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Would remapping the World remap politics ?

Spelling, not elocution. You should hear me when I open my gob.
there's a space between you & I
and between that space I'm deaf
but I can observe your body language
and I like your dance

do you trust my rhythm ?
there's a space between you & I
and between that space I'm deaf
but I can observe your body language
and I like your dance

do you trust my rhythm ?
I haven't tried to flirt (in my inept fashion) since about 1995. I'm not going to start now.
Perhaps you would like to first outline your definitions of "mappings" and "political consequences" which I expect you are going to make impossibly narrow in an attempt to shore up your hasty and embarrassing initial statement; one made in the adrenaline rush resulting from an apparent opportunity to put down a new poster with a glibly dismissive remark.
education lessons wouldn't hurt
If I educatated myself to your standard I would have to probably sacrifice alot of my originality.

I'm quite happy not knowing what you already know, I can float on water & sing when I'm eating honey, what else is there to know ?
If I educatated myself to your standard I would have to probably sacrifice alot of my originality.

I'm quite happy not knowing what you already know, I can float on water & sing when I'm eating honey, what else is there to know ?
manners for a start, talking with your gob full of honey's not going to attract people and singing with your mouth full of honey is just plain odd
manners for a start, talking with your gob full of honey's not going to attract people and singing with your mouth full of honey is just plain odd
I'm just expressing my views, you don't like my views & I'm OK with that.

I'm sure you have hidden talents, I can teach you the honey singing if you want to try it before you dismiss it ?
What's this got to do with the (insidey out) mapping conference?
It's all relevant, I'd suggest starting back again at the opening post, read each one & follow it through to the end if you are interested 😉
It's all relevant, I'd suggest starting back again at the opening post, read each one & follow it through to the end if you are interested 😉
No need for such a suggestion, I'm following carefully.
So the floating, honey singing is something to be done concurrently with the re-mapping? Won't the map get sticky?
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