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The 2024 UK General Election - news, speculation and updates

Probably wishful thinking then as I was a Labour Party member for the ones i can remember, where i thought Labour would win. I remember the candidate had bought champagne for us to celebrate with in 1987 and we ended up drinking it just so we could get through all the bad news that was coming in.

That was certainly very wishful thinking of them in 1987! :D


It’ll come down to voter motivation. Tories have a lot of cash, and I imagine a lot is being spent on social media stuff spreading fear to motivate people, though likely that a lot of us won’t see this as it’ll be very targeted. Their problem is that this probably won’t reach the reactionary old scrote vote which they’re dependent on, as they’re less likely to be online, and if those fuckers can’t be arsed going out to vote then they’re fucked.
wee Dougie the fat linesman (aka Douglas Ross MP, Leader of the "Scottish" Conservative and Unionist Party) does the chicken run to the new seat of Aberdeenshire North / Moray East, sacking local MP David Duiguid in the process. Duiguid is ill, but wanted to stand again.

The new seat contains the Tory-minded fishing ports of Peterhead and Fraserburgh and wealthy farms. But the brutal interview with STV below shows how badly this will play. Ross' absolute incompetence may well backfire and hand the new seat to the SNP or someone else. Voters there loyal to a fault and although Duiguid was a nonentity nationally, he was well liked and seen as hard working locally, rightly or wrongly.

It's the sacking election. It used to be a major thing if one aakward squad backbencher was dropped, now it seems 20+ have been skittled / barred because the leadership either doesn't like them or they are (as with this ex-MP) an inconvenience.

wee Dougie the fat linesman (aka Douglas Ross MP, Leader of the "Scottish" Conservative and Unionist Party) does the chicken run to the new seat of Aberdeenshire North / Moray East, sacking local MP David Duiguid in the process. Duiguid is ill, but wanted to stand again.

The new seat contains the Tory-minded fishing ports of Peterhead and Fraserburgh and wealthy farms. But the brutal interview with STV below shows how badly this will play. Ross' absolute incompetence may well backfire and hand the new seat to the SNP or someone else. Voters there loyal to a fault and although Duiguid was a nonentity nationally, he was well liked and seen as hard working locally, rightly or wrongly.

It's the sacking election. It used to be a major thing if one aakward squad backbencher was dropped, now it seems 20+ have been skittled / barred because the leadership either doesn't like them or they are (as with this ex-MP) an inconvenience.

Wait till the poor fucker learns how the disabled are treated by the Tories
Would love to see Farage grilled properly on actual policy - nationalisation of railways, what him and his party have said about the NHS, what they plan to do about landlords fucking over renters etc. But no, it’ll be immigration and nothing else, because the media always dances to his tune (or him to theirs, never quite sure which way round it is)
Would love to see Farage grilled properly on actual policy - nationalisation of railways, what him and his party have said about the NHS, what they plan to do about landlords fucking over renters etc. But no, it’ll be immigration and nothing else, because the media always dances to his tune (or him to theirs, never quite sure which way round it is)
Get him on the subject of the NHS or rented housing is just giving him another handle to his hobby horse, the NHS is struggling because of the all the immigrants are coming here to sponge off it and there is a shortage of properties to rent because immigrants are taking them and forcing those born here out. Maybe even he might struggle to blame them for lack of investments in the railways but the fucker would try.
He's popular because he offers an easy target for people to hate on and blame for problems to which there aren't (or at least any easy) solutions. There are enough mouth-breathers who lap up his shit to make it worthwhile for him to be given air time because they know he will get watched.
Let's assume that both he and Corbyn will get elected in 4 weeks, they will both effectively be the same, Independent back benchers who have no input at all into policy but I bet Frog Lord will get a LOT more airtime than Magic Grandpa.
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Would love to see Farage grilled properly on actual policy - nationalisation of railways, what him and his party have said about the NHS, what they plan to do about landlords fucking over renters etc. But no, it’ll be immigration and nothing else, because the media always dances to his tune (or him to theirs, never quite sure which way round it is)
whoever it was on the ITV post head to head thing asked Tice about specific policy details. He immediately contradicted the '0 net migration' policy by admitting it wouldn't apply to health & social care - around a third of all inward migration. He wasn't asked about universities and their reliance on foreign students' fees, but I wouldn't be surprised if they weren't included in their plan either. Start asking questions and everything they say falls to shit.
Would love to see Farage grilled properly on actual policy - nationalisation of railways, what him and his party have said about the NHS, what they plan to do about landlords fucking over renters etc. But no, it’ll be immigration and nothing else, because the media always dances to his tune (or him to theirs, never quite sure which way round it is)

The housing crisis is entirely down to immigrants if you ask these people though. Never mind the layers upon layers of ruthless profiteers and speculators feeding off people's most basic need.
The housing one is more complex but even the stupidest gammon knows the NHS only functions at all because of immigration so that would be a tricky one.

But people don’t care - he/Reform is just a protest vote against ‘the system’ and the Tory party.
It's a few years since I looked at the figures, but it was shown that without immigration UK population would have decreased in recent decades.
So whilst not the only factor it is certainly a major contributor to housing shortage.

Its easy to pretend that blatantly overblown statements are complete bullshit when they are actually exaggerations of a point fuelled by bias and ignorance, something that all sides of an argument engage in as this forum so clearly illustrates

Keir Starmer is planning to use the Labour manifesto to make his strongest commitment yet on Palestinian statehood in a move to shore up the party’s core support on the left, sources have told the Guardian.
It's a few years since I looked at the figures, but it was shown that without immigration UK population would have decreased in recent decades.
So whilst not the only factor it is certainly a major contributor to housing shortage.

Its easy to pretend that blatantly overblown statements are complete bullshit when they are actually exaggerations of a point fuelled by bias and ignorance, something that all sides of an argument engage in as this forum so clearly illustrates
There’s a serious issue with pop decline across the world, so much so that immigration will switch to a positive once nations realise they need them to stop economic collapse
It's a few years since I looked at the figures, but it was shown that without immigration UK population would have decreased in recent decades.
So whilst not the only factor it is certainly a major contributor to housing shortage.

Its easy to pretend that blatantly overblown statements are complete bullshit when they are actually exaggerations of a point fuelled by bias and ignorance, something that all sides of an argument engage in as this forum so clearly illustrates
I hope you include yourself in this, cos otherwise it makes you come across as a supercilious onanist
LibDems becoming the opposition has two good outcomes imo: a strong force for reforming the voting system and the start of the rejoin the EU journey.
Yes, the presence 80 Liberal MPs in the Commons will convince the 400 Labour MPs to reform the voting system to ensure that many of them will be sacked in the next election to be replaced by Tories, Liberals, Greens and the Deformed Farangists.

This will probably not move the needle enough with communities they want it to, while causing the CAA and LAAS to get madder than a hive of bees put in a paint shaker.


Love a manifesto where you can't actually say what you are going to do.
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