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The 2024 UK General Election - news, speculation and updates

Sunak definitely won that... hopefully it won't matter. Tories have been good at sharp messaging this campaign and 2019.
Glad Starmer was straight in with Truss crashed the economy. Don't let anyone forget it.
Same week Truss crashed the economy with uncosted tax plans Labour were announcing spend plans that would have had same effect but they aren't bound by them now cos Truss crashed the economy.

Most, globally ain't in that great a shape tbh
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People don't like Sunak but the more they see of Starmer the more they go "uhhhh"
Yep, that's quite a loss there. In practice, people don't neglect their party preferences, so you've got an audience who intending to vote Labour in approaching twice the numbers who will vote Tory. And still kieth loses.

I long had the idea that Labour would crumble in this campaign, given that they don't have any vision, sense of optimism or indeed anything other than Starmer's strangled robot pitch to the voters. I was clearly wrong in that that isn't going to happen and the Tory's have gone over the edge of the cliffs now and are just not in the game. However I do think there'll be a real sense of despair at the lot of them by polling day. Not sure whether that will automatically translate into a low turnout, but Labour will be elected without enthusiasm or even a vague sense of what they will do in office. Circumstances for a new political force to emerge, though as always, FPTP tends to stop that happening.
Is Sweeney actually standing or just spending six weeks getting fucked up in various pubs around his potential constituency?

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Sutton Coldfield has been blue (Andrew Mitchell) since the dawn of time, and there's a very real possibility that it might do the unthinkable and elect a Labour representative. Sweeney is drawing attention to the constituency without doing anything quite so daft as making people vote for him (splitting the anti-Tory vote) - it's straight out of the same PR playbook as deliberately falling off a paddleboard in front of the press.
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