159.9 a litre
Firstly I hope nothing bad happened, this is also a good example I think of an individual scenario that represents the bigger picture in more ways than one.When I was 12/13, a rumour went around my school that a 'pervert' had molested a boy on a piece of waste ground near where I lived.
I was a completely isolated, confused and obviously horny gay lad. So I must have spent every night that week hanging around said waste ground in case the pervert showed up.
And that's the sort of thing that happens if you don't teach kids properly about sexuality.
The 'squeamish' bit as has been alluded to is acknowledging the thought that a 12/13 year old could be having sexually related thoughts. That is then outweighed by the need to discuss it in the 1st place (still in an age appropriate way) to prevent putting them in the way of potential danger.