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Single mums ‘should not be acceptable’ says Shaun Bailey, Tory Mayor of London candidate

He's clearly saying that's what he does with his money now - no doubt expensive wines with his meals and nice brandy afterwards when schmoozing his tory funding mates. Just doesn't want other people doing it.

I had a flier through the other day from him. It was big on how he grew up poor, ended up homeless etc etc. He' appears to be a full on pull yourself up by the bootstraps type so his comments about drugs and poor people are probably more to do with that then his current consumption habits.

I also saw an advert for that Brian Rose twat the other day. It was like some sort of weird US style presidential pitch.

The London Mayoral election is a crowded field of unpleasant nutters this time around. :thumbs:
I had a flier through the other day from him. It was big on how he grew up poor, ended up homeless etc etc. He' appears to be a full on pull yourself up by the bootstraps type so his comments about drugs and poor people are probably more to do with that then his current consumption habits.

I also saw an advert for that Brian Rose twat the other day. It was like some sort of weird US style presidential pitch.

The London Mayoral election is a crowded field of unpleasant nutters this time around. :thumbs:
Grrr I had a thought and checked and saw somewhere that he went teetotal so I edited but you beat me to it :mad:
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It's what his mates do - expensive wines with their meals and nice brandy afterwards when schmoozing his tory funding mates. Just doesn't want other people doing it.
He thinks he deserves those things; and that people who want them must deserve them, too. Which gives him a nice position of (artificial) superiority from where he can feel entitled to "other" them and suggest that their behaviours, were they to have the same money he has, would be utterly different - worse, obviously.

The tragedy is that there are still rather too many people who also think like he does. And, of course, the neoliberal Tory ideology has managed to quite successfully persuade a lot of people who themselves might not be that far above the horizon of Bailey's disdain that they, too, should be punching down like he is. And voila! Evil scumsucking Tories are wandering around with a 40% approval rating :(
It's such pathetic, backward thinking. It makes zero sense that were a universal income to be introduced it would be the people who need money most that would spend it on drugs. Surely if that's what he's worried about it would be the people who are already comfortable who would spend it on extras, be that weed or beaujolais.

I think a lot of this is to do with the idea that poor people shouldn't have anything fun or nice, and that it's therefore up to the rich to police their behaviour in a way that they wouldn't dream of doing to wealthy people. Poorer people should just be working and feeling bad until they've got rich enough to stop needing support and start trying to avoid giving it instead.
It's such pathetic, backward thinking. It makes zero sense that were a universal income to be introduced it would be the people who need money most that would spend it on drugs. Surely if that's what he's worried about it would be the people who are already comfortable who would spend it on extras, be that weed or beaujolais.

I think a lot of this is to do with the idea that poor people shouldn't have anything fun or nice, and that it's therefore up to the rich to police their behaviour in a way that they wouldn't dream of doing to wealthy people. Poorer people should just be working and feeling bad until they've got rich enough to stop needing support and start trying to avoid giving it instead.
All of that and the fact that Bailey is a thick, racist, misanthropic bigot.
I think a lot of this is to do with the idea that poor people shouldn't have anything fun or nice, and that it's therefore up to the rich to police their behaviour in a way that they wouldn't dream of doing to wealthy people.

It would be fine in South Kensington but what about in South Shields?
I had a flier through the other day from him. It was big on how he grew up poor, ended up homeless etc etc. He' appears to be a full on pull yourself up by the bootstraps type so his comments about drugs and poor people are probably more to do with that then his current consumption habits.
It's reinforcement for people who were going to vote Tory anyway IMO - "look Beryl, we can't be the nasty party if someone like that is the candidate" - but no, he doesn't come across as someone who's a big coke-snorting hypocrite, just somebody who completely hasn't thought it through. I have no idea of his "youth worker" record but even if he was dedicated he could still be earnestly convinced that entirely wrong things were in fact right.
The London Mayoral election is a crowded field of unpleasant nutters this time around. :thumbs:
Is an element of this that everyone assumes Khan is a shoo-in this time so nobody else is taking it that seriously? Maybe the tories are trying out ideas to see how far they might push things in 'real' contests?
Is an element of this that everyone assumes Khan is a shoo-in this time so nobody else is taking it that seriously? Maybe the tories are trying out ideas to see how far they might push things in 'real' contests?
Maybe and much more likely they've a duff candidate. You're outing yourself here as something of a 'loon
Is an element of this that everyone assumes Khan is a shoo-in this time so nobody else is taking it that seriously? Maybe the tories are trying out ideas to see how far they might push things in 'real' contests?
After the debacle of Goldsmith's racist campaign and in the context of Khan's polling, they obviously couldn't muster a credible candidate and picked the gullible dumbo Bailey thinking that it would convince Londoners that they knew a black person.
Is an element of this that everyone assumes Khan is a shoo-in this time so nobody else is taking it that seriously? Maybe the tories are trying out ideas to see how far they might push things in 'real' contests?

Yeah as other say I think its more to do with the weakness of Bailey as a candidate. There are more than a few who have sniffed an opportunity to muscle in on the space vacated by the tories and those voters disillusioned with Khan.
Is an element of this that everyone assumes Khan is a shoo-in this time so nobody else is taking it that seriously? Maybe the tories are trying out ideas to see how far they might push things in 'real' contests?
Nah, British politicians (of all stripes) are for the most part not that bright. He either a) genuinely thinks that way and is struggling to keep up the pretence otherwise, b) dogwhistling for votes he already knows he has.
Possibly the latter more than the first, no matter what public face he puts on it, he must realise that we might as well just give Khan the job and cancel the election to save money in these troubled times perhaps he just doesn't want to lose by the margin he expects to.
Talk of the devil...just had this glossy pamphlet shite put through the door by postie.

I had a flier through the other day from him. It was big on how he grew up poor, ended up homeless etc etc. He' appears to be a full on pull yourself up by the bootstraps type so his comments about drugs and poor people are probably more to do with that then his current consumption habits.

I also saw an advert for that Brian Rose twat the other day. It was like some sort of weird US style presidential pitch.

The London Mayoral election is a crowded field of unpleasant nutters this time around. :thumbs:

TBF, there have been a fair few fruitloops at every London Mayoral election, from the Jeebus-wallahs, to the "Naatural Law" wankers, to pricks like David Kurten.
Talk of the devil...just had this glossy pamphlet shite put through the door by postie.

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Is that the same Karren Brady who was famously a Director of pornographer David Sullivan's Sport newspapers and other business interests interviewing Bailey for that piece of self-promotion?

Not sure how that squares with his socially ultra conservative pro-family stance, or maybe it doesn't matter now she's a member of the House of Lords...
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