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The 2024 UK General Election - news, speculation and updates

The thought has crossed my mind as well. Surely nobody advised him to do that?

His advisors will all be in their 20s or 30s so probably didnt realise the significance.

His strategy so far has been to rally the party's core base which is basically older conservative people - who would have been glued to the coverage yesterday. Incredible. I was watching it and it was surreal watching Grant Shapps greeting all the world leaders as they came in to take their seats.
Not quite everyone involved is dead yet, there are still several hundred veterans alive who were late teens or early 20s at the time, some over 100 years old and some in their 90s.

Although not many left and it won't be long now.
Does seemed to have morphed in my lifetime into more a remembrance for thems that didn't make it off the beach. When we did it at school most involved had recently reached pension age..seemed more awe at what had actually been donel...Genuinely don't think it could be done these days
Reform will be ahead in the polls by Monday. Just hard to see how he limps on another four weeks really.
I know it doesn't matter so much to the likes of us on Urban, but if the national press (Mail, Express) used these words I'd cry foul.

They'll be 2nd in the polls, or "ahead of the Conservatives". Not ahead; 'backing the favourite' is a very real thing, if those who don't ever look past the headlines read that then it's worth a small but significant number of extra votes to Reform.
No, a private jet apparently. The optics of the whole thing were astonishing. He clearly does not want to win this election. Leaving Starmer there to be photographed with Zelensky and Biden.. I mean.
The optics of celebrating a load of illegal immigrants successfully crossing the Channel?
I know it doesn't matter so much to the likes of us on Urban, but if the national press (Mail, Express) used these words I'd cry foul.

They'll be 2nd in the polls, or "ahead of the Conservatives". Not ahead; 'backing the favourite' is a very real thing, if those who don't ever look past the headlines read that then it's worth a small but significant number of extra votes to Reform.
It was obvious what I meant, this isn't a news source for confused pensioners.
It is performative shite but it matters to these people. Hence even the BBC are laying into him.

Yes, that’s right - the prime minister left D-Day events early in order not to apologise for misleading claims about his opponents, only to apologise for leaving early in the first place.
His advisors will all be in their 20s or 30s so probably didnt realise the significance.

His strategy so far has been to rally the party's core base which is basically older conservative people - who would have been glued to the coverage yesterday. Incredible. I was watching it and it was surreal watching Grant Shapps greeting all the world leaders as they came in to take their seats.

I'm in my mid 30s and the significance is obvious to me, I think you'd have to be very young not to get it tbh. And I imagine Tory Party policy wonks probably more aware than average.

Gobsmacking - especailly as older voters who are very very much into honouring the veterens of WW2 and britains role are their numnber 1 target group. Love the excuse being banded about by some that he had a country to run whilst Starmer doesnt. Yet Zelensky was there for the whole - although - TBF fighting a war agasint an invading army isnt as big a deal as ... an interview with ITV. Can see tory party going into complete and utter meltdown over this.
I am a pensioner.
My father was in Burma.
The generation of my elders and teachers were those who lived through the war, sometimes there would be wounds showing, an eye patch, a toe or finger missing.
There was still rationing in my early years.
My point is that even though I couldn’t have been at D-Day I am of an age to still think what happened in the Second World War matters. It isn’t that far removed for me.
I am allowed to vote.
Sunak has made a bad move with people of my age in my opinion.
I always see him as a verminous weasel, and his weasel qualities are now on display with his insincere ‘apology’.
I can't remember a more clowncar campaign than the current Tory one, ever.

Sunak is like a joyrider in a stung Corsa skidding towards a lamp-post, with the entire local station waiting to taser him as he stumbles from the wreckage. It doesn't even merit the description "shambles".

The same could be said of the election: a joyless series of reality-averse headlines on antisemitism, deselection, lies, and who can find most space to the right of Mussolini on immigration and national service.

Meanwhile almost total silence on collapsing public services, the climate emergency, cost of living, job creation. No one has any answers other than to flog the last parts of the corpse off to Capita and the like.

It will be the first election for a while where I won't vote. There's nothing to vote for.
I can't remember a more clowncar campaign than the current Tory one, ever.

Sunak is like a joyrider in a stung Corsa skidding towards a lamp-post, with the entire local station waiting to taser him as he stumbles from the wreckage. It doesn't even merit the description "shambles".

The same could be said of the election: a joyless series of reality-averse headlines on antisemitism, deselection, lies, and who can find most space to the right of Mussolini on immigration and national service.

Meanwhile almost total silence on collapsing public services, the climate emergency, cost of living, job creation. No one has any answers other than to flog the last parts of the corpse off to Capita and the like.

It will be the first election for a while where I won't vote. There's nothing to vote for.

Omnishambles. I wonder what Malcolm Tucker would make of Sunak's performance so far. His 'apology' has only made things worse :facepalm:
A handful amusing vignettes/thoughts - firstly that it's stunningly poor politics: he's pissed of a wedge of his target audience, while giving Starmer a huge stage, with Macron, Biden, Zelensky, the King, parades and flypasts, and endless TV and newspaper coverage.

Secondly that there's a TV debate on BBC tonight - The Mordaunt of State is going for the Tories. She's under real pressure in her constituency of Portsmouth, and obvs her thing is state occasions, the Navy, and MOD. Someone is going to ask her if she would have left the commemorations early, and she's going to say 'no' and effectively throw Sunak under a bus.

Third, Sunaks constituency (and note that in the recent PCC election which contains that constituency, North Yorkshire, Labour won..) includes Catterick Garrison, the largest garrison in the Army, and home to 13,000 soldiers. That's about 10% of the electorate... Sunaks majority is huge, something like 30k, but...

Just magnificent politics.
It's surprising how dull this election is turning out to be so far the best bits have been a man in a loud beanie doing a pub crawl around Sutton Coldfield and Ed (Embarrassing Dad) Davey acting in a way that is probably causing his kids to cringe and deny they know him. It wouldn't surprise me if the LibDems become the Govt because they're the only party able to stop people from falling asleep on them.
Today’s photo op has him stealing ice creams from children.

Rishi Sunak visits the Imagination childcare children's centre in Swindon.
It could be even more damaging because of the racism angle as well - I can see some of the old crusty types taking it as proof positive of his outsiderness. He doesn't understand because he's not really English, etc etc.

Honestly I've been very much of the opinion that the Reform stuff is just the usual pre-election bluster before falling into line for FPTP, but if the numbers get much worse people may start to consider Reform as the more likely force in some seats, at which point the Tories really could be getting the historic loss handed to them.
He is such a bellend.

Even the Telegraph is having a go now

His last chance to look like a proper global leader and keep the flag shaggers who worship the military from voting Reform, and he fucked it.
Not sure if already mentioned but one theory about why Starmer didn't instantly deny the £20k tax hike claim on ITV was because he knew if he let Sunak continue down that path, then he'd effectively be forcing him to deny he lied for days after, which would be way more effective.

Not sure if I totally buy it, but then he is an ex-QC so it's the sort of thing I'd have thought he should be pretty well versed in.
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