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Would remapping the World remap politics ?

She had been sent to change me by an higher power (she actually said this in so many words.) We just happened to meet in the Crecent pub in Salford.

Krishna (or whoever the fuck) works in mysterious ways.
i can prove there is life after death
Just as a matter of interest, if there was "physically" a way you could lower your expectations of a thread, how would this manifest?

The changes of chemistry in my brain and it’s electrical activity would be the physical manifestations. But we will never know.
So can I. Quite a few of my relatives/ contemporaries are now dead, but others are still alive.

This is a great thread, but I fear it will be gone in the morning.
its just another time stamp on eternity

realised by 2 vessels

channelling the never-ending energy
i know what i know

ask me a question

and ill give you an answer
1) What will the correct Sky Super 6 scores be next weekend
2) What is the next 'terrorist' organisation to be proscribed?
3) What crucial documents are missing from the Searchlight archive at Northampton University?
4) What is the first name of the woman fleeing domestic violence who was under siege after Hope Not Hate printed her house photo/address claiming somebody lived there who makes almost as many fund-raising appeals as Nick Lowles?
5) Which individual (s) are responsible for Everton FCs finances being so fucked up?

(I'll ask more difficult ones if you get these right)
Answers in red
1) What will the correct Sky Super 6 scores be next weekend 27
2) What is the next 'terrorist' organisation to be proscribed? radical
3) What crucial documents are missing from the Searchlight archive at Northampton University? the original ones
4) What is the first name of the woman fleeing domestic violence who was under siege after Hope Not Hate printed her house photo/address claiming somebody lived there who makes almost as many fund-raising appeals as Nick Lowles? the 1st victim !
5) Which individual (s) are responsible for Everton FCs finances being so fucked up? the wannabe mathematicians

(I'll ask more difficult ones if you get these right)
Answers in red
1) What will the correct Sky Super 6 scores be next weekend 27
2) What is the next 'terrorist' organisation to be proscribed? radical
3) What crucial documents are missing from the Searchlight archive at Northampton University? the original ones
4) What is the first name of the woman fleeing domestic violence who was under siege after Hope Not Hate printed her house photo/address claiming somebody lived there who makes almost as many fund-raising appeals as Nick Lowles? the 1st victim !
5) Which individual (s) are responsible for Everton FCs finances being so fucked up? the wannabe mathematicians

(I'll ask more difficult ones if you get these right)
All your answers wrong, some wildly so. In that respect, the exchange has been enlightening. Au revoir
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