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the south atlantic industrial zone is 'go' (priti patel floated idea of sending asylum seekers to ascension island)

They could fly them down there 'Rendition Class' in a C-17 from BZZ. It would be wildly expensive but when has that ever stopped the MoD?

Can that even land there now (or more importantly, take off again)? AFAIK only a tiny bit of the runway is currently serviceable, in order to deal with the St Helena flight when it needs to divert..?

edit; yes the C-17 can do it. Bumpy landing though.

And here's a BA 747 leaving the Falklands:


This is the same aircraft that was destroyed in in Kuwait, after not dropping off UK special forces

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If they want a god awful shithole to house asylum seekers theirs always the Isle of sheppy.
Ascension island the Royal Navy built a rainforest onhttps://www.google.com/amp/s/www.independent.co.uk/news/science/man-made-rainforest-baffles-scientists-32593.html%3famp

It also has a bar the only one for 4000 miles if your on a trooping flight.
It's one of the stupidest ideas floated in a sea of stupid ideas. I can see how Patel might take it seriously.
It's an idea so stupid that a comedian would have dismissed it as a pisstake for being so improbable.
There's maybe a couple hundred of thousand fp to pass through ascension island on the way to drain Falkland sound and save the penguins. They will leave nothing on ai bar a new pontins-style resort.

Won‘t they need some sort of manufacturing facility to build the canoes for the remainder of the journey?
It's one of the stupidest ideas floated in a sea of stupid ideas. I can see how Patel might take it seriously.
It's an idea so stupid that a comedian would have dismissed it as a pisstake for being so improbable.
You won't believe how much effort the board of the saiz put into this, we're all very happy at how receptive the government has been toward measures designed for their extirpation
Yeah, your idea is sound Pickmans, after it's implemented, in years to come, I reckon a commemorative pound coin. At least.

The People's Commissar for Public Safety (Designate) is designing a Challenge Coin for this very purpose. Pickman's model's heroic work on this Priority A Project has long been recognised, and it is the wish of the State Committee that he be rewarded - appropriately - for his dedication.

(No monetary value, may subsequently involve allegations of counter-revolutionary behaviour from a jealous non-entity culminating in a show trial with fabricated evidence, exile on the South Sandwich Islands and a cold, lonely death from starvation and hypothermia)
The People's Commissar for Public Safety (Designate) is designing a Challenge Coin for this very purpose. Pickman's model's heroic work on this Priority A Project has long been recognised, and it is the wish of the State Committee that he be rewarded - appropriately - for his dedication.

(No monetary value, may subsequently involve allegations of counter-revolutionary behaviour from a jealous non-entity culminating in a show trial with fabricated evidence, exile on the South Sandwich Islands and a cold, lonely death from starvation and hypothermia)
Well-fed penguins and fewer former people will be my reward, comrade
I have a feeling that Priti just saw some article about the Aussies packing them off to Nauru and demanded to know why we aren't doing the same. I suspect whoever she asked wanted to say "Don't be daft" but bit his tongue and some poor sod got stuck with the job of looking into it to buy time whilst his/her superiors convinced Priti the whole thing was a non-starter.
"How far is St. Helena from a little child at play?"
What makes you want to wander there with all the world between?
Oh, Mother, call your son again or else he'll run away.
(No one thinks of winter when the grass is green!)

"How far is St. Helena from a fight in Paris street?"
I haven't time to answer now—the men are falling fast.
The guns begin to thunder, and the drums begin to beat.
(If you take the first step, you will take the last!)

"How far is St. Helena from the field of Austerlitz?"
You couldn't hear me if I told—so loud the cannons roar.
But not so far for people who are living by their wits.
("Gay go up" means "Gay go down" the wide world o'er!)

"How far is St. Helena from an Emperor of France?"
I cannot see—I cannot tell—the Crowns they dazzle so.
The Kings sit down to dinner, and the Queens stand up to dance.
(After open weather you may look for snow!)

"How far is St. Helena from the Capes of Trafalgar?"
A longish way—a longish way—with ten year more to run.
It's South across the water underneath a falling star.
(What you cannot finish you must leave undone!)

"How far is St. Helena from the Beresina ice?"
An ill way—a chill way—the ice begins to crack.
But not so far for gentlemen who never took advice.
(When you can't go forward you must e'en come back!)

"How far is St. Helena from the field of Waterloo?"
A near way—a clear way—the ship will take you soon.
A pleasant place for gentlemen with little left to do.
(Morning never tries you till the afternoon!)

"How far from St. Helena to the Gate of Heaven's Grace?"
That no one knows—that no one knows—and no one ever will.
But fold your hands across your heart and cover up your face,
And after all your trapesings, child, lie still!
The phrase ‘former people’ is sinister as fuck. Though obviously it comes from a weirdo fantasist obsessed with penguin shit
I heard Branson has offered the government a contract on this for £1bn per flight and they are keen to go ahead.
Michael O'Leary would cut that price if there was a chance of a contract or maybe one of Grayling's famous ferries could be utilized for the transfers.
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