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Pubs open

The pub had a really nice system. QR code on the table took your phone to their website which had their complete menu (including beers) and you could just order there.
They had that in the new Hackney pub I went to over the weekend although I didn't see it when the told me to order via the app, and went looking for an app and not finding it, when the bar was a few feet away. 😡

Eventually saw the code thingy on the table though, worked fine tbf.
I appreciate table service is necessary but I like to take a look at the pumps to get a feel for what beers are on. Staff often forget or don't know anything about them. :(
My pub app has reasonable descriptions of the ales, though Sunday being a bit out of practice these days I nearly made the mistake of buying one of those camouflaged Greene King beers (it said Westgate Brewer”on the app). Fortunately I checked on the internet.
I am no fan of greene king pubs. never the less I have reluctantly downloaded their app - there are no cask ales showing on
my pub of choice :mad: I don't want yet more apps clogging up my phone or milking my data. I want to speak to real people,
I like speaking with real people :(
I love the apps and table service. It's probably the only thing I am enjoying about pubs these days. I am hoping this will be a permanent change.
Talking to one of the staff at the Queen the other day, they said they loved it too. No more people waving and shouting at the bar. Just clear orders, served in order, and no old gits like me still paying cash. No messing around with card machines. The bar staff don’t get involved in payment at all. I’m “not sure I like it”.
It’s hard to get drunk too. By the time you’ve got round to ordering another drink, you’ve come down off the first on
Just order another one when you’re half way down the first. Depending on how busy it is. I’ve been downing the last drop of one pint just as the next is presented to me on a tray. So the opposite- not even a breather between pints.
I think in the future (and hopefully not before long) there will be a place for both options. Order at table and order at the bar. Those that have invested in an app system will surely stay this way (as spoons were doing pre-covid anyway).

It's the places that have not not gone down the app route which likely revert back to old ways because table service is far more labour intensive that order at bar. Margins were tight enough anyway without having to pay extra front of house staff.
Just when you thought things could not get any worse. Checking out a few places for lunch tomorrow. One of the locals
is now a brewdog thing - for goodness sake, whats the world coming to! :mad:
This evening,, at the pub table, I ordered off the barman and barmaid who went to and fro between bar and tables, and I got to have a bit of a chat as well as enjoy the beer :) :cool:

It helped them and me that it was far from busy today, I suppose ....... :)
Saw the first lot of fancy dressed wankers on a pub crawl today - all dressed as jockeys. One of the had just left the New Inn and was about to have a piss in broad daylight on someone’s house. Back to normal then. Wish I’d yelled at the cunt but was wheezing on my bike.
Saw the first lot of fancy dressed wankers on a pub crawl today - all dressed as jockeys. One of the had just left the New Inn and was about to have a piss in broad daylight on someone’s house. Back to normal then. Wish I’d yelled at the cunt but was wheezing on my bike.
Re: first sentence, why are they wankers?
Been in 2 pubs today + a restaurant for lunch (+ Dub London exhibition at Museum of London), I’m/we’re so merry, no doubt in days of yore we’d be calling it on and getting proper buckled, but we’re heading home cos our feet hurt :)

Re: first sentence, why are they wankers?
They’re very annoying and often intimidating as they’re mostly groups of obnoxious men behaving like twats
They were not doing that. It's far to early in the day and still daylight. Shame there's no phone boxes around any more
They were not doing that. It's far to early in the day and still daylight. Shame there's no phone boxes around any more
Yes they were and it’s not too early - they were three pints in. And pissing in a phone box is just as bad. They were right next to the pub.
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