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The 2024 UK General Election - news, speculation and updates

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Last push for Phil. this is the hideous jacket I've mentioned b4. Had it since brexit
That the Tory election campaign has been a shitshow has been apparent from day one, but I am still amazed they have stuck with the ‘Labour = higher taxes’ mantra as their main and almost only strategy right to the eve of the election. Surely it should have dawn on someone in charge of their campaign that their dire warnings of tax rises have been of fuck all concern to not just Labour and swing voters but a massive chunk of moderate conservative ones?
Nothing from the Conservatives. You'd think that their candidate doesn't gice a shit about his chances in trying to retain the seat.

Or CCHQ are strapped for cash with donations plummeting, are focussing cash on high majority seats they might just retain, and are holding back a bunch of cash to try to rebuild after the election too.
i havent followed the campaigning other than on urban....my impression is that its been the least issue/policy based campaign i can ever remember - is that fair?

labour - dont say anything about anything, and certainly dont commit to anything
conservatives - my name is rishi sunak and my favourite thing is sandwiches
libdems - what time does alton towers open
reform - usual hot air
greens - sorry no ones listening
OFCOM has rejected complaints over C-4 News' 'Undercover - inside Reform's campaign', which because of it being during the election period, they have urgently assessed, and have concluded that they do not raise substantive issues warranting further investigation, and that Farage should go boil his fucking head.

OK, the last bit I made up.
Hahaha love it!
Looking for recommendations for which channel will be the best to watch tomorrow night. I already had this week booked off work so I can stay up and enjoy what I hope to be a massacre of tory cunts in glorious HD. Cheers!
I’ll be switching between BBC 1, Sky and channel four with the Quiet Riot/ oh god what know on my iPad, and phone will be Twitter and here.
Looking for recommendations for which channel will be the best to watch tomorrow night. I already had this week booked off work so I can stay up and enjoy what I hope to be a massacre of tory cunts in glorious HD. Cheers!

I'll start with BBC One for the 10pm exit poll. Clive Myrie is palatable, Laura Kuenssberg less so, but I do like Chris Mason so I'll stick around for him for a bit.

Sky News looks like it'll have a slick operation so I'll definitely have this on the side. They've booked out the Sky Sports Monday Night Football studio and have some sort of floor based UK constituency map they're calling the dancefloor. So I expect they'll be worth tuning in for.

ITV doesn't look massively appealing, but I'll take a look. I don't mind Tom Bradby, but do I really want to see George Osborne and Ed Balls cosying up for their take on things? Not particularly. I think ITV will get the least of my time. Channel 4 have Krishnan Guru-Murthy and Emily Maitlis along with Alastair Campbell and Rory Stewart - I feel like I'm a bit over them in particular as they seem to be everywhere. They do have Hannah Fry though doing the data and results, who I love, so I may tune in just for her.

I may occasionally look at CNN if they've got anyone interesting, and probably have 5 Live on the go too. And urban. Obvs.
What a laughably misleading and desperate headline. Even if every single Tory voter thinking of voting Reform was swayed by the Fail to vote Tory instead, Labour would still not just win, but do so by a massive majority. Surely they don’t expect their readers to be that stupid (even as Daily Mail reading, Tory voting individuals)? :D
only about a 30 seat majority, actually. That's if Labour does the almost unimaginable and falls below 40% of the vote (Tories & Reform would be about 35/36%)
I miss Peter Snow - is he still alive? Whoever does the stupid CGI swingometer bollocks needs to be at least seven foot tall and look as if they are constantly ducking to avoid cameras and boom mikes or it doesn't work
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