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The 2024 UK General Election - news, speculation and updates

Lib Dem leaflet with in large lettes GRIPPER, look above it and you learn her first name is Ruth. "Make your voice heard" which is a bit ironic because they came nowhere last time.
Any sentence that has 'Starmer/ leavers of power/ change' in it surely has been taken out of the racy part of a Paul Mason novel?
Speaking of which :

“He began thrusting wildly in the general direction of her chrysanthemum but missing, his paunchy frame shuddering with the effort of remaining rigid and upside down. ‘The cartel, sells, to the global market,’ he panted... He switched to some ancient steppe language as he ejaculated, blubbering and incoherent“

I've had nothing through the door and no canvassing. My partner (next constituency over) has had a leaflet from the Communist Party (who were also holding a banner on the main road earlier in the week too). Leaflet contains a transphobic dogwhistle.
I've had nothing through the door and no canvassing. My partner (next constituency over) has had a leaflet from the Communist Party (who were also holding a banner on the main road earlier in the week too). Leaflet contains a transphobic dogwhistle.
I am wondering if political parties concentrate all their efforts on marginal seats. if you live in a safe-seat or in a strongly one-particular-party voting area, (I live in a labour voting area but right next to me to the West is a Tory voting area and about 300 metres to the South is another Tory voting area) I don't think that parties make much effort. I've only ever had the Labour Party knock on my door in all the years I've lived here. I live in a safe Labour voting area.
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I am wondering if political parties concentrate all their efforts on marginal seats. if you live in a safe-seat or in a strongly one-particular-party voting area I don't think that parties make much effort. I've only ever had the Labour Party knock on my door in all the years I've lived here. I live in a safe Labour voting area.
Well yes normally but if the polls are to believed, once marginal seats are now Labour (and LibDem) certainties and once rock solid Tory seats are as shaky as a drunk in an earthquake.
very solid labour seat - so just one labour leaflet from racheal reeves. nobody else seems to be bothering. dont think ive seen a single poster anywhere in leeds.
I don't know if this has been mentioned on this thread, but if any of you are in favour of using warships to stop asylum seekers crossing the Channel, then vote for George Galloway's Workers Party, for GG has stated that that is what he advocates. Perhaps someone will accidentally throw a milkshake over him.
Just torpedo the bowl next time he goes for a shit
No-one seems to be canvassing. This constituency has been Tory since it was created in 1974, and apart from a couple of leaflets apiece from Lab and Con, both sides seem to be assuming it’s a foregone conclusion that it will go to Labour. No sign at all of the other contenders.
Out incumbent alleged rapist has been pounding the streets trying to make sure he still has a job to impress teenage boys with but no actual leaflets through the door. I don't know whether that's lack of funds or an acknowledgement that literacy isn't his core vote's strong point. Nothing in writing from labour but that's probably wise; if they want to soak up the protest vote round here they're better off keeping their traps shut.
Up until today I'd only had one leaflet (LibDem) but today I've received the Tory one and a RefUK one.

The Tory one is a fancy fold-out one, five pages telling how accessible * and pro-active she's been for the constituency in the last four years :rolleyes: and a final page that mentions the bigger picture and the only page to mention Sunak at all.

* I say 'accessible' but even during the current campaign she'll only tell you where she's holding her 'Q&A's if you email her your full name and address and then (if your email doesn't get accidentally 'lost'), her minions will email you back to tell you where she is.

The RefUK one is basically an A5 sheet of paper saying 'Stop the forrins!'
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We're red wall Bishop Auckland, which is 99% certain to revert to Labour (electoral calculus or similar). Tories sent a couple of leaflets pre election, though I get the impression the election ones are paid leaflet deliverers. Bit hard to tell though as the arrival of any leaflet is accompanied by a ripping sound when my partner gets to the door first. :thumbs:
Just listening to a few podcasts. Focus groups asked about what has filtered through have all said that the £2,000 claim and the "Supermajorities" scare tactic have both landed with them, which does underline the concern from this thread and elsewhere that the Labour lead could be eaten into. If those claims aren't fought, a swing away could soon be seen in the polls.
I've had fuck all through my letterbox. And that's the way I like it. That said, I'm still slightly disappointed not to have had one yet from the perennial TUSC candidate, Steve Score, who also happens to be quite a nice chap.

To be fair, it's hardly a battleground here and the evil Liz Kendall is pretty much nailed on.

We had this put through the door at lunchtime:

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