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*The Great U75 Politics Reading List Thread.

Finally got around to finishing Revolt on the Right by Ford and Goodwin. Great book, I do not think that there is much I can say regarding it that hasn't already been done to death here other than the fact that I'm a bit confused that it never seems to use the Tea Party in the USA as a point of reference, a comparison which is a lot more apt than any comparisons between UKIP and the FN or the Austrian Freedom Party.
Well have a read here and think again.

State feudalism is a pretty worthless term. I know you like your wollf and that but...

I read that a few years ago, didn't find their criticism of Ticktin very persuasive. I should really re-read it and see if I've changed my mind.

But Cliff/Shachtmanite state capitalism/bureaucratic collectivism deserves to be confined to the dustbin. :p
The Case of Comrade Tulayev by Victor Serge. Very bleak, but given the subject matter it could be little else.
Have looked for Memoirs of a revolutionary as e-book but with no luck so will have to look for print copy.
cheeky request for help: Been talking with afriend about the relationship between technology, class struggle and historical development. he's been reading some althusserian and critical realist stuff I think, stuff that's kind of technologically determinist - changes in forces if production shape history to put it crudely and I was saying that I thought it was the other way around - that class struggles shape the development and application of technology.

He asked me for reading recommendations on this perspective but I can't think of any - I think my views on it are influenced mainly by discussions on here and maybe a bit from reading capital also. So I was wondering if anyone has anything to recommend - pretty sure this is the perspective the autonomists and people like that have taken so maybe butchersapron might know of something I could point him in the direction of? Thanks.
This is the key text for that operaist/autonomist understanding:

The capitalist use of machinery: Marx versus the objectivists - Raniero Panzieri, which really needs to be read alongside Surplus value and planning and Tronti-s Workers and Capital-post-script (these were among the first texts i ever put on line because i felt together they were so crucial). CSE Pamphlet #1 The Labour Process and Class Strategies is worth a dig around for - includes some of the above. Similar vein is Outlines of a Critique of Technology and Science, Technology, and the Labour Process. A modern application of the approach can be found in Cyber-Marx: Cycles and Circuits of Struggle in High Tech Capitalism - first half of this book is fantastic on this and would suggest a reading of the panzieri then onto this.

edit: and of course another key one is Harry Braverman's Labor and Monopoly Capital: The Degradation of Work in the Twentieth Century - he does take a sort of deterministic position, but it's simple to read against this and ask just why capital goes to such lengths to deskill and to enclose specialist or technical knowledge.

Oh yeah, part two of Caffentzis' recent collection In Letters of Blood and Fire: Work, Machines, and the Crisis of Capitalism
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Another possibly useful one - second section talks about how workers resistance to work and the forms of top-down discipline bosses tried to impose drove technological developments to bypass them and fed into planned deskilling/enclosure of technical knowledge - i.e as result of political struggle rather than some objective unfolding process:
Progress Without People: New Technology, Unemployment, and the Message of Resistance

Many academic studies today purport to describe and explain the advance of industrial automation, but few ever even mention a major impulse behind that advance: management's obsession with and struggle for control over workers. Any scholar who so much as suggests that such a motivation exists is typically derided as a simple minded conspiracy theorist, and his or her work is dismissed without a hearing. The rest, wanting to appear sophisticated, construct elaborate theories in their effort to avoid the obvious, which is much liketrying to describe the action in a boxing match while pretending there is only one fighter in the ring.

He also has this, could be used by your mate at a push, but not when read with the understanding from my other post of the bosses being driven to innovate due to class conflict - i.e being driven there by workers:

Forces of Production: A Social History of Industrial Automation

Focusing on the design and implementation of computer-based automatic machine tools, David F. Noble challenges the idea that technology has a life of its own. Technology has been both a convenient scapegoat and a universal solution, serving to disarm critics, divert attention, depoliticize debate, and dismiss discussion of the fundamental antagonisms and inequalities that continue to beset America. This provocative study of the postwar automation of the American metal-working industry-the heart of a modern industrial economy-explains how dominant institutions like the great corporations, the universities, and the military, along with the ideology of modern engineering shape, the development of technology. Noble shows how the system of "numerical control," perfected at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and put into general industrial use, was chosen over competing systems for reasons other than the technical and economic superiority typically advanced by its promoters...Competing methods, equally promising, were rejected because they left control of production in the hands of skilled workers, rather than in those of management or programmers.
the 'Close the IMF, Abolish Debt...' piece seems to be removed- links to all other articles working fine but that one seems to be gone... (It's actually linked to twice on the index page, but both links are dead :hmm: :( )
What is the best source to learn from in regards to the history of socialism?

Start at Karl Marx and then read about the Russian revolution?
What is the best source to learn from in regards to the history of socialism?

Start at Karl Marx and then read about the Russian revolution?
Sorry for missing this earlier - there are many many introductions from the most basic to the most detailed, i'd suggest going with this one for starters then working around its limits - geographical/theoretical/historical perspective etc - but it will get you in the game at least: Forging Democracy: The History of the Left in Europe, 1850-2000 - Geoff Eley
I'm looking for a book on the history of Russia - something fairly general and not too much of a doorstopper. Any recommendations?
Apologies for sounding like a twat, but at what 'level' are you at/wanting to begin from?

Also, what kind of history? The historiography has been heavily politicised, particularly covering the twentieth century for obvious reasons (the crossing of Russian, or Slavic, or Soviet studies with 'Sovietology'), and also the perhaps narrow preoccupations with Russia and the 'West,' questions of belonging or being cut off, of being advanced versus backward, etc. Basically, it can be a minefield which I won't pretend to have navigated well myself, aside from entertaining Xmas stocking fillers written by Tories. You could pick up Know Your Enemy: The Rise and Fall of America's Soviet Experts by David C. Engerman (got it as a pdf), which isn't exactly what you're after. It would be useful for some context in which diverse western (or specifically US) historians went about their work, though.
Yeah, I guessed it was a minefield. I don't really want strong pro/anti standpoints on the USSR*, and I don't want re-interpretations of the revolutions according to True Marxism or any bollocks like that. I'd also like it to go back at least to the beginning of the 'modern' period (flexibly interpreted) and possibly further. No Tories :D

*I mean, I realise I can't get an objective take on it, but maybe a writer with enough restraint to bracket their own views a little while they discuss it.

Edit: on the issue of level, pretty introductory - I would expect any book covering hundreds of years to be fairly basic.
You could do better than that, then. And it's going to be difficult re the revolution and USSR to get what you want (see, for example, Orlando Figes' 1000-page posh liberal whinge about civic-minded aristos and the Stolypin reforms being frustrated by an intransigent Tsarism, thus creating the conditions for a horrid revolution).

You could try A History of Russia: Medieval, Modern, Contemporary, C. 882-1996 by Paul Dukes, and Russia: A History, edited by George L. Freeze. It's a different country but with an important shared past so you could also get Orest Subetlny's Ukraine: A History.

With keeping in mind my previous post, then for a taste of how Russian development is seen from a certain western viewpoint, Richard Pipes' Russia under the Old Regime is a primer from the perspective of the authoritarian or 'statist' school. Similarly, Tibor Szamuely's The Russian Tradition.

Here's the US historian book I mentioned earlier.
......this looks interesting....esp. as Nick Toczek's promised full scale follow-up to The Bigger Tory Vote is apparenrtly never going to see the light....

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