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Would remapping the World remap politics ?

What’s this go to do with the great mapping summit?
I wondered that, but I kind of like it. It's a bit like what they tried to do in those films featuring the Beatles sort-of trying to act while at the same tme being themselves.

Have you been to the Maparium in Boston MA? It's amazing, even though built, managed and maintained by religious nut jobs.
The communist world, inside out, seems a little more extensive than I’d realised
It's shows the world as in was in 1935 or something. I think they were going to update it but that turned out to be too hard because it's made of stained glass.

It is genuinely awesome though. probably wasted on a shit thread like this.
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You're assuming that these various mappings have had political consequences. Go one then, put your money where your capacious gob is and tell me how the various editions of the times atlas have had political consequences. Or the bartholomew atlas, or the atlas in whitakers almanack
Perhaps you would like to first outline your definitions of "mappings" and "political consequences" which I expect you are going to make impossibly narrow in an attempt to shore up your hasty and embarrassing initial statement; one made in the adrenaline rush resulting from an apparent opportunity to put down a new poster with a glibly dismissive remark.
For a cosy little mapping thread this has suddenly gone a bit Khmer Rouge. Bit worried now, being a spectacles wearer.
Koknbul will have you standing in the market place with a sign round your neck by 1100 tomorrow morning then...
I love New Age fascism. I once, briefly, had a girlfriend who was amusingly New-Agey, but, when you scratched the surface, had a lot in common with fascists.
I love New Age fascism. I once, briefly, had a girlfriend who was amusingly New-Agey, but, when you scratched the surface, had a lot in common with fascists.
we are the onion

the peal & reseal
we are the onion

the peal & reseal
She had been sent to change me by an higher power (she actually said this in so many words.) We just happened to meet in the Crecent pub in Salford.

Krishna (or whoever the fuck) works in mysterious ways.
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