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Democracy too important to be left to the people
Catchphrases are cute and all, but sort of skip the issue. Like, should the head of the BMA be elected? Sure. And well everyone needs doctors. So everyone should have a say, no? Insert trade union of your choice that touches the lives of millions. Bet the RMT is rarin' at the bit to let the public vote on who runs it. Because yay democracy.
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Catchphrases are cute and all, but sort of skip the issue. Like, should the head of the BMA be elected? Sure. And well everyone needs doctors. So everyone should have a say, no? Insert trade union of your choice that touches the lives of millions. Bet the RMT is rarin' at the bit to let the public vote on who runs it. Because yay democracy.
It shows the poverty of thought of liberals that democracy is reduced to merely voting.
But economic democracy would be a fucking fantastic thing, it would have ensured that services are run for labour rather than capital.

The ludicrous thing is that the sort of attacks on democracy you peddle are a key part of the driver for the support of populists. What has been the result of removing democracy, increased inequality, a worker class that is seeing a decrease in its living conditions, and more and more power given over to capital.
I don't know if this has been mentioned on this thread, but if any of you are in favour of using warships to stop asylum seekers crossing the Channel, then vote for George Galloway's Workers Party, for GG has stated that that is what he advocates. Perhaps someone will accidentally throw a milkshake over him.
Galloway not in the debate though.
It shows the poverty of thought of liberals that democracy is reduced to merely voting.
But economic democracy would be a fucking fantastic thing, it would have ensured that services are run for labour rather than capital.

The ludicrous thing is that the sort of attacks on democracy you peddle are a key part of the driver for the support of populists. What has the result of removing democracy, increased inequality, a worker class that is seeing a decrease in its living conditions, and more and more power given over to capital
Not sure what you are on about - but personally I'd rather have Corbyn vs the others than AI Stamer.
What's your problem with other people?

More democracy not less, everywhere all the time; let's really look at each other and recognise that we are all the same stuff, and of equal value, so we should all be in the room...if we choose to be.

dunno really.

there's a line somewhere between democratic accountability and political when it comes to police, judiciary and so on.

i'm not a fan of them being elected on party tickets.

while the pointless police commissioners have mostly (so far) largely been nonentities who have been local councillors, or failed local councillors, the idea of having right wing populists standing on a 'law and order' platform with a load of dog whistle bollocks about 'muggers' or whatever the latest panic is, doesn't really inspire me.

i'm not sure there is a 'right answer'.
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Catchphrases are cute and all, but sort of skip the issue. Like, should the head of the BMA be elected? Sure. And well everyone needs doctors. So everyone should have a say, no? Insert trade union of your choice that touches the lives of millions. Bet the RMT is rarin' at the bit to let the public vote on who runs it. Because yay democracy.

Would you want the trade union that you are a member of to have its leadership elected by non members?
Catchphrases are cute and all, but sort of skip the issue. Like, should the head of the BMA be elected? Sure. And well everyone needs doctors. So everyone should have a say, no? Insert trade union of your choice that touches the lives of millions. Bet the RMT is rarin' at the bit to let the public vote on who runs it. Because yay democracy.
Yet the Tories and labour party are wary of letting members have their say
The Swiss have referendums on everything, which is as democratic as it gets really. And it's directly responsible for the national shame that is having given women the vote in 1971. Democracy for democracy's sake is a laudable goal, but it has a habit of not working out the way the people in favour of it expect it to. I'm not against getting the public involved in principle, but I do think it needs to be carefully thought out first or the results can be unpredictable. And yes, sheriffs and judges in the US is a good example of that. It turns the local justice system, which should be blind, into a political animal. Far from making everyone equal, it encourages a political class with the funding reserves to run campaigns to be in charge of everything. (I do not have any proposed solutions for that, unfortunately)
Democracy doesn't work for everything. our National team is not chosen on the basis of democracy for example, it is the best players that we have got to offer that are chosen, yes, an elite selective few. - But Democracy is useful for other things.
Democracy doesn't work for everything. our National team is not chosen on the basis of democracy for example, it is the best players that we have got to offer that are chosen, yes, an elite selective few. - But Democracy is useful for other things.
If eg the England football team really are the best English footballers then ian wright would have featured more in it. But again it's political - sure you remember alan shearer taking his punishment like a man for kicking Neil Lennon in the head but what really happened was him flinging the toys out the pram and saying he'd not play for England if he was punished. We rarely get a half decent manager for the England team, how they're supposed to pick the best players and mould them into an effective team I don't know. BTW who is the president of the fa? Larry O'Hara I know you know this but pls leave it for hc to answer
Careful what you wish for. Farage would make so much fucking hay out of that. He must be willing it.

Establishment stitch up using an unfair voting system has sidelined the right wing in this country. Blah blah need to unite (with him in charge, natch) and change the system to overcome the woke nonsense etc etc etc

He's going to be such a thorn in the side of any actual real government. Labour and Tories should be throwing the kitchen sink at making sure he doesn't get in in Clacton. Better 10 reform MPs and no Farage than the RT Hon Nigel F MP becoming a reality.
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I don't know if this has been mentioned on this thread, but if any of you are in favour of using warships to stop asylum seekers crossing the Channel, then vote for George Galloway's Workers Party, for GG has stated that that is what he advocates. Perhaps someone will accidentally throw a milkshake over him.
Have you got a link?
lib dems have gone up a gear with leaflets ('blue wall' target seat)

one earlier this week was standard lib dem colours / style, then two today.

one with a green cover, mainly about the amount of shit in rivers / beaches - no mention of LD's on the front cover

one in red and white - from a 'former labour party member' encouraging LD voting here

there's another nearly 2 weeks of this, isn't there?

I've had fuck all through my letterbox. And that's the way I like it. That said, I'm still slightly disappointed not to have had one yet from the perennial TUSC candidate, Steve Score, who also happens to be quite a nice chap.

To be fair, it's hardly a battleground here and the evil Liz Kendall is pretty much nailed on.
Just had the postie deliver flyers for both the Tories and Reform, score so far -

Labour - 4 flyers + a canvasser
Tories - 2 flyers + a 4-page tabloid size 'newspaper' produced by their HQ, no mention of Peter Bottomley or anything local, I've never had one of those before.
Reform - 1 flyer - a national one with a photo of Farage and Tice, with just a white panel where they inserted the name of the constituency and candidate.

Nowt from the LDs, Greens, nor the mystery independent candidate.
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