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Protest outside Old Bailey in support of Constance Marten & Mark Gordon

Constance Marten's barrister is making his closing speech. The jury will be probably be sent out either on Friday morning or possibly on Monday.

The only other charge is concealment of birth. There's a chance they'll be convicted of this. The maximum sentence is two years. They've served nearly 14 months on remand.
Hopefully they will be acquitted on all five charges, walk out the front door of the Bailey, and then sue for the multiple crimes that have been committed against them, including malicious prosecution.
If they are convicted of concealment of birth, I doubt the state will want to set them free right away, giving publicity to parents who have stood up for themselves, and for humanity, against the SS. They will find some excuse to hold them for a while longer and then let them out of a prison gate somewhere without notice, so there's no film.

And the whole thing about a dead baby in their charge, any thoughts on that?

Rhetorical question.
We are all going to be sorry when the accused are found not guilty and the judge says they can walk out of court without a stain on their characters and £50 from the poor box.

We’ll all be apologising to Seventy N+1 then and no mistakes.
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