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The 2024 UK General Election - news, speculation and updates

My dabble into politics;

What is the future of the Conservative Party after this election? Would they ever recover or is this their Kim Campbell Canadian Conservative party moment?

What is the Conservative Party's future after this election?
I think that depends on how well Refuk does. If Farage gets elected then there's a chance he could push for an alignment with him in charge. Braverman has said they should join. Truss clearly has sympathies to them/him as they are both chummy with the likes of Steve Bannon. I suspect an immediate pro trump push given the proximity of the American election.
If Refuk makes insignificant gains or none then i guess it will be a battle between moderates and maniacs as to who gets to lead. Whether they will have anything to offer in opposition is unlikely for a while. Again it all comes down to Farage. He could offer to rescue a failing Tory party having then diteched Reform. Or they could press the Boris button, even though he's probably happier holidaying every other day while getitng paid stupid money talking shit in the right wing press once a month
Good for them. As evidenced by the publication having a pop at them, which you are happy to cite, being some weird alt-right thing.
The issue is not the medium but the facts. As a lifelong anti-fascist who has been personally harassed by them: see Here I beg to disagree. Lowles and HNH are scum, end of
Good for them. As evidenced by the publication having a pop at them, which you are happy to cite, being some weird alt-right thing.
I think that depends on how well Refuk does. If Farage gets elected then there's a chance he could push for an alignment with him in charge. Braverman has said they should join. Truss clearly has sympathies to them/him as they are both chummy with the likes of Steve Bannon. I suspect an immediate pro trump push given the proximity of the American election.
If Refuk makes insignificant gains or none then i guess it will be a battle between moderates and maniacs as to who gets to lead. Whether they will have anything to offer in opposition is unlikely for a while. Again it all comes down to Farage. He could offer to rescue a failing Tory party having then diteched Reform. Or they could press the Boris button, even though he's probably happier holidaying every other day while getitng paid stupid money talking shit in the right wing press once a month

Both Farage and Boris would need to get into parliament first. In Boris's case he would need a by-election (same for farage if he fails this time of course). Also i think farage probably wouldn't be welcomed by everyone in the tory party.
I think the best that reform UK are hoping for is:
1. Farage wins Clacton and becomes MP (obviously).
2. That the Reform UK vote goes above the Conservative Party's vote thus pointing out the massive discrepancy caused by first-pass-the-post and more people will support proportional representation.

...and the Tories
1. The Tories will be hoping that they stay ahead of Reform UK and keep their vote in the 20s rather than the teens. I don't think they're aiming to get anything else out this election.
Both Farage and Boris would need to get into parliament first. In Boris's case he would need a by-election (same for farage if he fails this time of course). Also i think farage probably wouldn't be welcomed by everyone in the tory party.
Boris has gone on holiday not back til july3
I think the best that reform UK are hoping for is:
1. Farage wins Clacton and becomes MP (obviously).
2. That the Reform UK vote goes above the Conservative Party's vote thus pointing out the massive discrepancy caused by first-pass-the-post and more people will support proportional representation.

