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The 2024 UK General Election - news, speculation and updates

That's not going to happen, delightful as it would be.

Serious question though. If the vermin are the second largest party, are they automatically "His Majesty's Opposition"? Or could the LibDems go into an "opposition coalition" with say, the Greens/SNP/Plaid?
Labour should slyly allow/encourage half a dozen MPs to defect to the LDs making them the official opposition.

Or maybe a third of their MPs could quit and form a new party called ‘I agree with Kier’ which becomes the official opposition, and does nothing but ask toady questions and arse lick the official governing party. Tories can’t do shit.
Labour should slyly allow/encourage half a dozen MPs to defect to the LDs making them the official opposition.

Or maybe a third of their MPs could quit and form a new party called ‘I agree with Kier’ which becomes the official opposition, and does nothing but ask toady questions and arse lick the official governing party. Tories can’t do shit.
I think I'm just dreaming of a post election headline "Tories? Not even the opposition!".
Throughout - and indeed, prior to - the General Election campaign, Sir Keir Starmer KCB KC has been anxious to remind the world that he was previously Director of Public Prosecutions. However, to date, there has been little or no focus on what he actually did in that role ... until now:

Throughout - and indeed, prior to - the General Election campaign, Sir Keir Starmer KCB KC has been anxious to remind the world that he was previously Director of Public Prosecutions. However, to date, there has been little or no focus on what he actually did in that role ... until now:

Interesting indeed. I’m not sure what to think of this guy. Lawful good? Or a hidden agenda?
When he gets into power which I’m sure he will I expect something radical. For good or for worse, this guy has something up his sleeves. But as everyone agrees, what the fuxk is that? The unknown…
Second Tory candidate looked into over election betting Second Tory candidate looked into over election betting

And, a cop that was part of Sunak's close protection team.

A close protection officer for Rishi Sunak has been arrested and suspended over alleged bets about the timing of the general election, Sky News understands.

The officer is a member of the Met's Royalty and Specialist Protection (RaSP) Command, which provides personal close protection to ministerial VIPs and members of the Royal Family.

Sky News understands that several bets were placed, with at least one of them being a three-figure sum.

You would think you could trust cops and Tory MPs. ;)
Throughout - and indeed, prior to - the General Election campaign, Sir Keir Starmer KCB KC has been anxious to remind the world that he was previously Director of Public Prosecutions. However, to date, there has been little or no focus on what he actually did in that role ... until now:

So he enthusiastically pushed for higher charges for people during the riots, repeatedly pushing for "one up" for higher charges, even people with no previous record who were caught up in the protests for "really minor offences". He weaseled out at 1:20 saying "the prosecutor doesn't decide on the conviction ... and the court then looks at it in the round ...".

He delivered (at 3:15) 27% cuts at the DPP "fully", "enthusiastically" "slightly ahead of schedule" "with no pushback" by getting rid of the most expensive (i.e most experienced) people. So he admits that he "inflicted" austerity on a public service: "which does mean I've got first hand experience of what it means to inflict [sic] austerity on a public service which is why I'm determined to never do it again".

The "biggest failure" was "a loss of corporate knowledge", and was adjudged "a mistake" and according to the interviewee (couldn't catch the name, subtitles said Naz Rafal but doesn't sound like that) who worked with him. He said it was a textbook case on "how not to do it".

Starmer disputed that with "not easy choices" :rolleyes:. The CPS annual reports was filled with euphemisms and corporate speak "that concealed a darker reality". The interviewee said "there were people around me who were "falling", he did a survey showing "drink levels were going up, mental health issues were clearly evident, people around me were suffering - when are doing more work with less people that is going to happen".

Challenged that people were dropping, people turning to drink the fucker smiled and shook his head ... "well at the end of my five-year tenure the offer was made for me to continue but people were "pleeeased [sic] with the change" and the progress we were making". "People" in this case were his tory masters.

And we've all seen how greatly his proclaimed improvements on improving the treatment of rape victims went. It must have been pretty fucking diabolical before for him to have made the great improvement he claims.
I love the idea that some Tory candidates are so desperate for a win they try and cheat bookies.
The first guy fingered for this reportedly placed a £100 bet, winning £500. That’s small change for this lot, chickenfeed is the term I believe. Seems stupid to do it for such little gain, unless there’s some other motive like dishonesty for the sake of it.

Maybe the gambling commission needs to look at all bets placed over a certain value in recent weeks, I bet there’s been more of them at it.
It’s all very amusing for anyone who hates the Tories, which is at least 70% of the nation, but the only victims here are bookies, who are scum. Anybody with insider information has a moral duty to fuck them over. It would be different if the bets were placed on a peer-to-peer platform.
If you just looked at Social Media, you might think that Reform were going to win 100+ seats - they seem all over the place :hmm: very enthusiastic about their 'revolt'. I can see Farage winning his seat, and maybe a few others gettingover the line - maximum of 5 - who will have fuck all influence in parliament. It will be hilarious to see Farage leading a small party and getting fuck all coverage - plus having to go to Clacton, something he previously said he didn't want to do. Dealing with constituency matters will be very dull for him - he probably won't bother much.
If you just looked at Social Media, you might think that Reform were going to win 100+ seats - they seem all over the place :hmm: very enthusiastic about their 'revolt'. I can see Farage winning his seat, and maybe a few others gettingover the line - maximum of 5 - who will have fuck all influence in parliament. It will be hilarious to see Farage leading a small party and getting fuck all coverage - plus having to go to Clacton, something he previously said he didn't want to do. Dealing with constituency matters will be very dull for him - he probably won't bother much.

I doubt he'll be seen in Clacton much, he'll probably get someone else to deal with constituency matters, because I assume after the GE he will be back on GB News with his show, that's worth over £300k a year to him.
The first guy fingered for this reportedly placed a £100 bet, winning £500. That’s small change for this lot, chickenfeed is the term I believe. Seems stupid to do it for such little gain, unless there’s some other motive like dishonesty for the sake of it.

Maybe the gambling commission needs to look at all bets placed over a certain value in recent weeks, I bet there’s been more of them at it.

This is exactly what bookies do, and how these people have been found out, on speciality bets such as this. Anything £100 and above gets checked.

As for the chicken feed...just shows how greedy these people are.
If you just looked at Social Media, you might think that Reform were going to win 100+ seats - they seem all over the place :hmm: very enthusiastic about their 'revolt'. I can see Farage winning his seat, and maybe a few others gettingover the line - maximum of 5 - who will have fuck all influence in parliament. It will be hilarious to see Farage leading a small party and getting fuck all coverage - plus having to go to Clacton, something he previously said he didn't want to do. Dealing with constituency matters will be very dull for him - he probably won't bother much.
Why would the media give him "fuck all coverage"? It'll be "that Gobshite again, is he never off the fecking box". And five seats or less, Refukup will still be presented as the real opposition, and the overton window will be dragged even further right.
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