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Hamas/Israel conflict: news and discussion

I dunno, haven’t seen many of your posts so far. Where do you stand on, for example, platinumsage being allowed to post on this thread?
I think they should post what they want and respond to reactions to their posts.

Edit: but for the avoidance of doubt, I disagree with most of what they say.
I had a realisation today that people on the Left are generally being pretty good at making clear that the Jewish people are not the same thing as the Israeli government... and it's the Right who are most likely to make that equivalence and also tend act as though they must be doing the right thing by the Jewish people to do so and we ought to be thanking them for it.

I think there's a number of reasons for this - I guess in the US the Christo-fascist right have a vested interest in 'supporting Israel' due to their Messianic beliefs about it (Glory days will only come once all the Israelites convert to Christianity etc); it gives them a stick to beat the Left with 'Oh, you don't support Israel, you're an antisemite!'; sheer contrarianism 'Those Lefties hate Israel, well, we'll support it then!' and also I suppose that they hate Muslims more than they hate Jews so they can run the 'Only democracy in the Middle East Line'. Maybe it was once, but certainly not under Netanyahu.
As Ilan Pappe describes in his excellent book, "ten myths about Israel", zionism was originally a Christian invention, and not a benign one.
If there’s any impartiality on this thread, I haven’t seen it. At least, not since anyone sensible gave up posting on it.

I'm completely impartial. Hamas are evil terrorist cunts. The IDF are evil murdering cunts. I don't have a side.

Israel needs to fucking stop this though, now. What's the endgame here? How is this bombing helping? Take the moral high ground.

I'm not impartial; I'm actually pro-israel, which is why I've become more and more horrified at the political degeneration of the last 22 years ... of which the last 3 weeks are really only the last 3 weeks.
Looking up Spain and the difference between there and here in relation to mainstream politics is a chasm

It's sort of run by centre left/ left coalition.

Sanchez has defended his left partners ( Podemos and Sumar) who the Israeli embassy have accused of being Hamas supporters.

Just simply wouldn't happen here.
Netanyahu has just said "This [war] is the mission of my life"... confirms my worst fears

I found a link - just because there’s a lot of chilling stuff all in one speech:

<apols about awful ads>
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Netanyahu has just said "This [war] is the mission of my life"... confirms my worst fears

Turns out he didn't say that at all. What he said was "It [the war] will be a triumph of good over evil, life over death. This is our life's mission - my life's mission" which can be read very differently.
yeah he said it three times ("our life's mission " "my life's mission" "the mission of my life") because this is his dream come true, everything he has worked for is coming to pass, and he's fucking loving it
Honestly some decent pushback wouldn't go amiss. Though I can understand why the likes of spy etc are steering clear...

That shit wasn't it though.
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Already mentioned on here, but will do so again, then suggest we move on; bi0boy/mrs D.

bi0boy was never banned and I disclosed the rest to editor when I registered this account, but it's fine I'll just leave, I love the good parts of this place but the rest winds me up too much.
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