Trump's inauguration and are saying they won't work with his administration, and why folks of colour are angry with white politicians who make any ovations towards the Trump team. It's why the policing tactics at women's marches across the US where miles away from those used in Black Lives Matters demos (and why some white women are suggesting the lack of incidents on Saturday shows they know how to "organise right" ergo, Black people don't. :(

Nowt's going to change until there's acknowledgement of the situ as a starter.

By the way, he name checks Maxine Waters. She is my hero. I agree that the only way to deal with the rising kleptocracy in the US is to flatly refuse to engage with it. Full stop.

Sound like US politic is a total zero sum game, either/or all the way through... where even working class whites have no interests whatsoever in common with working class black people. Unbelievably toxic. British racism almost looks amateurish and half-arsed in comparison.

By the way ignoring the kleptocracy isn't really an option, they control your water, your food supply, your credit, your real estate, your energy and the monopoly of violence held by the state. Try an ignore them, watch as they gather round and then pounce all at once like a pack of hyenas and choke you to death right there on the curb in front of everyone, "I can't breath" or no. Ignoring them would be an error.
Not sure how many very wealthy women get trapped in such abusive relationships. There isn't any evidence whatsoever that she is - the fact that Donald is a piece of shit isn't evidence. Just strikes me as denying her any agency.

Why don't you have a look? I don't expect you will find that abuse is limited to the working and middle classes. I have no idea whether Melania is in an abusive situation (though do have my own suspicions based on his character). My objection was to the posts that implied that her intelligence or strength made it unlikely. The extension of that is that only weak or stupid women (and men) end up in abusive relationships. A common misconception, see 'why doesn't she just leave him?' etc. Abuse robs its victims of their agency. That's part of the picture. It's a bit of a derail but I think it's important to pick up on that sort of thing; women find it hard enough to be honest about their abuse and you never know who's reading.

I usually just lurk here because it's a bit adversarial for me, so having made my adversarial posts I will now return to lurking :thumbs:

I don't the meme is. At first I thought it was a bit funny but then, haw haw Donald slaps his missus about a bit much. Sorry if I've offended you

Thanks - I wasn't offended, just wanted to make the point because of what I said there ^^
what about the intelligent people who voted for him?

what about the stupid people who voted for hilary?
I was expressing my opinion that it was stupid to vote for Trump. I won't go into all the reasons. It's my opinion and you can of course disagree.

The stupidity, smartness or in between-ness of people who voted for Clinton are irrelevant to the crisis we are facing now. She's out of the frame.
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