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If we had Proportional Representation what do you think would happen?
I think you've hit the nail on the head. Labour's support hasn't gone up drastically since the 2017 elections say, they've always bobbed around the 30-40% area, It is the Tory vote that has collapsed. Perhaps the appeal of the Labour Party is just that they're not the Conservative Party?
Would it not be hilarious if the Starmer clique got smaller % vote than 2017 or even 2019!
I think it's pretty likely they will get fewer votes in absolute numbers than in 2017 due to low turnout. Lower percentage also wouldn't surprise me.

That would certainly indicate a huge improvement in vote efficiency. One of the things which happens when Labour is widely trusted and the whole centre to left spectrum is relaxed about voting tactically to crush the Tories.
I’ve always been an advocate for PR but if we had it now I’m sure Reform would do a lot better than the handful of seats they’ll probably get, so I’ve gone off the idea
I am keen on people having more control and power over their own lives. I would see proportional representation as one step of maybe 10 that need to be done. I think we need massive constitutional reform in this country electoral reform definitely. I would even go down the German route and have state-funding for political parties to stop them being blackmailed or their policy influenced by their donors either extremely rich people or the trade unions.
I am keen on people having more control and power over their own lives. I would see proportional representation as one step of maybe 10 that need to be done. I think we need massive constitutional reform in this country electoral reform definitely. I would even go down the German route and have state-funding for political parties to stop them being blackmailed or their policy influenced by their donors either extremely rich people or the trade unions.
Agreed (I was being tongue in cheek)
I am keen on people having more control and power over their own lives. I would see proportional representation as one step of maybe 10 that need to be done. I think we need massive constitutional reform in this country electoral reform definitely. I would even go down the German route and have state-funding for political parties to stop them being blackmailed or their policy influenced by their donors either extremely rich people or the trade unions.
I would be quite keen having directly-elected ministers, like a directly-elected Health Minister, a directly-elected education minister, a directly-elected minister for the environment etc.
Are we talking about judges and DA's and whatever in America?

All ministers are elected whether indirectly or not, I think it would be nice to have a choice not just be lumbered with one blanket party in charge of everything.
Are we talking about judges and DA's and whatever in America?

All ministers are elected whether indirectly or not, I think it would be nice to have a choice not just be lumbered with one blanket party in charge of everything.

Almost all difficult choices or policy programmes involve multiple departments. Imagine having political opponents running health and DCLG, or Justice and HO, without having the PM who appointed both of them to referee. It would be impossible to get anything done, ever.
That would certainly indicate a huge improvement in vote efficiency. One of the things which happens when Labour is widely trusted and the whole centre to left spectrum is relaxed about voting tactically to crush the Tories.
It might also show that the dullard Starmer is inferior to Corbyn
It might also show that the dullard Starmer is inferior to Corbyn

You mean apart from the dullard Starmer getting the levers of power to change shit, and the exciting Corbyn, err... not?

One is activity, and the other is achievement.

Corbyn built a really big fan club. Like 1D, or the Spice Girls.

What would be hilarious is if Starmer gets less votes than Corbyn, while getting a 100+ seat majority.
My postal votes have arrived, I will fill mine in and stroll to the post box tomorrow since we pensioners have plenty of free time (Did I mention
I'm retired now?) I will forward Youngest Q's to her since she reckons she won't be home this side of the GE.
And, the joke of a turn-out for electing police and crime commissioners here.
That was a bad idea, but that was just an add on an unnecessary add on.
I don't believe in elected judges, elected doctors, elected surgeons, elected plumbers, elected electricians, I believe they all need to be qualified.
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You mean apart from the dullard Starmer getting the levers of power to change shit, and the exciting Corbyn, err... not?

One is activity, and the other is achievement.

Corbyn built a really big fan club. Like 1D, or the Spice Girls.

What would be hilarious is if Starmer gets less votes than Corbyn, while getting a 100+ seat majority.
Starmer intends to change fuck all, except his suit. He will achieve nothing of note except in future years to make people wish the bastard had never been born
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