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Would remapping the World remap politics ?

Apologies I take it all back just clicked rewind and found this

I want to know how to do the Honey Singing teach me
So to find the honey that suits you can you take a deep breath & time how long you buzz for.
I will use this measurement to see what type of honey you must use
So to find the honey that suits you can you take a deep breath & time how long you buzz for.
I will use this measurement to see what type of honey you must use
Wait I have to go and get various honeys first ? Like which kinds squishy or very posh with combs in
Are you actually managing to eat anything other than honey? It seems reasonable to ask if you are ok. No honey singing for me tonight but I will proceed with the enterprise tomorrow i fully do intend. Don’t go anywhere like in the bin.
Are you actually managing to eat anything other than honey? It seems reasonable to ask if you are ok. No honey singing for me tonight but I will proceed with the enterprise tomorrow i fully do intend. Don’t go anywhere like in the bin.
I don't eat the honey
I make honey bubbles
With the honey bubbles I create a unique sound by getting them to bubble

I'll teach you the honey bubble technique first,

Bimble is going to bumble 🙃
Oh god. It reminds of being young when Uber wasn’t invented yet & I probably couldn’t have afforded it anyway, if it had, out there in yurt country.
The yurt is in your mind

Uncloud your thoughts & remember the never ending energy that lights your life.
You sing songs about a vulnerable child being inducted into a life of crime and consider it uplifting. Right
I'm sure at some stage in your long and illustrious life you have told at least one truth that ended as a lie, weather it was a change of mind or opinion, it ended as a lie.
Gotta say that I was so hopeful of the potential cartographic/political economy overlap and cross fertilisation that a thread opening with the words Would remapping the World remap politics ? might yield. Thus far, I'm cruelly disappointed.

I like fantasy maps.

250 Million Years AD


Pangea Proxima is one of several future supercontinents predicted by geologists, and on top of it I have added some fictional places. I was mainly thinking of various civilisations and large natural/unnatural features. The central areas of the supercontinent have a tendency to be extremely arid, hence the Great Hulud Desert. The Fertile Quarter is an exception, a lush area which has been artificially expanded with assistance from the Andromeda Mission. This expansion was originally intended to be undertaken by the machine civilisation based in and around Prime Radiant, across the Sea of Tethys. But when the Interloper crashed to Earth in the south, Prime Radiant cordoned off the site and has since been embroiled in some kind of obscure civil war, with satellite imagery showing fighting for possession of the crash site between various factions.

Elsewhere, more mysteries abound. The Forest of Whispers is a massive clonal colony of genetically identical trees, possibly the oldest thing labelled on the map. Its name stems from the legend that the entire forest is a conscious entity, capable of communicating via the wind blowing through its leaves.

Also I love heavy metal, it's the best form of rock.
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