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Nigel Farage

The archived Times story I linked to last night about some Reform candidates 'views', mentioned Frederick Chedham, not a candidate, but the party's national security spokesman.

The Times had evidently tried contacting the people it named on Monday.
By a remarkable coincidence Chedham published a personal statement on his X-twitter account yesterday morning.
F Chedham LLB MA @MrFJChedham
Personal Statement
After an extended period of ill-health following a major heart attack and surgery earlier this year, I have decided it is not possible to continue representing Reform Party UK as their spokesperson on Defence and Security.
I was unable to put myself forward as a candidate and remain too unwell to properly fulfill spokesperson responsibilities and make a meaningful contribution during a demanding General Election campaign.
I know the Party will enjoy great success in this campaign and will be instrumental in changing the face of British politics.
6:31 AM · Jun 18, 2024

I'm guessing that this Chedham is the same Colonel Frederick Chedham, who was the army's Director Of Corporate Communications twenty years ago, and was the subject of a Daily Mail expose of his love life. Anyhow he presumably hopes that his X-twitter posts don't become a 'distraction'.
Fun fact, Pakistani muslim men make up less than 2% of the UK population yet they are grossly over-represented in the scale of violent sexual offences. This is the UK, women are allowed to dress how they wish & reject 14th century misogyny & subservience.
9:53 AM · Jan 17, 2024
Or on the issue of whether the UK should take in refugees from Gaza
So much obvious common sense from Matt [Goodwin] here. Only the looney left invested in their vanity virtue ideology would unconditionally compromise public safety & resources by accepting highly radicalised Islamic population, unwanted by their muslim neighbours whose majority support a terrorist organisation that rapes, murders & mutilates while calling for Jihad.
9:05 AM · May 18, 2024
And replying to
Keir Starmer @Keir_Starmer
Labour is back in the service of working people.
Oct 20, 2023
2024 -2029 in the UK will be grim, very grim
It will be a long, woke infested, diversity obsessed, economically illiterate, EU converged descent into Islam conversion.
Let's just get on with it & get it over with.
6:02 AM · Oct 21, 2023

Meanwhile the BBC and Derbyshire Live are reporting on another 'character', Edward Oakenfull, the Reform candidate for Derbyshire Dales, who has been outed by Reform's Tory rivals.


Reform UK candidate made 'low IQ' comments about minorities - BBC News

Reform candidate's resurfaced tweet says 'UK's IQ is being diluted' - Derbyshire Live (archived)

A Derbyshire Reform UK candidate once claimed the UK’s IQ was being “diluted” and put in “severe decline” due to “interbreeding” “sub-Saharan Africans plus Muslims”. (...) the comments, among others [were] made on Twitter (now called X), [and] all followed his unsuccessful contest for the Crich and South Wingfield ward on Amber Valley Borough Council last May, in which he won 89 votes. (...) Mr Oakenfull, a Denby resident and property developer and investor, also said in November: “There are loads of different minority groups within the police, Black Police Officers Association, Muslim, even Turkish, what the hell happened to the police? They succumbed to woke and are now just not fit for purpose.” In December he said: “The newly appointed Chair of the BBC is a Muslim, another reason to cancel the license (sic) as you just know more woke drivel will be churned out!”

Mr Oakenfull has told the BBC his comments were "taken out of context", adding he has since deleted his X account because it was being used by others to carry out a political "hit job". (...)
He added: "I am so fed up with this nonsense, I have just deleted it. [X] is a sewer, full of activists and so many trolls."
There is, of course, agreement among sections of the far right and far left that X-twitter is full of the 'wrong kind' of activists and trolls.

Chedham and Oakenfull are both examples of the kinds of reactionary who have been fighting the race and culture wars from the golf club bar as long as I can remember. Reform, and it's populist predecessors and rivals, provide them with a political home.
(...) despairing at how our country has been run for decades and, for the love of my community and country, decided that I needed to make a stand. (Oakenfull)

A hundred years ago, between the end of WW1 and the General Strike there was another 'golden age' of conspiraloonacy. Significant sections of the upper and middle classes in the UK were gripped by a paranoia about subversives, foreigners and the lower orders motivated by the shock of the war and the social changes it caused. Chedham and Oakenfull's views today are identical to views expressed then by members of their class.

