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The big Brexit thread - news, updates and discussion

Just heard from Mlle Fire's mother in law in Toulon (French Portsmouth)

All leave has been cancelled and the Charles De Gaulle is getting up steam as we speak.
The Channel Islands’ residents would be far better off under French rule anyway. I for one would be welcoming my new Gallic overlords with open arms.
kebabking this sending of the gunboats is exactly parallel with the east asian gunboat thing we were talking about - all for show. Being sent "to observe". No chance of these boats seeing any actual action - its all for domestic consumption. Dont you reckon?

Nah, not just...

Fishing boats (of all nationalities) can get a bit arsey with each other - rammings, and dragging each others nets - but they tend to limit that stuff when an OPV/Fisheries vessel (anyone's) is keeping an eye on them. So having two ships there will keep a bit of a lid on the argy-bargy, everyone will play a bit more nicely, and so it will be more easily resolved.

Interesting titbit on the carrier group - New Zealand have decided that one of their ships will join it for exercises and Freedom of Navigation stuff, as will the French and Australians. Germany however has decided that their ship will reverse it's original patrol route so that it can't join the UK+ group, but also they have decided that it will do a port visit to Shanghai. Much eyebrow raising in the EU...
From this morning...

25 French boats turned up off Jersey, HMS Tamar and Severn were there, two boats got into the harbour, but they have all fucked off for now.

They might be back (tide?), and they might not....
Red meat for my brexit voting neighbour who wants to kick out all foreign fishing boats out of UK waters even though he doesn’t eat fish.
Well Sainsbury’s are now selling frozen raw Scottish languestine. Big ones, 10 for approximately seven quid. Never seen them before uncooked in a supermarket. Result!
That's loads cheaper than in Spain. Eat for Brexit. :thumbs:

In other news the Jersey fishermen now barred from selling their catches in France are not news anymore. Their purpose was served on Thursday getting enraged brexiteers out to vote Tory because the French were revolting. :thumbs:
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