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Nigel Farage

A Falange Supporter. What is this old git doing on tiktok?


This is why kids should never be taught to uncritically "respect your elders".

When I was a kid, a frequent refrain from racist old bastards was something along the lines of "I fought Hitler, so people like you could live in this country".

Nowadays the only fighting these rancid old cunts have done was on the football terraces in the 70s, and they're as worthy of respect as a skidmark.

This is why kids should never be taught to uncritically "respect your elders".

When I was a kid, a frequent refrain from racist old bastards was something along the lines of "I fought Hitler, so people like you could live in this country".

Nowadays the only fighting these rancid old cunts have done was on the football terraces in the 70s, and they're as worthy of respect as a skidmark.
Mum!! Grandad has been skipping his pills again!!

This is why kids should never be taught to uncritically "respect your elders".

When I was a kid, a frequent refrain from racist old bastards was something along the lines of "I fought Hitler, so people like you could live in this country".

Nowadays the only fighting these rancid old cunts have done was on the football terraces in the 70s, and they're as worthy of respect as a skidmark.
Stopped for a coffee one time, sat there peaceably, young couple with older man who was looking at me (hair and a beard) and muttering angrily that he fought in the second world war. I'm too polite sometimes, I really should have asked him which side.
Stopped for a coffee one time, sat there peaceably, young couple with older man who was looking at me (hair and a beard) and muttering angrily that he fought in the second world war. I'm too polite sometimes, I really should have asked him which side.
Speaking as someone who has neither, is there some significance in the fact that you have hair and a beard?
Farage now to get police protection after two attacks!
Bloody hell; imagine doing a police firearms course then the close protection course but then getting tasked to the man frog's detail...

Although, TBF , I imagine he is pretty high on the 'most likely to get slotted' * list of UK politicos. I'd have thought he was getting protection** earlier...

(*The Home Office probably don't call it that)

(**Insert, 'I wish his dad had had protection' gag here)
Bloody hell; imagine doing a police firearms course then the close protection course but then getting tasked to the man frog's detail...

Although, TBF , I imagine he is pretty high on the 'most likely to get slotted' * list of UK politicos. I'd have thought he was getting protection** earlier...

(*The Home Office probably don't call it that)

(**Insert, 'I wish his dad had had protection' gag here)

If the PaDP response to attacks on Farage is genuinely proportionate, they’ll have to be issued with milkshakes and pass a course on how to throw them in a perfect parabola at ne’er do wells.
Nigel Farage defends Reform UK candidates who are ‘friends’ with fascist - Times (archived)

The party’s candidate list has come under scrutiny after The Times revealed last week that its prospective MPs included a racist who referred to a group of black people as “baboons” and a magazine publisher who suggested that convicted sex trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell did her teenage victims “a favour”. (...)
One candidate who continues to represent the party, with its backing, is Robert Lomas, in Barnsley North, who wrote online that asylum seekers had it “in their DNA to lie” and that “black people of Britain” were “grifting the race card” and should “get up off your lazy arses” and stop acting “like savages”. (...) Other candidates who retain the party’s support include Craig Birtwistle, standing for Reform in Worsley & Eccles, who liked a post calling for a complete ban on Islam, which added: “Let them leave if they don’t like it.” Another post he liked on Twitter/X said climate change was a “hoax”.
Ken Ferguson, the candidate for Wirral West, liked an Islamophobic post on Twitter/X suggesting that Muslim men married 12-year-olds. He said it was an “amusing” joke “from an obviously satirical account”. Birtwistle said “it’s not my view” that Islam should be banned, but “there’s a lot more to climate change”. He referenced “chemtrails”, a widespread conspiracy theory about aircraft condensation trails. Lomas was contacted for comment.

During a phone-in segment on an LBC radio show, [Farage] said: “I can only apologise that not all of our candidates have been to Eton, to Oxford, not all of our candidates are part of the London set.” (...) “They’re ordinary people, that’s how people out there speak, that’s how they feel,” he told the presenter Nick Ferrari. “People are allowed to have opinions, people are allowed to express views.” (...)

One of the "ordinary people" standing for Reform is publisher Baron Marc Burca

Picture of Baron Marc Burca in top hat and tails

His comments about Ghislaine Maxwell featured in a previous Times article (archived here)
Marc Burca, who is standing in Kensington & Bayswater, defended Ghislaine Maxwell, who was found guilty of helping the disgraced financier Jeffery Epstein sexually abuse young girls. The magazine publisher said her sentence was “very harsh and vindictive” as “she seemingly facilitated a few 16-17-year-old prostitutes, meet their clients”, adding in a later post: “Was Ghislaine doing the 17-year-old a favour? … This is a grey area of the law”. (...) Burca said “I hold by my statement” on Ghislaine Maxwell, saying that “none of the girls were forced and took part of their own free will”.

Farage told Nick Ferrari that he "might" disown some candidates but that it was too late now to deselect them
“They’re going to be on the ballot paper anyway … because of [the] snap election [the] Greens have got horrendous problems. All the parties have got horrendous problems. If I had six months of this it would be different, I didn’t.”

Unfortunately, according to the Daily Mail, Baron Burca was selected as the candidate for Kensington & Bayswater in January - six months ago.
But in any case this looks like one 'Burca ban' that Reform would have been unlikely to support.

