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I heard a bloke on the wireless, I think he was the main man of 'whistle', who do leaflets.
Anyway, he said election stuff online is perused for an average of 2 seconds, whereas the average leaflet sits around the place for five days, and is read for 56 seconds.
I get they can monitor the online access but how could know how long someone looks at a leaflet?

I do skim read them tbf (even parties i don't like) but they go in the recycling pretty quickly.
I used to quite like Johnny Mercer. My father was in the army, I was born in the army. So generally I found Mercer's approach towards the military decent, not perfect but decent. Turns out he's suggesting Fred Thomas his Labour opponent is lying about his military service despite being certified by the head of UK special forces support group. Shame, I thought he was decent now he's come across as a political grifter ... shame.
make that THREE communications from the lib-dems today.

got a 'focus' (thing that at first glance looks as if it's a local newspaper) through the door this afternoon

I am wondering if political parties concentrate all their efforts on marginal seats. if you live in a safe-seat or in a strongly one-particular-party voting area, (I live in a labour voting area but right next to me to the West is a Tory voting area and about 300 metres to the South is another Tory voting area) I don't think that parties make much effort. I've only ever had the Labour Party knock on my door in all the years I've lived here. I live in a safe Labour voting area.

to some extent, yes. parties will focus their efforts on marginal / target seats, depending on how the polls are looking they may concentrate on defensive marginals (ones they are trying to hang on to but not confident) or target seats that they hope they can win.

as things currently stand, labour / lib dems are putting an effort in to seats that they wouldn't have made much of an effort for in the past, and the tories are putting an effort in to seats that they would have seen as safe in the past.

party activists who live in either a safe constituency, or a 'no hope' one may get asked if they would volunteer to help out in a constituency where their efforts will be more use. (in the past, labour members in - then - safe tory wokingham were asked to go and help out in one of the marginal Reading constituencies.)

there is an argument that the labour party machine in 2017 put too much effort / resources in to defensive marginal seats, and a bit more effort in a few target seats might have made a difference. Although the tories misread the polls, or theresa may wouldn't have called an election in the first place.

broadly speaking, all three main parties will put candidates up in every constituency and talk about winning, but some in safe seats will know they don't stand a chance, and it can be a training exercise for newcomers in the hope they will be given a seat where they actually stand a chance next time (tony blair's first election was being stood as a candidate in tory buckinghamshire, and one of the current tory 'elder statesmen' stood against dianne abbott in hackney as his first go.)

although it's not the done thing to say out loud that they know they won't win and hope to get a better constituency next time - labour candidate a few elections back in wokingham (then seen as very safe tory seat) got caught saying that and had to be replaced in a bit of a hurry...
I used to quite like Johnny Mercer. My father was in the army, I was born in the army. So generally I found Mercer's approach towards the military decent, not perfect but decent. Turns out he's suggesting Fred Thomas his Labour opponent is lying about his military service despite being certified by the head of UK special forces support group. Shame, I thought he was decent now he's come across as a political grifter ... shame.

He was ok - nothing special, but ok, and solid with his blokes - when I was his boss, but he is just a massive, utter cunt with his behaviour in the last few years. Utterly vile man, big into punching down - and despite all his talk of integrity, he employs his wife at a wildly inflated salary on the public pound.

Just hateful, just utterly hateful.
make that THREE communications from the lib-dems today.

got a 'focus' (thing that at first glance looks as if it's a local newspaper) through the door this afternoon

Yeah last time round in 2019 i got loads and loads of tory leaflets like that. i think they must have been targeting "leave" areas as my seat is considered safe labour normally. They came close in the end but didn't unseat labour.

This time i've had nothing from any party yet so back to "normal" i think.
Farage is having far far too much of an impact in this election. Quite a few polls now having them neck and neck with the tories and the labour voteshare dropping. And the shitstain is very very good at keeping himself in the news - today its bigging up andrew tate and saying nato provoked russia into invading ukraine. And far too many people are buying into his snake oil. Having two awkward, mealy mouthed wooden bores as the two main contendors is a gift for him. Im guessing alot of people who dont pay any attention to politics are looking at him and seeing somebody being straightforward , saying what sounds like plausible common sense and are thinking "well he cant by any worse than those two twats".
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Farage is having far far too much of an impact in this election. Quite a few polls now having them neck and neck with the tories and the labour voteshare dropping. And the shitstain is very very good at keeping himself in the news - today its bigging up andrew tate and saying nato provoked russia into invading ukraine. And far too many people are buying into his snake oil. Having two arkward, mealy mouthed wooden bores as the two main contendors is a gift for him. Im guessing alot of people who dont pay any attention to politics are looking at him and seeing somebody being straightforward , saying what sounds like plausible common sense and are thinking "well he cant by any worse than those two twats".
His security isn’t up to much I hear.
Just saying..
I've heard nothing about the non-Corbyn London independents campaigns.... No sign of people being organised to help their campaigns.
Given the latest Farage NATO/EU comment there seems a bit of commonality between the WorkersParty of Great Britan and REFORM.h is
The biggest commonality though is that Farage and Galloway are both too egotistical to co-operate with anyone else as peers.
Galloway here is repeating the John Meersheimer doctrine on Ukraine, exactly the same as Farage.
Did see quite a few Labour signs recently nailed up outside people's houses when walking from home from work this avo (relatively middleclass area in 2024). Not surprising, I think I've only ever seen Labour ones since the 90s, even when our Putney-based tory won comfortably last election. North of my own street you might as well be in Kensington, so things might be different, but I never have cause to go up there to check.

The cause? Even though they're going to make trans women go on men's wards and trans men go on women's wards, they're not changing the equality act to keep trans people out of toilets and changing rooms and other places.

Even with him now saying the incredible kindergarten cop men have a penis women have a vagina, which basically means trans people don't qualify in either category - it's not enough for this billionaire psychopath.

What will Keith do? Try and make Rowling feel better or decide nah fuck it.
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