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Would remapping the World remap politics ?

Not everyone's forgotten that you are yet to justify your hastily and foolishly blurted out claim that mapping never has any political consequences.
No, I didn't say that. I said that a remapping of the world would not remap politics. And you've yet to produce anything which counters that claim.
And? Does that somehow mean that I'm wrong? Does it mean you're writing decent verse? Or does it mean you're a sad sack trying (and failing) to pass off another's work as your own
No it means that you think Walt Whitman can piss like a gnat
I haven't taken part of this debate coz I thought it was a simple one to resolve

obviously your WRONG
Yup, he knows he can't defend his position. I pretty much nailed the situation in post 3 of the thread:

So you actually believe that these remappings had no political consequences. Yet again, Koknbul demonstrating a somewhat more sophisticated understanding of history and politics than you.

Apologies to Koknbul for the damning with faint praise.
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