The Mail piece in January touched on the Baron's views and his 'colourful' past:
Burca was propelled out of retirement after being inspired by Nigel Farage, Reform's founder, and Richard Tice, its leader, and by his own fears for the future. 'It's terrifying, what's happening today,' Burca says. 'Instead of people trying to become English, it seems there are 'pressure group communities'.' He adds that the lack of assimilation causes him to worry for his extensive family.
'I have six children and four grandchildren,' he says, explaining that his eldest son — one of two children by his first wife — is 43. 'I have a three-year-old and an eight-year-old,' he adds, speaking of his current marriage to a Venezuelan firecracker, before telling me that two of his offspring are by a girlfriend he didn't marry. The girlfriend in question was not the extraordinary Cindy Jackson, an American he courted in her youth — and, again, years later, without realising she was the same woman, after she'd had thousands of pounds worth of plastic surgery. He reflects: 'She'd changed her name and looked completely different.'
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Found a screencap of a couple of Baron Burca's facebook posts about Ghislaine Maxwll and her victims here.
They are even more revolting than was suggested.

Picture of Baron Burca with a young woman and screencap of his facebook posts

Facebook post 1.
Marc Burca
28 June 2022
Daughter of Labour MP, Robert Maxwell Ghislaine has been given a very harsh sentence by the American legal system. I once interviewed her father. He told me that when he was an MP he introduced the "Clean Air Act" which saved the lives of millions in London.She seemingly facilitated a few 16-17 year old prostitutes, meet their clients. A very harsh and vindictive sentence .

Facebook post 2.
Marc Burca
Was Ghislaine doing the 17year old a favour ?
Maybe she thought so ? The age of consent in the U.K. used to be 13 years old in 1875. Are some 13 yr olds more sexually mature than others of 17. This is a gray area of the law. Perhaps we should be more supportive of Prince ANDREW.
Have I got this right? Farage bemoans the fact that people supposedly run our country down, then proceeds to say how our country is broken and going to the dogs economically, culturally and spiritually. Why do our political commentators in the media not point this contradiction out? (Or, indeed, say anything useful about anything at all?)
Have I got this right? Farage bemoans the fact that people supposedly run our country down, then proceeds to say how our country is broken and going to the dogs economically, culturally and spiritually. Why do our political commentators in the media not point this contradiction out? (Or, indeed, say anything useful about anything at all?)
The possibility of that twat winning any election is terrifying - brings to mind Germany of the thirties.
but those cunts had no chance of getting anywhere near to power. Farage is likely to be leading the Tories towards power by 2029.
How many of the Monday club provided a useful conduit to thatcher? It's a commonplace observation that the nf would have done rather better in 1979 if the tories hadn't adopted nf rhetoric if not politics
Farage has identified who is to blame for all these Reform candidates with 'interesting' views:

Nigel Farage threatens vetting firm hired by Reform UK with legal action - Telegraph (archived)
Party leader accuses former Tory adviser of ‘stitching up’ party after series of revelations about candidates (...) Reform UK knew about Mr Bloom’s previous history with the Conservative Party when it employed Vetting.com, but says it was given assurances by the firm that there would be no conflict of interest in it working for Mr Farage’s party. (...) Mr Farage said: “This is an establishment stitch-up. The owner of the vetting company has deep links to the Tory party, and they have some serious questions to answer.”

Meanwhile the Times are continuing to enjoy themselves reporting on the various cunts and idiots Reform have attracted:

Reform candidate called King Charles weak and questioned his loyalty - Times (archived)

Angela Carter-Begbie questioned the King’s loyalty to Britain, saying it was “about time King Charles show where he truly lye” [sic], and said she was “not a fan”. (...) he was “under the WEF”, referring to the World Economic Forum, which organises the annual meeting in Davos of world political and business leaders. The conspiracy theory, which aligns itself with claims that a shadowy global elite control the world’s population, is one of several she had promoted online. These include the conspiracy theories that the 9/11 terrorist attack on the Twin Towers was an “inside job” and the Covid-19 vaccine rollout was “like the Holocaust”. Carter-Begbie blamed the fathers of grooming-gang victims for the crimes of their predators and repeatedly posted in support of the far-right leader Tommy Robinson. She also claimed the war in Ukraine was started by Nato.
The offensive comments against minority groups stretch into Farage’s top team. His national security spokesman, Frederick Chedham, described a Starmer premiership as a five-year “descent into Islam conversion”. He claimed the Metropolitan Police were in hock to their “Muslim masters” and had suffered “political Muslim infiltration of their leadership”.
Pete Morris, standing in the Leicestershire seat of Melton and Syston, has placed conspiracy theories at the centre of his election campaign, naming them in an article in the local newspaper on Sunday. In the article he tells readers of the Melton Times that the “so-called” vaccine was designed at the same time as “man-made” Covid-19 was released so big pharma could “make billions”. He rails against “15-minute neighbourhoods”, a conspiracy theory that claims councils decide how often residents can go to the shops, ration access to roads and use CCTV to police it. If elected as an MP he said he would “fight back at the globalists like WEF, which orchestrates these evils”. On Monday he defended his views, telling The Times that “globalists” were “controlling people and everything”, adding: “You know who globalists are, WEF is one, they’ve got other organisations. I believe that, that’s what I believe.”
Sarah Morris, standing in the Isle of Wight East constituency, liked posts referring to Covid-19 as a “plandemic” and saying that the vaccines were killing “millions” as part of the “depopulation agenda”. She also reposted a conspiracy theory on Facebook saying that the World Health Organisation was installing an “autocratic world government” which marks “the end of democratic process”.
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