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    Lazy Llama

*The Great U75 Politics Reading List Thread.

.....as Nick Toczek's promised full scale follow-up to The Bigger Tory Vote is apparenrtly never going to see the light.

...this just published...wish he'd stuck with the previous work though...


For fifty-five years, from 1919 until 1975, The Britons published Jew-hating literature. For the forty years until his death in 1948, the founder and president of The Britons, Henry Hamilton Beamish, devoted his life to touring the world as an obsessive preacher of this hatred. Using material he has collected over the past thirty years, Nick Toczek tells their story. This is the first complete history of The Britons, which was the most prolific and influential advocate of extreme prejudice against all things Jewish – not least as the publishers of that notorious forgery, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Likewise, his is the first biography of Beamish.

Putting both The Britons and Beamish into context, this book also examines and explains their precursors, their contemporaries and their legacy. Here, then are detailed accounts of hundreds of anti-Jewish organisations and individuals. These include the late-Victorian anti-Semitism of Arnold White and the British Brothers League; the curious life of Rotha Lintorn Orman who was the unlikely founder of British Fascisti, Britain’s first fascist party; Anglo-American supporters of Hitler; the lives and roles of extreme haters such as Arnold Leese and Colin Jordan; and the whole history of The Protocols, including the key role played by American motor magnate, Henry Ford. This shocking history of hatred takes us from South Africa to Nazi Germany, America to Rhodesia.
Can I put Submission by Houellebecq here please (without being accused of being an Islamaphobe for reading it)?

But let's be careful about fiction - unless we're talking about a novel/book of short stories/epic poem that gives real insight into a political problem or movement (rather than being just a good read), save it for the books forum.

Does it do the above? I think maybe it does but not in a historical sense in a chillingly current way (Paris, 2017, in the midst of a civil war between the National Front & the Muslim Brotherhood).
Haven't even finished it yet but think maybe I'm posting this here because I want support or something, from someone who has read it.
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Jar City by Arnaldur Indridason. A man is murdered in Reykavik Iceland a fairly routine murder investigation is launched but it is far from routine. The author cleverly weaves into the story ,up until then , the little known existence of the Icelandic governments genetic research programme. They stored all of the populations medical and family history without peoples consent. This formed the basis of an intriguing investigation.
I first heard about this Genetic Research Programme around 2000 when I heard a talk by Hilary Rose
I have previously suggested reading about who we are as beings before entering into beard stroking.


The above paper should be read. It proposes the evolutionary root of reactionaries. They show that political affiliation can be predicted from reaction to exposure to images that may be considered disgusting. This disgust sensitivity may be rooted in our evolution in an attempt to avoid infection.
If you want a good easily accessible starting place The Politics book by Paul Kelly is great

Chomsky is extremely readable I find so manufacturing consent from him & people over Profit
a few key ones for the moment I think:

Out of the Ghetto - Joe Jacobs

Our Flag Stays Red - Phil Piratin

The 43 Group - Morris Beckman (with intro by Vidal Sassoon!!)

Fascism, Stalinism, and the United Frobt - Leon Trotsky
The Ghetto Fights by Marek Edelman
I'm half way through Yanis Varoufakis' 'And the Weak Suffer What They Must'. So far its absolutely superb, a brilliant primer on the economic history of Europe in the past half century and the evolution of the EU. I confess I was ignorant about things like precisely how the EU was formed (an opportunistic amalgamation of German industry and French bureaucracy) and the whole business of Nixon's killing off the Breton Woods System. Varoufakis brings it all to life brilliantly. A fantastic intellectual demolition of how the EU operates from someone who has been on the receiving end of their financial thuggery first hand (and yet even he can still see how Brexit would not help.)
'Society of the Spectacle' Whaut the fucks all that about then? Dustiest book on my shelf. Just about understand chapter 4. If it wasn't for those clever little Spectacular Times books I wouldn't have a clue.

'The Revolution of Everyday Life' Ah now were getting somewhere. Can understand quite a bit of this, not averse to some bloody revolution.

'The Eclipse & Re-Emergence of the Communist Movement' Gilles Dauve & Francois Martin. Now this I like. Probably Debord's ideas made more accessable. Don't agree with every word of it but VERY influential.

'The Friends of Durruti Group: 1937-1939' Augustin Guillamon. Practical suggestions by people that were there & inspired a thread started by me in the philosphy section.

Beating The Fascists but I bet everybody says that. Not just militant anti:fascism but a brilliant expose of the machinations of the official anti-racist movement & middle class left.