...and the Tories
1. The Tories will be hoping that they stay ahead of Reform UK and keep their vote in the 20s rather than the teens. I don't think they're aiming to get anything else out this election.
to be fair, while no.2 suddenly now looks possible it would be a pretty amazing result in the wider context.
Not sure why so many people are banging on about Farage, Braverman and all the other far right pricks, all they have are lies about immigration. They don't stand up to the slightest bit of scrutiny. Sure their endless banging on about small boats and pretending that's why the country's flooded with people who are not like you and me, nudge, nudge. When the truth is legal migration, encouraged and facilitated by the government has never been higher, cos we as a country fucking need it. But they can't say that, so they keep up with the dog-whistles, but whenever they get to actual power, such as Brexit, it's all exposed as bollocks and the whole thing falls apart. Farage does not want to be elected, if he does get in to Clacton his promises of infiltrating the Tories will disappear, he's a rabble-rouser, why any fucker gives him the time of day is a mystery. Not enough milkshake in the land for that charlatan.
I wonder how Call Me Dave is feeling about his decision to return to the flock…
It leaves him hoping for someone in a safe seat, if there is one, to stand down over the Summer allowing him to return the House of Commons and lead the Tories to victory in 2028
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It leaves him hoping for someone in a safe seat, if there has one, to stand down over the Summer allowing him to return the House of Commons and lead the Tories to victory in 2028
What does he care? he's a lord! He's reached the top tier. Set for life, the democidal cunt
Not sure why so many people are banging on about Farage, Braverman and all the other far right pricks, all they have are lies about immigration. They don't stand up to the slightest bit of scrutiny. Sure their endless banging on about small boats and pretending that's why the country's flooded with people who are not like you and me, nudge, nudge. When the truth is legal migration, encouraged and facilitated by the government has never been higher, cos we as a country fucking need it. But they can't say that, so they keep up with the dog-whistles, but whenever they get to actual power, such as Brexit, it's all exposed as bollocks and the whole thing falls apart. Farage does not want to be elected, if he does get in to Clacton his promises of infiltrating the Tories will disappear, he's a rabble-rouser, why any fucker gives him the time of day is a mystery. Not enough milkshake in the land for that charlatan.
Because eople believe him. Immigration is an issue that lots of voters seem to think is a huge priority even if they aren't directly affected. Also because he gets shit loads of air time, for some reason
Because eople believe him. Immigration is an issue that lots of voters seem to think is a huge priority even if they aren't directly affected. Also because he gets shit loads of air time, for some reason

Sure, but in reality it isn't, the truth is we need immigration to function, the record numbers of legal migrants bear this out. But Farage and his ilk have spent years purposely conflating that with refugees trying to enter without permission and we are now at a place where there's a hoch of gammon who see all immigration as terrible and must be stopped. Once Farage reaches power it all falls apart, as it did for Braverman with all her rhetoric about migrants whilst her department was handing out record numbers of visas.
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Interesting evidence of Hope Not Hate pimping for the Labour Right here Rochdale actions

I'm not surprised that you salute George Galloway's courage and indefatigablity.

But that doesn't mean that he isn't a racist

“Well Humza you’re not more Scottish than me. You’re not a Celt like me."

And a homophobe.

Personal experience back in the 1980s when he was General Secretary of War in Want taught what a duplicitous shit he was.

Whatever the Labour right it may not want, he should be challenged from the left.
According to the article, many of them also cherry-pick what figures they use depending on which puts their candidate in the best light, so eg one party uses the previous GE, but another uses the recent Local Elections.
Do you need to read an article to learn that?
The Torygraph poll predictions are the worse yet for the Tory’s.
That's not going to happen, delightful as it would be.

Serious question though. If the vermin are the second largest party, are they automatically "His Majesty's Opposition"? Or could the LibDems go into an "opposition coalition" with say, the Greens/SNP/Plaid?
What does he care? he's a lord! He's reached the top tier. Set for life, the democidal cunt
It's not the top. It's a political backwater and he's currently set for a life of boredom. The fact that he was willing to become Foreign Secretary indicates that he still has political ambitions and the Tory Party might come to the conclusion that there is nothing better in offer. He's certainly better positioned for the role than either Truss or Johnson.
Sure, but in reality it isn't, the truth is we need immigration to function, the record numbers of legal migrants bear this out. But Farage and his ilk have spent years purposely conflating that with refugees trying to enter without permission and we are now at a place where there's a hoch of gammon who see all immigration as terrible and must be stopped. Once Farage reaches power it all falls apart, as it did for Braverman with all her rhetoric about migrants whilst her department was handing out record numbers of visas.
the only power he'll get is the power to continue to oppose without responsibility, and that has gotten him this far.
There is a high chance he'll quit as an mp shortly afterwards if he doesn't lose his seat in the GE.

But there will probably be a few deluded twats trying to get selected for the by-election. Boris? pigfucker? rees-mogg? Truss?
Well, exactly. That's why I posted that.

However, he has been very clear in the media that he will stay as an MP (assuming he doesn't get voted out) for the full term of the next parliament. Obviously, no-one believes that for one minute. "Standing aside" to let Boris/Dave/etc take his seat, for the "good of the party and the country" would be the perfect excuse for him to piss off to California, without permanently burning his bridges with regard to a return to UK politics in the future.
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