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North Shropshire by-election

Graeme Currie:
"Yesterday the NEC blocked my inclusion onto the North Shropshire local members hustings to shortlist for the upcoming by-election candidate. Under the guise of “due diligence” they raised spurious concerns regarding a tweet 2018 of a Palestinian badge and a Facebook post in 2020"

"I am not sure I am even a member anymore
I express my sadness, anger and revulsion at this unfair and undemocratic treatment! I will not be able to campaign now or probably ever again for the Labour Party. I am devastated and destroyed by the casual horror of my treatment by NEC."

"In a fair and free contest I would have loved to work for and 100% support Ben Wood. I hold no animosity towards Ben. But for the NEC to sideline me for their own purposes using baseless anti semitism slurs is a dagger to my heart."

This guy's a Christian socialist who's been a member of the Labour Party since 1980. Basically the kind of grassroots stalwart who's kept the party going through thick and thin over the years. And who stayed with the Party when it was deeply unfashionable after Iraq during the fag-end years of Blairism.

Now, the party establishment that blocked him even going before the members of the CLP on the shortlist have basically given up on this bye-election (has Starmer even visited?) and will no doubt hide behind the inadequacy of the candidate they imposed as an excuse. Welcome to the grown-ups party!
wasn't Paterson's majority 22,000?
Yes, it's a very safe Tory seat. But he took Labour's vote from 19 to 31% - double the Liberal vote. Can you imagine the Liberals going into this bye-election having gained a third of the vote only four years ago and basically giving up on it? That's right-wing Labour for you!
I know Labour had double the Lib Dem vote in 2019, but that is still some distance from being a 'good second place'. It was a terrible second place.
The map of the constituency for reference...

Just realised that I know parts of that area...as an 18YO, with some friends, we did a canal boat holiday on the Shropshire Union & Llangollen canals; happy/hazy memories.
It seems there could be another Salopian sleaze domino on the verge of being toppled. Daniel Kawczinski has been trying to get jobs by boasting about his pandering to murderous tyrants.

Tory MP needing ‘to pay school fees’ pleaded for lucrative Middle East work

Ed Davey will be whacking himself crazy with his little orange mallet


Got a feeling that all this talk of the vermin losing the seat is expectation management so a win but with a much reduced vote share will look like an endorsement of the sack of shit at no 10
Got a feeling that all this talk of the vermin losing the seat is expectation management so a win but with a much reduced vote share will look like an endorsement of the sack of shit at no 10
Like the Labour result at Batley and Spen did for Starmer.
Certainly if the Lib Dems don't take the seat and Labour come a poor third, there's going to be a real shit show for the opposition coming out of this. Let's see what happens tomorrow!
I expect some of the confusion over who is best placed for a protest vote is being orchestrated by the tories, a clear benefit if they can split the opposition.
I expect some of the confusion over who is best placed for a protest vote is being orchestrated by the tories, a clear benefit if they can split the opposition.

I expect it is being organised by the Liberals because that's what they always do. They're very good at the "We're the only ones who can beat the Tories/Labour in this seat" schtick.

As for organised Tories, they're too busy trying to split each other open to bother about the other parties.
Just realised that I know parts of that area...as an 18YO, with some friends, we did a canal boat holiday on Shropshire Union & Llangollen
My mum and dad had a cabin cruiser when I lived in Cheshire, we had a holiday on rhe Shropshire Union and Llangollen canals (numerous others too). Have to say was pretty good laugh as a kid, outside, fishing every day, loved it. .
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Omicron could affect the result, with a generally lower in person vote. Hard to tell who the postal votes will favour as I can't quite remember which bit of johnson's crisis was happening when they were filled in. Anyway, I'm slightly edging towards a vermin hold on low turnout and much reduced majority.
My mum and dad had a cabin cruiser when I lived in Cheshire, we had a holiday on rhe Shropshire Union and Llangollen canals (numerous others too). Have to say was pretty good laugh as a kid, outside, fishing every day, loved it. .
You must have come through Audlem which was where we lived, we used to make a bit of pocket money doing all the locks in that run for people.
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