'Ballymurphy and the Irish War' Ciaran De Baroid

'Spirit of Freedom' Attack International

And now 2 books i would personally like to thank: ' Unfinished Business: The Politics of Class War for explaining capitalism, the state & class struggle to a simpleton like me in the most open, accessable & understandable way possible. Absolute genius. Better than Das Kapital (not that id bother trying to read that fucker)

And now the book that has had the most practical influence in my life 'All Power to the Imagination' Dave Douglass. Turned me from a moany oh whats the use of unions ultra left stance to making me realise that if u weren't in a union u were basically a scab (helped along by repeated listening to Dropkick Murphys version of 'Which Side are you on?)
Lead me to one of my proudest political achievements: unionising a traditionally scab part of private industry & winning some serious concessions from management (if anyone is that intetested let me know & i'll post the details) Also if anyone on here personally knows Dave & someone must can they pass on my personal thanks for his inspiration.

Nice one Dave!:thumbs:
'Society of the Spectacle' Whaut the fucks all that about then? Dustiest book on my shelf. Just about understand chapter 4. If it wasn't for those clever little Spectacular Times books I wouldn't have a clue.

'The Revolution of Everyday Life' Ah now were getting somewhere. Can understand quite a bit of this, not averse to some bloody revolution.

'The Eclipse & Re-Emergence of the Communist Movement' Gilles Dauve & Francois Martin. Now this I like. Probably Debord's ideas made more accessable. Don't agree with every word of it but VERY influential.

'The Friends of Durruti Group: 1937-1939' Augustin Guillamon. Practical suggestions by people that were there & inspired a thread started by me in the philosphy section.

Beating The Fascists but I bet everybody says that. Not just militant anti:fascism but a brilliant expose of the machinations of the official anti-racist movement & middle class left.

'Ballymurphy and the Irish War' Ciaran De Baroid

'Spirit of Freedom' Attack International

And now 2 books i would personally like to thank: ' Unfinished Business: The Politics of Class War for explaining capitalism, the state & class struggle to a simpleton like me in the most open, accessable & understandable way possible. Absolute genius. Better than Das Kapital (not that id bother trying to read that fucker)

And now the book that has had the most practical influence in my life 'All Power to the Imagination' Dave Douglass. Turned me from a moany oh whats the use of unions ultra left stance to making me realise that if u weren't in a union u were basically a scab (helped along by repeated listening to Dropkick Murphys version of 'Which Side are you on?)
Lead me to one of my proudest political achievements: unionising a traditionally scab part of private industry & winning some serious concessions from management (if anyone is that intetested let me know & i'll post the details) Also if anyone on here personally knows Dave & someone must can they pass on my personal thanks for his inspiration.

Nice one Dave!:thumbs:
Have you read de baroid's 'down north'?
I haven't seen this one mentioned yet (although similar) in this thread:

Hunter Thompson's Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail '72 - remarkable how similar tactics are criticized in the book from 1972 are still employed to a greater extent today, on both sides of the Atlantic. The book is rather dense, and Thompson is sometimes hard to read through.

For a read that is a bit more enjoyable (filled with different faxes, photographs, and various mediums of writing throughout) Thompson's Better Than Sex: Confessions of a Political Junkie is just as interesting of a read given the current political atmosphere.

EDIT: format
Ameilia smith - the arab spring five year's on

When considering the length of the book, it is understandable that it's impossible to cover everyhting about the Arab Spring, which has several aspects to it. However, it would have improved the book a wee tad more to include three more articles about the roles of Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Iran which as everyone know's - are the main regional actors and have been directly involved in conflicts in the region


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The Future of Freedom: Illiberal Democracy at Home and Abroad by Fareed Zakaria is a great read. Anyone read anything similar?

Still pricy. I wanted an ebook (I find them easier to get through) really for now. I can probably borrow a hardcopy from the Uni library at a later date when needed.

Even better would be a hardcopy plus ebook bundle. At, say, a tenner max? I'd buy that.

I know, I know...:(
They'll probably have another sale before christmas, they usually do, and ebooks come free with any physical copy, i think
Has anyone got any tips for reading, and more crucially, fully understanding, some of the more impenetrable political books? I'd imagine note-taking is a must, but I don't know where to begin.

I'd like to be able to read more situationist and council communist stuff, but I end up finding myself lost within a maze of words. I spend ten minutes getting to grips with one sentence, only to read the next and discover that I've completely forgotten everything that's gone before it.
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