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Road safety: UK set to adopt vehicle speed limiters

Nobody claimed you have. But what do you think about 2hats' statement on the matter?
Am I to be quizzed on every poster's individual posts here? But seeing as you asked, I wholeheartedly endorse about 90% of it.

What do you think of his post?
Am I to be quizzed on every poster's individual posts here? But seeing as you asked, I wholeheartedly endorse about 90% of it.

What do you think of his post?
I think he's wrong.
Why are you so cantankerous? You're getting very shirty lately, especially with people who for some unfathomable reason have a different point of view to you.
I think he's wrong.
Why are you so cantankerous? You're getting very shirty lately, especially with people who for some unfathomable reason have a different point of view to you.
I'm just getting a bit fed up repeating itself in this thread. Several times I've been asked to answer a point that bears no relationship to my posts or oft-repeated opinions. But seeing as the post in question contained several points, do you think all of them are wrong?
That depends on whether the vendor continues to choose (or is otherwise persuaded) to let it be so.
I wouldn't say that car OEMs have 'chosen' to allow remaps and so on - it's hardly open standards - and ultimately, you can just replace entire units like the ECU with something that produces the same electrical outputs.
Although I'm completely agree that speed-limiters should be fitted to *all* cars (i.e. no road car should be able to go over 70mph in the UK) and that clever speed-limiters are an even better idea and should also be fitted to all road cars and that ways should be found to retro-fit clever speed-limiters to all existing roads cars we should... er... hang on I've lost my train of thought...

I'm just getting a bit fed up repeating itself in this thread. Several times I've been asked to answer a point that bears no relationship to my posts or oft-repeated opinions. But seeing as the post in question contained several points, do you think all of them are wrong?
The thing I think is wrong is the assertion drivers shouldn't need to accelerate suddenly EVER unless the driver is driving too fast/badly.
Not that I'm speaking from experience; I don't drive. But I've seen it done.
The thing I think is wrong is the assertion drivers shouldn't need to accelerate suddenly EVER unless the driver is driving too fast/badly.
Not that I'm speaking from experience; I don't drive. But I've seen it done.
I don't agree either, but his post contained a load of other points, all of which I agreed with.
I wouldn't say that car OEMs have 'chosen' to allow remaps and so on - it's hardly open standards - and ultimately, you can just replace entire units like the ECU with something that produces the same electrical outputs.
Well that would depend on how the signalling evolves in future.
I wouldn't say that car OEMs have 'chosen' to allow remaps and so on - it's hardly open standards - and ultimately, you can just replace entire units like the ECU with something that produces the same electrical outputs.

Good bit of skill involved in that, I would think.
Indeed. So it's probably time to stop making cars that can go at 150mph or whatever.
Nonsense. Track days are brilliant fun! And my car would only do 130. The point of the proposed system is that it will stop a majority of people from speeding. It's not even designed to stop the proper sociopaths.
My speed is always dictated by conditions.
Having ridden a motorbike for many years I'm well aware of the many hazards of the road. Usually other car drivers.

Then why are you having an issue with having to slam your brakes on when finding a slower moving vehicle in front of you, in a situation with limited vision? Why are you claiming the slower vehicle creates the danger in this situation?
Inappropriately slow speed is as dangerous, and certainly as wrong, as inappropriately high speed. And the police already take a dim view on it, though it should certainly stamp on it more thoroughly still.

That’s not what the eu reporting on this editor posted said.
Then why are you having an issue with having to slam your brakes on when finding a slower moving vehicle in front of you, in a situation with limited vision? Why are you claiming the slower vehicle creates the danger in this situation?
Even if I was doing 40, someone doing 30 (normally elderly, or in this case nuns) is still a hazard on a 60. I'd be perfectly happy if they reduced the speed limit btw.
When I say slamming the brakes on, I'm not talking an emergency stop. Maybe a slight exaggeration on my part. Shoot me.
That however dismantles your claim that needing to accelerating to get out of a dangerous situation is a myth, does it not?

All the situations that commentators have suggested for this are ones they’ve put themselves into.
You keep ignoring the simple fact that with speed limiters that situation would not exist.
I don't deny it. I was simply addressing an statement and challenging a line of thought that a particular situation has been made up by petrolheads and could not possibly be true under any circumstances.
Thundering :D.
And it over, not up. It's not one of the 3 peaks. Vehicles are visible from further back up the road.
Going 60mph with no visibility of what's just ahead of you over the hill is 'thundering' in my book. It's definitely reckless behaviour and trying to shit the blame to the motorist in front is well off. Perhaps he's driving a vehicle which is unsafe or incapable of higher speeds.
Even if I was doing 40, someone doing 30 (normally elderly, or in this case nuns) is still a hazard on a 60. I'd be perfectly happy if they reduced the speed limit btw.
When I say slamming the brakes on, I'm not talking an emergency stop. Maybe a slight exaggeration on my part. Shoot me.

Sure, but anything on the road is a hazard to some degree or another. Having to slow down a bit doesn't seem particularly dangerous (and whatever danger there is, isn't caused by the slower moving vehicle).
Even if I was doing 40, someone doing 30 (normally elderly, or in this case nuns) is still a hazard on a 60. I'd be perfectly happy if they reduced the speed limit btw.
When I say slamming the brakes on, I'm not talking an emergency stop. Maybe a slight exaggeration on my part. Shoot me.
So someone doing 30mph is automatically a 'hazard' in your book? Why don't you just slow down?
Sure, but anything on the road is a hazard to some degree or another. Having to slow down a bit doesn't seem particularly dangerous (and whatever danger there is, isn't caused by the slower moving vehicle).
Jesus, I do slow down. I don't thunder everywhere.
Sorry, meant to quote eds.
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