Except that the target then was not "Jihadist Muslims" but "Bolshevik Jews". This was when the Protocols of the Elders of Zion were translated into English and commended by many well connected members of the upper class. Interestingly, the Protocols were exposed as a forgery in the Times (after first being described in a leader as 'uncannily prophetic'). Today, history repeating itself as bad farce, the Times, having helped to promote reactionary views, is among those 'exposing' their 'wrong' political expression.
The archived Times story I linked to last night about some Reform candidates 'views', mentioned Frederick Chedham, not a candidate, but the party's national security spokesman.

The Times had evidently tried contacting the people it named on Monday.
By a remarkable coincidence Chedham published a personal statement on his X-twitter account yesterday morning.

I'm guessing that this Chedham is the same Colonel Frederick Chedham, who was the army's Director Of Corporate Communications twenty years ago, and was the subject of a Daily Mail expose of his love life. Anyhow he presumably hopes that his X-twitter posts don't become a 'distraction'.

Or on the issue of whether the UK should take in refugees from Gaza

And replying to

Meanwhile the BBC and Derbyshire Live are reporting on another 'character', Edward Oakenfull, the Reform candidate for Derbyshire Dales, who has been outed by Reform's Tory rivals.


Reform UK candidate made 'low IQ' comments about minorities - BBC News

Reform candidate's resurfaced tweet says 'UK's IQ is being diluted' - Derbyshire Live (archived)

There is, of course, agreement among sections of the far right and far left that X-twitter is full of the 'wrong kind' of activists and trolls.

Chedham and Oakenfull are both examples of the kinds of reactionary who have been fighting the race and culture wars from the golf club bar as long as I can remember. Reform, and it's populist predecessors and rivals, provide them with a political home.

A hundred years ago, between the end of WW1 and the General Strike there was another 'golden age' of conspiraloonacy. Significant sections of the upper and middle classes in the UK were gripped by a paranoia about subversives, foreigners and the lower orders motivated by the shock of the war and the social changes it caused. Chedham and Oakenfull's views today are identical to views expressed then by members of their class.

Except that the target then was not "Jihadist Muslims" but "Bolshevik Jews". This was when the Protocols of the Elders of Zion were translated into English and commended by many well connected members of the upper class. Interestingly, the Protocols were exposed as a forgery in the Times (after first being described in a leader as 'uncannily prophetic'). Today, history repeating itself as bad farce, the Times, having helped to promote reactionary views, is among those 'exposing' their 'wrong' political expression.
Judging by this MSN fc doesn't much like Jews either - note 'Jewish individuals,' he can't bring himself to say Jews or Jewish people.
Jews back ‘third-world Muslims’ coming to UK, Reform candidate said - Times (archived)


Jews are “agitating” to import “third-world Muslims” into Britain, a Reform UK candidate said in an antisemitic diatribe. Ben Aston, the Reform hopeful in Bournemouth West, claimed that Jews were organising Muslim migration to Britain and said the government was deliberately “injecting” Britain with African men. (...)

In October last year, a social media user posted an image of pro-Palestine protests in central London and added “how are Jews meant to feel safe in the UK?”. Aston replied: “These endless takes from Jews are horrendous. Many of the powerful groups agitating for the mass import into England of Muslims from the Third World are Jewish. The resultant societal problems have been visible for decades.”
On the Question Time thread I quoted him as saying Russia was provoked in to invading Ukraine because of NATO widening it's scope.
BBC News - General election live: Nigel Farage tells BBC that West provoked Ukraine war, in Panorama interview - BBC News
Course he does, Putin's his mate after all, obv. Farage is allies with Trump and supported Brexit. Both of these stupid things advance Putin's aims. Farage is now a national security risk
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