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The children of Windrush

Rudd, a liar or incompetent. Possibly both.
It's quite fun watching her waver between the two, though.

I do find it quite astonishing that an entire political party can manage to field quite such a comprehensive team of incompetents, losers, transparent liars, and socially awkward fools, quite so consistently. I find it even more astonishing that they're even remotely electable.
[QUOTE="existentialist, post: 15537341,
I do find it quite astonishing that an entire political party can manage to field quite such a comprehensive team of incompetents, losers, transparent liars, and socially awkward fools, quite so consistently. I find it even more astonishing that they're even remotely electable.[/QUOTE]

It does seem to be a particular type of weirdo that goes into politics
Tory chairman says he discussed deportations with Amber Rudd

Brandon Lewis has admitted knowing about attempts to increase the number of government deportations and discussing them with Amber Rudd while a minister in her department, increasing pressure on the home secretary to resign.

The Conservative party chairman said he had seen the memo that was leaked to the Guardian on Friday and said he had talked to Rudd about “ambitions” to increase the number of people deported from Britain.

Lewis’s claims appear to contradict Rudd’s evidence to the home affairs select committee last Wednesday, when she was asked when targets for removals were set. Rudd told the committee: “We do not have targets for removals.”...
It's quite fun watching her waver between the two, though.

I do find it quite astonishing that an entire political party can manage to field quite such a comprehensive team of incompetents, losers, transparent liars, and socially awkward fools, quite so consistently. I find it even more astonishing that they're even remotely electable.

i am increasingly appalled by the utter conceit that these elected official seem to hold for their electorate - when wa the last time anyone actully held their hands up, admitted they were incompetent, corrupt or a serial liar and actually left parliament- not just resigned from their cabinet but actually did the right thing and left politics ?
i am increasingly appalled by the utter conceit that these elected official seem to hold for their electorate - when wa the last time anyone actully held their hands up, admitted they were incompetent, corrupt or a serial liar and actually left parliament- not just resigned from their cabinet but actually did the right thing and left politics ?
Well, TBF, even that wouldn't be enough for me. If Amber Rudd isn't rocking the hair shirt, sackcloth, and ashes look by this time next week, she hasn't gone nearly far enough. Then again, you'd have to shave pretty much every hairy animal in the land, create an environmental catastrophe in ash production, and denude the country of sacks for justice to be served on all the MPs who deserve to do the same.

Time was when having the "full confidence" of a Prime Minister was the cue for a prompt departure into oblivion. Something has gone terribly wrong.
Tories are now trying to get away with an internal Home Office inquiry to make "a full review of lessons learned, independent oversight and external challenge."

Home Office review into Windrush failings

Whereas Labour are pushing a "motion for a return" this afternoon to get all relevant internal documents handed to the Commons Home Affairs Committee. This would include information about any detentions or deportations, the setting of deportation targets, and how the policies were seen as affecting people’s lives.
Human rights experts appointed by the UN have expressed concerns about structural racism in the UK.
UN express serious concerns of ‘racist fabric’ of UK society
Certainly Police and the law ratchet their activities and judgements up a notch when non-Whites are in the frame. So I don’t make one of the major political parties any more culpable than any other over Windrush. Nor do I think middle ranking or senior civil servants are less involved in wrongful treatment of people over immigration issues...
Labour lost the motion requesting all files etc be made available to the Commons by 220-something to 316. It would be very interesting to see who from Labour didn't turn up.
Another example ...

Windrush NHS nurse, 81, is separated from her six kids and homeless in Jamaica after being refused re-entry to Britain following 2010 holiday (click for more)

Emotional return to Britain for exiled Windrush great-grandmother, 81, as she arrives at Gatwick after nine years stranded in Jamaica[/url] (click for more)


(Source: Daily Mirror)

Gretel Gocan, 81, who came to the UK in 1960, has now been reunited with her family after almost a decade of enforced exile in Jamaica with no home, no cash and no pension.​
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