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A thread for posting memes and pisstakes of the current government, and the end of the world

People like Odey and JRM? Nah.

If they are though it makes them yet more venal and greedy. More vicious in their efforts.
No, they're the ones grabbing the coin. But - as our little Russian friend is also finding out - there is only so much you can corrupt out of the system before the system starts to collapse. We are starting to pay the price for that, and there will be consequences - far too late, and with the potential for far too much harm to the population, but those consequences will feed upwards.

The Tories have been artificially propping up the housing market for years to keep their voter base onside, so we now have an overheated property situation where any loss of confidence (which is happening now), driven by interest rate rises that substantially increase the cost of servicing the vast amounts of debt on which it has been propped up, is likely to trigger a death spiral as people start to bale out, followed by those who end up being foreclosed on, and can't/don't pay their mortgages, pushing prices down and accelerating the flight.

Likewise, the Brexit lie was only sustainable while the swivel-eyed loons could handwave at a notionally successful economy, and (largely falsely) claim that as a Brexit success - those chickens are also coming home to roost.

And, as the markets continue to lose confidence in the UK's economic management, the cost of government debt is going to go up and up, along with the level of debt itself (we're seeing that already), and that's going to create its own death spiral.

To be fair (which sticks in my throat), the government HAVE had to contend with Covid, and now the consequences of the Russian war in Ukraine, but those along would "only" have been economic shocks, not the straw that broke the camel's back. But the camel was already overladen with straws, and a complacent and venal government, interested only in grabbing what it could at the time, never priced in the possibilities of some or other external event(s) buggering things up. Liz Truss is, in many ways, just the "fall guy" who happens to have been where the Tory leadership wheel stopped spinning just in time for everything to come crashing down...although she didn't help the situation much.

Anyway, this isn't a meme. Oops.
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