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More jobs disappearing thanks to Brexit

In Holyhead, traffic has fallen 50% as hauliers stymied by Brexit find their way from Ireland to France without entering the UK

Perched on the shores of Anglesey, the island linked by road bridges to the north-west coast of Wales, Holyhead’s geography has given it a leading role in British-Irish trade since the early 19th century.

About 50 miles directly across the Irish Sea from Dublin, a journey of just three-and-a-quarter hours by ferry, Holyhead was until December the second busiest roll-on roll-off port in the UK after Dover. About 450,000 trucks rumbled through each year on their way to Dublin, with cargoes of meat and agricultural produce, secondhand cars and items destined for the shelves of Irish supermarkets.

But the UK’s departure from the EU has changed all that. In just seven weeks, freight volumes have plunged by 50%. The port’s owner, Stena Line, part of the shipping line owned by the Swedish Olsson family, is warning that the slump could be permanent.

More jobs disappearing thanks to Brexit

First world problems for us admittedly, but my OH tried to order a new laptop from a UK company for delivery to France. 4 weeks ago they promised a 7 day delivery. We still don't know if and when they can deliver. The company has claimed Brexit complications. Whether or not we get the laptop is irrelevant, but a UK business is clearly struggling as a result of Brexit, and sadly that will probably mean jobs.
More jobs disappearing thanks to Brexit

Tens of thousands of trucks arrived from Ireland and drove on U.K. roads to Dover without refuelling or even buying a Yorkie bar, now not happening, all that pollution. Now not happening. Shipping trucks from Ireland directly to France, even to Dunkirk is a massive win for the global climate. We need much more of this thing.
Tens of thousands of trucks arrived from Ireland and drove on U.K. roads to Dover without refuelling or even buying a Yorkie bar, now not happening, all that pollution. Now not happening. Shipping trucks from Ireland directly to France, even to Dunkirk is a massive win for the global climate. We need much more of this thing.
You mean all those needlessly empty trucks that are now travelling across the seas on much longer journeys, while Anglesey is fucked?
This is where the land bridge works. It may work [travelling] direct from Ireland to France, but the return loads are often dropping off in the UK, before then picking up to take back to Ireland. We know now there are a lot of empty units going back and forth, and that is not sustainable.
...a lasting downturn at the port would be a fresh blow for Anglesey’s economy, hot on the heels of the decision last year by Hitachi to pull the plug on its planned £16bn new nuclear power station on the island at Wylfa. “Without the port there is nothing left,” said Arfon Morris, 56, owner of the Boathouse hotel, which has been providing rooms during lockdown for essential workers to try to make up for almost a year without tourists.

Yes. It’s good news for Philippines & Thailand seafarers. :)
Working for non-UK shipping lines.
Britain’s roads are fucked. The M25 is a disaster area in particular. Vehicles being trapped in queues that are literally miles long on motorways, losing hours to sitting in ever-increasing fumes costs this country untold damage in environmental problems, lost time and money. Removing a massive chunk of the traffic that is sitting on those motorways can only be a net good thing. I’m sorry that some workers in the port in Anglesey will lose out, though.
For much of the rest of the world the implosion of the UK would be no bad thing.
This simply is not true. Do you seriously think it would be good for our near neighbours if this country turned into Venezuela ? To have a basket case country on their doorstep ? Why has the £ not collapsed ? In fact why has it strengthened against the € & US$ in recent weeks ? It is because that is what the rest of the world wants.

Certainly brexit will reduce the GDP of this country. That is just simple maths. However much to the chagrin of some remoaners the economy will not be collapsing anytime soon & we are not going to rejoin next year. They really need to get over it. I have.
First world problems for us admittedly, but my OH tried to order a new laptop from a UK company for delivery to France. 4 weeks ago they promised a 7 day delivery. We still don't know if and when they can deliver. The company has claimed Brexit complications. Whether or not we get the laptop is irrelevant, but a UK business is clearly struggling as a result of Brexit, and sadly that will probably mean jobs.
Why not buy one from your nearest Leclerc ? Just askin’ like.
Britain’s roads are fucked. The M25 is a disaster area in particular. Vehicles being trapped in queues that are literally miles long on motorways, losing hours to sitting in ever-increasing fumes costs this country untold damage in environmental problems, lost time and money. Removing a massive chunk of the traffic that is sitting on those motorways can only be a net good thing. I’m sorry that some workers in the port in Anglesey will lose out, though.
You know what? It’s never occurred to me that thousands of fucking great trucks would be crossing the channel, driving through England and Wales, then crossing the Irish Sea, to get to Ireland, rather than getting a boat from France/Spain/wherever to Ireland directly. Superb news that all these heavy, polluting lorries, whose drivers are sat on the wrong side of the vehicle and are often involved in accidents, will be making alternative arrangements.

