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Streatham "terrorist-related" attack, people stabbed 02.02.2020

Where exactly is Streatham? Genuine question - there are parts of London I don't know at all.

South London, a couple of miles south of Brixton and about 4 miles north of Croydon.

I was on Tooting Bec Common about an hour and a half ago (about a quarter of a mile from the scene currently on the BBC front page). Saw 2 ambulances and 4 ambulance cars plus a helicopter on the common and another one in the air. And a few rubberneckers with their phones out taking pictures. I had no idea what was afoot at the time.
just watching this develop

might be mental illness related

weird day a sunday to plan a terror attached


Being mentally ill and being a religious or political extremist are not mutually exclusive. I'm not sure Sunday is any weirder than any other day.
Looks like he had a (probably) fake suicide vest of some sort

Gulled Bulhan, a 19-year-old student from Streatham, said he witnessed the shooting outside the Boots store.

He said: "I was crossing the road when I saw a man with a machete and silver canisters on his chest being chased by what I assume was an undercover police officer - as they were in civilian clothing.

be grateful it was just him.. the truck attacks in paris had ghouls videoing victums
Ah. That explains why I'm back at home and not visiting my mum in hospital in Tooting, which I set out to do. There had been some kind of crash on Streatham Common North involving 2 or 3 cars. Debris all over the road, emergency vehicles etc. Got past but the traffic didn't get any better after that towards Streatham High Road so I turned round. Then I went to Gracefield Gardens to see where the medical centre is there because reasons and the turn from there into the High Road was cordoned off. Lots of confused traffic everywhere, helicopter, emergency vehicles etc. Couple of people with their phones out being told to fuck off by police. I fucked off likewise.
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There’s helicopters circling. I was out walking the dog about an hour ago in West Norwood and saw a shit load of ambulances and plod vans at speed heading in that direction :(
FFS, half an hour wait for a stab victim :mad:

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I would guess that’s down to the police wanting to the secure the scene and not put Ambulance crews in danger. Also traffic is a nightmare in the area with a shit load of roadworks due to Thames Water digging up the streets. Not saying it’s right, but it’s unlikely it’s due to lack of available resources locally given the proximity of several major hospitals.
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