Anyway, coming back to this argument...yeah, I'd been thinking of some stuff along similar lines, I think there's limits to how useful "subcultural" on its own is as an explainer. Woodstock or the RAR carnivals were subcultural, and I'm sure they had their problems and limitations, but they were also a lot more popular and wide-reaching than most of what we have to offer.
Also, dunno if you read that Robert Evans piece, but again I think it had some quite strong parallels with what you're saying:
We failed to stop the rise of fascism. What comes next?
In particular, on the subculture discussion, I had also been thinking about how it is that the far-right's subcultures with their QAnons and cereal-naming Proud Boys and sigma grindsets and blackpilled groypers or whatever can be so bizarre that they make anything on the left look tame and sensible, and yet they seem to have found a way to harness the energy of deeply-weird-yet-very-energetic subcultures while also broadening their reach and growing their base. Of course, it's hard to make direct comparisons with the right, because the first and strongest lesson you can learn from looking at the contemporary MAGA movement is "it helps to have very rich and powerful men on your side", which isn't really applicable.
And, as we've discussed, there is an inherent asymmetery here, it seems like they've adapted well to the internet because alienated and isolated people forming one-sided parasocial relationships with Andrew Tate or Trump or Musk or Farage or Robinson or whoever seems to be a fairly strong basis for a certain kind of right-wing politics, but even if we did succeed in getting Corbyn to start a successful podcast with Mick Lynch or whoever I'm not sure that would be too much of a basis for a genuinely liberatory communal movement.
In 2016/17 I got the impression that the 4chan trolls really struggled at trying to turn all their memes and so on into a functional street movement that could stand up to a bit of pressure irl, I dunno how much that may or may not have changed this time round.