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The Canary, views and discussion...

Interesting that the person who runs The Canary is a conspiray theorist. There seems to be an undercurrent of conspiratorial ideology that isn't immediately obvious with the left liberal bits of facebook, one thing that disturbs me quite a bit is just how often and how many people link to the 'Jihadi John's Day Off' page. The page links to any old shit including weird US economic crank stuff but it is run by (and you can guess from the name) people who believe that terrorist attacks are staged and include 'crisis actors'.
My partner - posts on here as geri - ex-militant, ex-IWCA, too hot for labour too handle said something about this page and it caused a massive fucking row on friday. Still not happy.
My partner - posts on here as geri - ex-militant, ex-IWCA, too hot for labour too handle said something about this page and it caused a massive fucking row on friday. Still not happy.

Even before I realised the other stuff I thought the name alone was too sick for anyone with an ounce of common sense to tolerate but apparently not, I don't see what there is to row about, at least in defence of the page.
Interesting that the person who runs The Canary is a conspiray theorist. There seems to be an undercurrent of conspiratorial ideology that isn't immediately obvious with the left liberal bits of facebook, one thing that disturbs me quite a bit is just how often and how many people link to the 'Jihadi John's Day Off' page. The page links to any old shit including weird US economic crank stuff but it is run by (and you can guess from the name) people who believe that terrorist attacks are staged and include 'crisis actors'.
There's certainly money to be made from marketing that as an ideology. This is wider enough to not quite impinge on that market.
are you trying to do a pastiche of my writing style, its good to write in secret codes sometimes, give clues etc

I'm taking the piss out of your hyped up pretend paranoid writing style.

It's like watching jelly being fired from one particle accelerator at custard projected from another. A massively incomprehensible blancmangeish conspiracy.
Seriously, can we permanently ban kingfisher now, he's ruining a load of threads with his shit masquerading as politics and analysis. He's also obviously really mentally unwell and this can't be doing him any good either.

kingfisher, I'm sure you'll see this as some conspiracy to silence you and the truth, but ffs wind your ego in, there's enough people here telling you that you're spouting complete bollocks, fuck off and get some help and come back when you're better.

Re: the topic at hand. Thanks for all the contributions, it's pretty much what I have come to conclude too. Hopefully the demise of this shit publication will be quick and painful.
Are you qualified to make this diagnosis? Attack the poster on the views that they express but to cast aspersions on the state of their mental health is not helpful.

He's referred to being mentally unwell himself numerous times, so I don't see what the issue is with mentioning it.

And also, if we're looking at people's views, surely it's always useful to think about why someone might have the position that they're espousing - ether from political or personal background?

And looking at the things kingfisher is going on about the only conclusions are that he's mentally unwell or incredibly ignorant, and to think he's mentally unwell is the more charitable option. And engaging with the incoherent pack of rubbish he goes on about is crediting it with more value than it's worth - not to mention pretty impossible as it's all so over the shop.

And so what about mentioning mental illness anyway? There should be no more stigma attached to saying someone is mentally ill and that's probably why they're ranting paranoid drivel, than saying they're got a broken leg and that's probably why they're limping. Fuck staying silent and pretending it's not there when it's what everyone reading his posts is thinking anyway.


Where do 30th anniversary if the miners strike sit in amongst this sort of thing. I just saw a post by them quoting David icke linking to a daily mail story.

I may have just answered my own question :hmm:
He's referred to being mentally unwell himself numerous times, so I don't see what the issue is with mentioning it.

And also, if we're looking at people's views, surely it's always useful to think about why someone might have the position that they're espousing - ether from political or personal background?

And looking at the things kingfisher is going on about the only conclusions are that he's mentally unwell or incredibly ignorant, and to think he's mentally unwell is the more charitable option. And engaging with the incoherent pack of rubbish he goes on about is crediting it with more value than it's worth - not to mention pretty impossible as it's all so over the shop.

