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Ministers target July 4th for reopening of England’s pubs and restaurants

If the owner and other staff don't think its a problem your friend is in conflict with them anyway,as they would be if they brandished some guidelines to help with enforcement . Is it not possible for your friend to quietly and persistently bring the her anxieties up with other staff members , try and build some alliances?

From my understanding the prevailing attitude is all a bit plandemic so not much hope of changing minds to help build any alliances. Hopefully putting her concerns in writing will be enough to get the owner / manager to take their responsibilities seriously, if only through fear of potential consequences.
I sympathize. We have had a pretty decent risk assessment at my work (retail) and have got a so called "covid-champion" in each branch, i.e. a staff member who isn't management to keep an eye on potential risks and flag them up etc. We have also been given an email address to potentially raise issues in confidence with people higher up the food chain, if we don't feel that we can raise concerns with our own branch or regional management, or that the concerns are being ignored.
In practice however and on a human interaction/group dynamic level, it's much more complex and tricky if you (I mean me) are the only person who takes distancing really seriously, if there isn't a strong culture of mask wearing and you look like the odd one out, or are the one person to continually back away from others...
Beer Gardens open in Wales today.

It's absolutely pissing it down.
Haha, I have just realised that rain is one of the few things I remember how to mention in Welsh. Mae hi'n bwrw glaw. Well, that, plus "road closed" and "the photocopier isn't working". :D
There's an OK pub in town here with a very large garden which we're considering going to on Thursday (forecast for then is dry, for the moment). Partly to meet friends ......

But overall, I don't see ourselves going to pubs much until they open properly (Monday 3rd August onwards) -- the small number of decent Swansea pubs lack gardens :(
I'll let you know in a week or so's time. I tend to err on the side of caution with stuff like this but my gut reaction is it'll be busy, possibly busier than normal.

There's loads of people with leave accrued dying to get out of the cities. Can't see it being quiet.

I can't blame anyone btw - I'm very lucky to have been locked down in a place like this but I'm still shielding two elderly vulnerable parents and the idea of rammed beaches / packed supermarkets makes me shudder.

Pubs not a problem for you and me b but I can't see a classic tiny little Cornish boozer like The Star in St Just being safe at all.

Would be interesting to know how strictly that (good) app/site defines 'independent' in terms of local Not-Wetherspoons pubs.
I've posted before about how some other not-far-off-as-evil big 'pubcos' can misleadingly disguise their places as 'free houses' :hmm:

Also good for searching for pubs is What Pub? (CAMRA).
Admittedly it includes any pubs, even non-ale-friendly ones or Spoons ( :eek: ), but in cities especially, it's pretty easy to work out which nearby pubs to a not-so-good one are independent, and good for beer :)
Ireland decided not to proceed to their phase 4 for now.

  • Pubs, bars, hotel bars, nightclubs and casinos will remain closed until 10 August. Pubs currently serving food can remain open.
Phase 4 of Ireland's plan to move out of lockdown - which could have seen pubs that do not serve food reopen- was due to start on Monday.
Has anyone else downloaded neverspoons and subsequently had issues with CooTek?
I have just been out by CooTek news update shit which I now can't get rid of. I understand that this is a "service" that attaches itself to an app which is downloaded from playstore and can show itself weeks later. This is only one of two apps I have downloaded recently, the other is Young's.
is it this, should people be warned and how do I get rid of it, it's everywhere 😠
The idea probably started to gain attention publicly because of stuff Whitty said in the press conference yesterday about trade-offs and how we've probably reached the limits of what relaxations we can get away with, so if we want to do additional stuff in future we might have to give up other things in return, in order to keep the balance the same overall.

Since the press picked up on that concept, others have spoken on the theme and so now we have the likes of this as current BBC news website lead story right now:

In addition to the truth of the 'trade-offs' concept in our response to this pandemic, of which there is plenty, its also a handy way to frame u-turns when you realise your previous relaxations went too far. When it comes to schools as part of the delicate balance, there are also the obvious opportunities to thwart criticism of the policy by attaching certain value priorities to the 'trade-off choice'.

edit - sorry that I added a bit to this post after a couple of people had already liked it.
In addition to the truth of the 'trade-offs' concept in our response to this pandemic, of which there is plenty, its also a handy way to frame u-turns when you realise your previous relaxations went too far.
It is not the governments fault. It is the BAME community and Europe.
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