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The 2024 UK General Election - news, speculation and updates

Didn't watch it and when I saw headlines about Boring Neoliberal politician A accusing Boring Neoliberal Politician B of lying, I glazed over. However, if you follow the story through, the Treasury do seem to be giving a fairly robust response to Ratboy suggesting they were in on his attack on Labour's tax plans.

Disclaimer - I didn't fucking watch it.
Probably should go in the Starmer thread, but I'm close to not caring which lot win this election. Cons would continue to be hideous in the shrinkingly unlikely event of them winning, of course. But Starmer is so keen to prove Labour is market friendly, migrant hating, keen to tar his opponents as antisemitic... we are into cig papers here. And if Starmer were to get a landslide, that's a massive setback for the remnants of the left in the party and the unions - as well as anyone seeking to establish a workable alternative to Labour. Labour in office might be so bad that the unions start thinking about funding alternatives, though I don't see it in the short to medium term. They'll be clinging on to the idea that 'their' party has won, better the devil you know and little slivers of access to the government.

In other news, it's quite sunny outside!
seem to think he's a reasonable candidate & might go all out left when he wins. :facepalm:
You seem cynical, but I'm sure that's what will happen - Starmer as a former member of the International Revolutionary Marxist Tendency has played the long game of state infiltration, knowing where power truly resides, and once he has his hands on the levers he will unleash full communism before you can say Socialist Alternatives!
The clues were all there....


You seem cynical, but I'm sure that's what will happen - Starmer as a former member of the International Revolutionary Marxist Tendency has played the long game of state infiltration, knowing where power truly resides, and once he has his hands on the levers he will unleash full communism before you can say Socialist Alternatives!
The clues were all there....

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Is he on OnlyFans as well ?
Probably should go in the Starmer thread, but I'm close to not caring which lot win this election. Cons would continue to be hideous in the shrinkingly unlikely event of them winning, of course. But Starmer is so keen to prove Labour is market friendly, migrant hating, keen to tar his opponents as antisemitic... we are into cig papers here. And if Starmer were to get a landslide, that's a massive setback for the remnants of the left in the party and the unions - as well as anyone seeking to establish a workable alternative to Labour. Labour in office might be so bad that the unions start thinking about funding alternatives, though I don't see it in the short to medium term. They'll be clinging on to the idea that 'their' party has won, better the devil you know and little slivers of access to the government.

In other news, it's quite sunny outside!
V cold breeze though
One hopes, though I know some staunch Labour supporters (and people pissed off with the SNP up here) who seem to think he's a reasonable candidate & might go all out left when he wins. :facepalm:
Delusional. Btw is it just me who finds the idea of an unprincipled shit like Starmer accusing somebody of lying surreal?
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if Starmer were to get a landslide, that's a massive setback for the remnants of the left in the party and the unions - as well as anyone seeking to establish a workable alternative to Labour.
Yeah, this is probably one of my biggest concerns about a Labour victory, really, given how little difference there is between them by other metrics.

Any victory will be seen cynically interpreted as an endorsement of Starmer and the direction he's taken the Labour party. A landslide...?

We can all say "it's the Tories wot lost it" all we like, but Nouveau Labour won't care or act like it. And as you say, while in theory it leaves a maaaaaassive gap on the left, not entirely sure how it gets filled in a way that has any significant impact on public life at large.

Maybe there's some kind of grassroots, non-Parliamentary movement, buuuuuuuut... quite probably not, too.

As ever, though, my knowledge and understanding is paper thin, so maybe there is more hope and I just can't see it.
Yeah, this is probably one of my biggest concerns about a Labour victory, really, given how little difference there is between them by other metrics.

Any victory will be seen cynically interpreted as an endorsement of Starmer and the direction he's taken the Labour party. A landslide...?

We can all say "it's the Tories wot lost it" all we like, but Nouveau Labour won't care or act like it. And as you say, while in theory it leaves a maaaaaassive gap on the left, not entirely sure how it gets filled in a way that has any significant impact on public life at large.

Maybe there's some kind of grassroots, non-Parliamentary movement, buuuuuuuut... quite probably not, too.

As ever, though, my knowledge and understanding is paper thin, so maybe there is more hope and I just can't see it.
There is slight hope
1) Labours economic policies will crash and burn
2) the cuts will be massive already
3) the freezing ofvtax thresholds will further erode living standards
4) some candidates in previously unwinnable seats just may be Leftists
5) it is the Left that has policy ideas not the Right
6) given 1/2/3 the unions may flex their muscles

4&6 are maybes: the others are certs: indeed I think the Starmer purge of Leftists is because (advised by Mandelson) he and reeves know this.
Probably should go in the Starmer thread, but I'm close to not caring which lot win this election. Cons would continue to be hideous in the shrinkingly unlikely event of them winning, of course. But Starmer is so keen to prove Labour is market friendly, migrant hating, keen to tar his opponents as antisemitic... we are into cig papers here. And if Starmer were to get a landslide, that's a massive setback for the remnants of the left in the party and the unions - as well as anyone seeking to establish a workable alternative to Labour. Labour in office might be so bad that the unions start thinking about funding alternatives, though I don't see it in the short to medium term. They'll be clinging on to the idea that 'their' party has won, better the devil you know and little slivers of access to the government.

In other news, it's quite sunny outside!

That is a danger, but I am not sure that it would necessarily be a massive setback for the left / the unions. What we'd probably find is that the government would quickly realise that winning loads of seats without genuine public support doesn't result in the ability to force much through - it would just transfer opposition from the Commons to other areas of society.
Scotland, and now Wales, seem intent on copying the chaos in Westminster, WTF have the people done to deserve idiot leaders?

I guess this will have some impact on the Labour vote in Wales for the GE.


Reform UK surges to within just two points of the Tories in the new YouGov/Sky News poll

LAB: 40%
CON: 19%
REF: 17%
LDEM: 10%
GRN: 7%

Interesting poll this as there isn't that much between Tories, Reform, Lib Dem and Greens really, the 2 party system is buckling.

IMO best outcome would be for Greens, Reform, WPB and some independents to win seats, Lib Dems win big from Tories, Plaid retain or gain seats and SNP do better than expected, denying Labour a majority and possibly opening the door to PR, making room for a genuine left party to break through next election.
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