Those who’ve been demanding to be shown tangible benefits of Brexit; there’s one right there.
You know what? It’s never occurred to me that thousands of fucking great trucks would be crossing the channel, driving through England and Wales, then crossing the Irish Sea, to get to Ireland, rather than getting a boat from France/Spain/wherever to Ireland directly. Superb news that all these heavy, polluting vehicles, whose drivers are sat on the wrong side of the vehicle and are often involved in accidents, will be making alternative arrangements.

Those who’ve been demanding to be shown tangible benefits of Brexit; there’s one right there.

You would have assumed that a globe-trotting eco-warrior would have rejoiced in the huge reduction of heavy, polluting vehicles driving around their city...
More jobs disappearing thanks to Brexit

The jobs aren't "disappearing" though, they're being relocated to other countries, in this case Ireland and France.

In time, I imagine certain other jobs in the supply and logistics industry which are currently located in other European countries will be relocated to Britain, though whether the numbers are similar remains to be seen.

And if your concern is genuinely about specifically "British jobs", you might also attempt to take into account all the erstwhile British jobs which have been previously re-located in other European countries or which have gone to EU citizens working in Britain, both as a result of Britain being in the EU.
Yes. It’s good news for Philippines & Thailand seafarers. :)
I'm not sure that this is actually the case, but are you necessarily against jobs going to Philippines & Thailand seafarers?

I thought all these Remain supporters were trying to position themselves as the great internationalists and dismiss Leave supporters as selfish Little Englanders or worse...
This simply is not true. Do you seriously think it would be good for our near neighbours if this country turned into Venezuela ? To have a basket case country on their doorstep ? Why has the £ not collapsed ? In fact why has it strengthened against the € & US$ in recent weeks ? It is because that is what the rest of the world wants.

Certainly brexit will reduce the GDP of this country. That is just simple maths. However much to the chagrin of some remoaners the economy will not be collapsing anytime soon & we are not going to rejoin next year. They really need to get over it. I have.
I was thinking of the end of the perverse British supply of weapons to countries like Saudi Arabia. The end of overweening British posturing on the international stage and the humanitarian interventions like the one which prompted the massacres in Kosovo or toppled Gaddafi. Not so important perhaps as the rate of the pound and gdp which you prize so highly. but I stand by my view that the end of the United Kingdom with more pacific polities replacing it would be welcomed by much of the rest of the world. The real end of empire. The end of punching above our weight and the myth of the special relationship. The end of the poisonous monarchy. And I hope the beginning of new, respectful, and positive relationships between the peoples of these islands and their neighbours.

Anyway you seem to be missing that the six counties will be joining the twenty-six at some point. The demography points that way, it is irreversible although the sort of all Ireland state remains to be seen. Brexit is boosting the chances of Scottish independence and real rumblings of Welsh independence are being heard. The UK is unraveling before our eyes.
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I was thinking of the end of the perverse British supply of weapons to countries like Saudi Arabia. The end of overweening British posturing on the international stage and the humanitarian interventions like the one which prompted the massacres in Kosovo or toppled Gaddafi. Not so important perhaps as the rate of the pound and gdp which you prize so highly. but I stand by my view that the end of the United Kingdom with more pacific polities replacing it would be welcomed by much of the rest of the world. The real end of empire. The end of punching above our weight and the myth of the special relationship. The end of the poisonous monarchy. And I hope the beginning of new, respectful, and positive relationships between the peoples of these islands and their neighbours.
You can have the hope, but it comes saddled with the reality of the need for hope, and that reality is none of the above is about to happen anytime soon.
The jobs aren't "disappearing" though, they're being relocated to other countries, in this case Ireland and France.

In time, I imagine certain other jobs in the supply and logistics industry which are currently located in other European countries will be relocated to Britain, though whether the numbers are similar remains to be seen.

And if your concern is genuinely about specifically "British jobs", you might also attempt to take into account all the erstwhile British jobs which have been previously re-located in other European countries or which have gone to EU citizens working in Britain, both as a result of Britain being in the EU.
That's an awful lot of whataboutery and none of it will stop me expressing concern about the poorest part of Britain losing even more jobs.

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