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No, it’s just a company. The tories (& the rest of them, even the WPB) are companies of some kind. They have to be to employ people. However the tories company is controlled by the relevantly elected representatives, they are not acting as individuals. They must follow the policies and decisions of the Conservative Party.

Reform is just a private company, owned by Farage. He gets to decide everything. It’s a political vehicle.

As he pointed out in some TV interview, he can be removed if two-thirds of the membership wants to remove him.
No, it’s just a company. The tories (& the rest of them, even the WPB) are companies of some kind. They have to be to employ people. However the tories company is controlled by the relevantly elected representatives, they are not acting as individuals. They must follow the policies and decisions of the Conservative Party.

Reform is just a private company, owned by Farage. He gets to decide everything. It’s a political vehicle.
It does present quite honest prefigurative politics from those hoping to accelerate corporatocracy and Randian extremism.
If Farage takes votes from the Tories in Clacton, then it might go to Labour

View attachment 427340

Considering most of those intending to vote Labour are former Tory voters that want to give them a kicking, whereas now they have Farage as an option instead, I think he has a reasonable chance of winning the seat, especially if he takes more voters from the Tories, that are sick of them, but couldn't take the leap of voting for Labour.
Farage will take votes from both Tory and Labour hopefully though you will be right and he will take more from the first rather than the second
There’s a Richmond and a Clapham up there too :D
ETA: oops, already pointed out.
Clapham was the first place in Britain or England to have electric street lighting IIRC (this information was imparted to me when I was there on a school trip so apologies if I’ve remembered it wrong)
The need for levelling up obviously has a longer history than I thought
Sunak became leader without a membership vote.

True, but it does seem that everyone forgets that Sunak won a vote of Tory MPs before it went to a membership vote. Under the previous Tory leadership rules that elected Heath, Thatcher, Major and Hague, which were MP only votes, Sunak would have been elected as leader there and then.

My opinion is that Tory MPs out-thought themselves. They wanted Sunak as leader, and voted Truss as his opponent because she was so obviously useless that even the moronic Tory members would prefer Sunak. They underestimated the depth of racist opinion among their membership.
However, I've had several former Tory voters telling me they are voting for Labour, because Starmer doesn't scare them, unlike Corbyn, and when pushed on who they would be voting for if Corbyn was still leader, almost all have said Tory, with a few don't knows. 🤷‍♂️
Maybe there's a political reason why Starmer is 'electable' and Corbyn wasn't.
There is a desperate need for a centre left party and a wonky reformist party in the UK, there is even a place if not a need for a far left party. But under FPTP those spots will remain empty.
But the UK has had FPTP for decades and there was a centre left party. The French, Italian, German systems don't have FPTP and have all seen the collapse and marginalisation of their centre-left parties.
The voting system may play a minor role but it is not a crucial factor.
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This could be an interesting sideshow, doesn't this spokesperson for the Greens know how litigious Farage is?

Nate Higgins, the Greens’ democracy and engagement spokesperson, said:

Nigel Farage is not just a dodgy salesman. He is a crook and a conman.
He will package his brand of hate filled politics in a way that is populist and that he thinks he can sell to an electorate who are understandably fed up with mainstream politics.
Frankly though, we’re not buying it.
The latest organisation he latched himself onto, “Reform UK”, is another smokescreen. Set up to take money off people without offering them membership like any other established political party.
Greens can see through these smokescreens and his jovial façade and see the divisive hate that pulsates through his politics.
His politics belong on the extreme fringes not at the heart of Clacton, let alone on prime time TV.

He's not going to be happy about being called a crook and conman, and the claim that Reform doesn't offer membership is out of date, they even had their first party conference last year, with over 1,000 people attending, roughly on a par with the GP conference in Brighton last year.
I saw Keir Starmer nursing a pint at noon outside The Pineapple in Kentish Town a couple of years ago, his eyes all bloodshot and his face all red. I suspect unlike many politicians he is very comfortable with a pint in his hand.
Have a suspicion he's the kind of drunk who becomes even more boring a few pints in.
John Sweeney? I’d happily pay the little shits airfare
By the by, what's the hostility towards Sweeney all about? I've cast my mind back and even looked at his wiki page, but nothing comes to mind other than some solid journalism. Genuine (and probably naive) Q, as they say.
This could be an interesting sideshow, doesn't this spokesperson for the Greens know how litigious Farage is?

Nate Higgins, the Greens’ democracy and engagement spokesperson, said:

He's not going to be happy about being called a crook and conman, and the claim that Reform doesn't offer membership is out of date, they even had their first party conference last year, with over 1,000 people attending, roughly on a par with the GP conference in Brighton last year.
Is saying Farage is a crook and conman libellous considering the demonstrable lies he’s been peddling? I don’t think either word specifically alleges criminality, just dishonesty
By the by, what's the hostility towards Sweeney all about? I've cast my mind back and even looked at his wiki page, but nothing comes to mind other than some solid journalism. Genuine (and probably naive) Q, as they say.
This thread’s been moving fast but have a look upthread
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