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Would remapping the World remap politics ?

with all this talk of honey etc i think we know who Koknbul is, the nefandous prime minister out of his face on absinthe or similar

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Gotta say that I was so hopeful of the potential cartographic/political economy overlap and cross fertilisation that a thread opening with the words Would remapping the World remap politics ? might yield. Thus far, I'm cruelly disappointed.
Gotta say that I was so hopeful of the potential cartographic/political economy overlap and cross fertilisation that a thread opening with the words Would remapping the World remap politics ? might yield. Thus far, I'm cruelly disappointed.
In that case I would suggest to lowering your expectations to less than nothing then you should have nothing to complain about...

Although I am guessing even then you would manage to find fault with probably your own thoughts on the subject...
I think it would be marvelous if all world leaders got together with an independent adjudicator and were forced to draw out who exactly owns what from this point onwards forever and ever.
Yeah yeah we know you claim ancestoral ownership from 200 years ago etc. etc. but you didn't give a shit till they found oil blah blah.
We're going to thrash out what's a fair acreage based on an agreed universal formula taking into account natural resources.
Then that's what you get. End of.
No changing your mind because someone finds some extra gold mines 20 years from now.

Plant a nuke in each territory. Someone starts an aggression the adjudicator blows em up.
jesus fucking christ 5 pages on this idiots latest brainfart. sad barrel scrapings no thanks why is it still being entertained and fed ?
Brainfarts are in high demand these days !

Didn't you get the memo ?
I think it would be marvelous if all world leaders got together with an independent adjudicator and were forced to draw out who exactly owns what from this point onwards forever and ever.
Yeah yeah we know you claim ancestoral ownership from 200 years ago etc. etc. but you didn't give a shit till they found oil blah blah.
We're going to thrash out what's a fair acreage based on an agreed universal formula taking into account natural resources.
Then that's what you get. End of.
No changing your mind because someone finds some extra gold mines 20 years from now.

Plant a nuke in each territory. Someone starts an aggression the adjudicator blows em up.
Great Idea 💡 👍
jesus fucking christ 5 pages on this idiots latest brainfart. sad barrel scrapings no thanks why is it still being entertained and fed ?
tbf, they have yet to introduce Brexit into their stream of unconsciousness.
How’s the thread going better ?

Bin him off already srsly

Simple & fresh & fair from winter's close emerging,
As if no artifice of fashion, business, politics, had ever been,
Forth from its sunny nook of shelter'd grass—innocent, golden, calm as the dawn,
The spring's first dandelion shows its trustful face.
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