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The end of scab tills

That's the whole "consistent user interface" thing someone elae has said. I tend to avoid Sainsburys since they brought in "scan your receipt to exit, you thief" so I can only say the old Lidl ones used to need a button pushed before starting to throw a bag on the sensor and the new ones just say Have At It and merrily go on their way once you plop your bags on. There does seem to be a limit to how heavy your bags can be. It's fine when I've got my prescriptions already in the bag, but balked when I tried to be more efficient by putting my sholley on the scale. (this annoyed the checkout fuhrer to no end)
I always enjoy the bit about following other people through the exit in Sainsbury's
That's the whole "consistent user interface" thing someone elae has said. I tend to avoid Sainsburys since they brought in "scan your receipt to exit, you thief" so I can only say the old Lidl ones used to need a button pushed before starting to throw a bag on the sensor and the new ones just say Have At It and merrily go on their way once you plop your bags on. There does seem to be a limit to how heavy your bags can be. It's fine when I've got my prescriptions already in the bag, but balked when I tried to be more efficient by putting my sholley on the scale. (this annoyed the checkout fuhrer to no end)
Glad to see the condescending attitude to those of us that do this job is even very apparent on U75...have to say i've been quite suprised that even here people appear to be ignorant of how supermarkets work...disappointing how much some posters seem to take great delight in making our jobs even harder :rolleyes:
Glad to see the condescending attitude to those of us that do this job is even very apparent on U75...have to say i've been quite suprised that even here people appear to be ignorant of how supermarkets work...disappointing how much some posters seem to take great delight in making our jobs even harder :rolleyes:
I don't want to make your job harder. I just wanted to see if I could dump my food directly into the sholley and get out faster. It doesn't work, there's a limit to how heavy your "bags" can be. No problem, won't try it again. My local checkout supervisor can be quite shouty and deserves the moniker. If you thought it applied to you, then I apologise unreservedly for writing it that way. Though it does not change my opinion of Shouty Man. (And TBF, most of his victims deserve it. Like what the fuck are the public actually think... well they're not thinking)
I hate them sometimes too. Especially those who’d rather queue up and bother me at my desk and distract me from what I’m doing, when they can scan the books out themselves. Returning them is even easier. But when you ask them to use the machines, they get all smug and hoity toity with you, saying they’d rather have a conversation. What about me? I don’t want to have a dull conversation, I’m busy with other stuff and haven’t got time for your small talk. Use the fucking machine you smug determinedly-ignorant dolt, and stop acting like you’re doing me a favour by giving me more work to do.

This post was brought to you by A Long Day At Work In A Public Library
Service with a scowl.
The local Sainsbury's has now removed the "scan to exit" barriers. On a couple of occasions when the barrier did not accept my receipt, I simply pushed through.

Reading the article that someone posted above, I realised that there has been a change in my behaviour. I did actively seek out the staffed checkouts rather than the self-service ones, but have stopped doing that, prompted by the lack of staffed tills. I realised that I do miss chatting to the check-out worker.
Lovely staff at my local library were happy to scan my books for me. They said they enjoy the interaction and I do too. I’m not lonely but I do live on my own and sometimes don’t have a face to face conversation for a few days in a row.

I also said hello to them when I entered.

The bigger libraries locally - Exeter in particular aren’t like this, they have more footfall I suppose so a different experience. I imagine the smaller libraries - my nearest one is about the size of a school classroom - always have two members of staff on at a time as single-crewing would be a health and safety risk. Sometimes the staff outnumber the punters!
I see that there BBC are happy to peddle the PR line that self-checkout is quicker, despite this logically being complete nonsense. They make out that staffed tills are just about the chance to have a conversation.
scan as you shop is far quicker , especially if you can actually follow instructions and pre-empt the obvious things that will require input booze / tagged items.

self checkout at the self checkout till is quicker for a lot of routine 'basket' shopping rather than fuyll on trolley shop
If I thought I could get my 40 items from my wheely basket into my two balanced IKEA totes any faster, I would go to a normal till ...but in Aldi it would take a crazy amount of bending down.
There's no way I'm going to start using a big trolley or the packing shelf
The mini trolley means I can't end up with more than I can carry
Lovely staff at my local library were happy to scan my books for me. They said they enjoy the interaction and I do too. I’m not lonely but I do live on my own and sometimes don’t have a face to face conversation for a few days in a row.

I also said hello to them when I entered.

The bigger libraries locally - Exeter in particular aren’t like this, they have more footfall I suppose so a different experience. I imagine the smaller libraries - my nearest one is about the size of a school classroom - always have two members of staff on at a time as single-crewing would be a health and safety risk. Sometimes the staff outnumber the punters!
It's so we always have someone to chat to
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