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Protest outside Old Bailey in support of Constance Marten & Mark Gordon

No there was something superstar. She didn’t really join for that though rather just argued there was nothing wrong with drawings of child abuse. I’m paraphrasing and probably forgot a lot of it.

I’m pretty sure she did. I remember the conversation. She signed up to promote a petition or to share lobbying material from a specific organisation concerned with this aspect - and only this aspect - of free speech.
Describing child abuse as porn just trivialises it and makes it sound titilating. If you were raped and someone filmed the attack, how would you feel if everyone referred to the porn you were in?
When this guy Reynhard Sinaga - Wikipedia raped and filmed 136 adult men, no one was calling it gay porn.
You honestly think folk who refer to filmed child sexual abuse as child porn are going ‘haha’?
Take a break from the computer and ask some normal people if they’re offended by my language?
You whined, it was explained to you, you whined again and continue to.

At least if the thread attention seeker changes to you we might get rid of the loonspud OP!
Carry on, as you do
If a thread runs long enough Magnus will find a way to make a clumsy mistake and then double down rather than admit he was wrong
To be fair these vile images and videos have long been widely described as child porn. I didn't know about the more apt term, and I'd put a few quid on Magnus McGinty not knowing either. I'll not be using porn bit in future, and I expect Magnus will act similarly
I disagree with all of it, with you in general, and with the fact that you are able to continue spouting this poisonous tripe without, it seems, the slightest glimmer of conscience.

Is that clear enough for you?

Anyway, who do you think you are? Perry fucking Mason?
Yes, it's perfectly clear. You believe that whether or not a non-consensual act against a person or their family counts as violence depends on who does it, and in particular on whether the perpetrator is a state goon or someone else - and you consider that a person who sheds light on your attitude must necessarily be toxic and evil.

This is what you are saying. You are clearly full of hatred against those who see social conditions and the state clearly.
So if the parents get locked up for abuse / neglect then the kids should be locked up with them. :thumbs:
The poster said they disagreed with the statement that forcibly capturing children was an act of violence. Try to stay on the point.

Sometimes violence is justified.

Saying it can't be violence when the state does it is insane.

Why does Britain have such an extraordinarily high rate of forced adoptions, including of newborn babies (i.e. labelling women as unfit to breed)?
Is there something about British culture that gives rise to an exceptionally large proportion of wicked parents, or parents who just DGAF?
Or is there something, y'know, a bit unusual about the way the authorities view the population here?
To get a handle on these questions, try to think of a single other country that has so many media articles containing assertions that "experts" have said this, that, or the other, or that bigs up the word "professional" so much.
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The OP is now getting sucked into the side issue that some idiot raised. This bodes ill.
I only know about Barnado's. I don't know anything about the argument on the terminological issue, and as far as I am concerned this thread has zero to do with what to call child sexual abuse.
My vote is their dealer.. Wants the regular cash flow back of the ridiculous money she got which wasn't enough to get a hotel, or flat, or any other sort of suitable accomadation.
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