And so what about mentioning mental illness anyway? There should be no more stigma attached to saying someone is mentally ill and that's probably why they're ranting paranoid drivel, than saying they're got a broken leg and that's probably why they're limping. Fuck staying silent and pretending it's not there when it's what everyone reading his posts is thinking anyway.
Is he saying this in the knobbing and sobbing forum? Is he there for support? If so banning him seems harsh. Ignore button? I was thinking he was a trolling piece of shit actually.
Is he saying this in the knobbing and sobbing forum? Is he there for support? If so banning him seems harsh. Ignore button? I was thinking he was a trolling piece of shit actually.
look i may have certain "diagnosis" (which are heavily "moral panbickec) in the your mainstream press, but a lot of this was because of living through the occupy london protest camp/their riseup email intranet - with the emergance of the mark kennedy story, and the undercover book,and living in squats and going on protests, i got into my head that these people could be outed and they were real, i have "lost it" to a certain degree - but id rather hear that from an "old school (10 years plus)" forum head than from this 2 year boxing day joinee (ldc) - who is he? (he says on PM hes had 25 yrs of anarchist trouble) - i mean - if you dont want to know about suspected military intelligence/foreign power involvement in your struggle - (contain yourself to mundane police involvement - and dont get me wrong iv been abused by the police a lot) - - this experience of occupy, leaves me in some stead to offer some , experience, id stretch to call it wisdom, but - just because i cant write coherently - - this forums adversity to "conspiracy theprories" i see you are all very clever people, but i expect you would struggle to call all the people on "deeppolitics forum" conspirloons.
and finally - LynnDoyleCooper after your "25 years in anarchist struggles" (monitoring or participating) - i would ask what you would do with mentals such as me - would it be confinement in a therapuetic setting without internet/phone/outside contact - or "treatment,(forced medication)-in the community without internet, or what? - i have never attacked anyone physically (struggled against handcuffs and stuff obviously, and i did - to my shame - cut someone who is an mi5 agents (wont mention names know the rules on here) (white bolokes) dreadlock off - he also had a 9mm jack in his here- because i was told when someone was outed - they would dissappear - evaporate- and he grassed on/manipulated a "consensus" count to get a lover (portuguese, spy) - arrested n tortured.
i seek my therapy where i can find it, which is mostly - streetdrinking, where we toast the absurdity of talking politcs without the deep aspect.
i think its quite odd that none of the "twitterarti" / political queers, (that theres a whoile thread on here about) confronted the idea that stonewall told them the best employer an lgbt person could do was working for mi5 - i mean how many think pieces could be written about that.
in short, i am mad, they have made me that way, and i want to go on holiday, if you are employted by the intelligence services in a narrative control kind of way and i make your job more difficult i am not sorry, there are plenty of people that read this for a free "think tank" of progressive ideas ( i did) and its for them, if you need to ban me (and i hope you dont) - do what you will, but - - - when the snoopers charter passes, and you write your heartfelt laments to free speech or whatever, i will make an account and say what what. . - and no, it would be better if i proofread /spell checked but, ... respect . full respect. cheers . KF. x
kingfisher I do appreciate you're really struggling with mental health issues, and I'm sorry. And you're right, what to do about that in the political scene, and in wider society is really complicated and difficult.

BUT... your behaviour on here, accusing people of serious things with no evidence, trying to pass off your incoherent and paranoid personal ideas as fact, and generally being disruptive and derailing is not OK.

And really importantly I think you doing all of this is actually making your mental health worse, not better.

I'm sorry you're having a hard time, and I genuinely hope things get better for you. Bu in your current state political spaces (including this forum) are NOT the place for you.

Good luck.
kingfisher I do appreciate you're really struggling with mental health issues, and I'm sorry. And you're right, what to do about that in the political scene, and in wider society is really complicated and difficult.

BUT... your behaviour on here, accusing people of serious things with no evidence, trying to pass off your incoherent and paranoid personal ideas as fact, and generally being disruptive and derailing is not OK.

And really importantly I think you doing all of this is actually making your mental health worse, not better.

I'm sorry you're having a hard time, and I genuinely hope things get better for you. Bu in your current state political spaces (including this forum) are NOT the place for you.

Good luck.

Personally dont think KF needs to be chased off the forum at this stage, sounds like he/she might get something out of it ( as we all do ), and i like some of the writing buried, tangled up in there .

"i seek my therapy where i can find it, which is mostly - streetdrinking, where we toast the absurdity of talking politcs without the deep aspect"
Personally dont think KF needs to be chased off the forum at this stage, sounds like he/she might get something out of it ( as we all do ), and i like some of the writing buried, tangled up in there .

"i seek my therapy where i can find it, which is mostly - streetdrinking, where we toast the absurdity of talking politcs without the deep aspect"

Is it acceptable to you for anyone to keep making unfounded/unevidenced accusations of people being spies/informers, or is kingfisher a special case in being allowed to do it without consequence?
Is it acceptable to you for anyone to keep making unfounded/unevidenced accusations of people being spies/informers, or is kingfisher a special case in being allowed to do it without consequence?

I havent seen any specific allegations, just a more generalised mindset...I can't pretend to be sat here outraged by any of KF's schtick, but won't be either if the will of the people / unfolding circumstances lead to an early exit, stage left. Ish.
I havent seen any specific allegations, just a more generalised mindset...I can't pretend to be sat here outraged by any of KF's schtick, but won't be either if the will of the people / unfolding circumstances lead to an early exit, stage left. Ish.

Look at his posting history if you can face it, there's plenty of specific and sometimes named people he's accused of being spies or undercover cops, not to mention the general ludicrous level of non-specific accusations aimed at whole categories of people. The only saving grace is that he's so obviously not very well that I think nobody is going to take anything he says seriously.
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