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Glastonbury 2011

Maverick Sabre managed to be more annoying than Bono. What the fuck is he on about? What language is he singing in? Some weird cross between Tuvan throat singing and acoustic grime????
I saw them live in 93. It was great, mainly because PJ Harvey and the Stereophonics were warming up. Fair fucks to them, they put on a great show.
Watching it unfurl on the telly, from the comfort of my faux leather bean bag...no expense spared....they showed U2, I thought 'fuck me bono looks knackered'...they finished the set and they then showed footage from earlier of Primal Scream....this did Bono no favours, as Primal Scream appeared to be everything U2 weren't....lively, energetic, and enjoying themselves. U2 in contrast appeared , when juxtaposed with Primal Scream , to have gone through the motions with the sole object being to survive and 'win over' the crowd....yes the Edge and Bono exchanged a canny wink walking off stage...now nothing, I repeat nothing is wrong with them feeling smug at not being the target of an apocalyptic demise in front of thousands of mud monsters....but they just, to me, looked jaded.

I saw them, yes I am big enough to admit that, in the 1980's and they were bloody excellent........tonight they were possibly twenty years too late to blow Glastonbury out of the water. Then they were interviewed and old bono said he was afraid to move due to the wet stage...and I felt a bit of a shit for just assuming he was an old codger...instead of an old codger recovering from a back operation....

But ultimately the plastic poncho'd bods in the field are the true critics....watching a festival on TV is comfy, and the kettle was preferable to a piss soaked portaloo, but the mud magic is lost in the transmission. So if the crowd who saw them liked them....then U2 did their job. I got a text from a friend raving about radiohead and saying they would've made the effort in the dry, but couldnt be arsed to walk knee deep in mud to see Bono...twenty years ago they would have crawled through a rat infested sewer...we all get older.
I didn't see U2.

Instead I went and chilled at Arcadia and found a good spot for Midnight show and Stanton Warriors.

Met some peeps who dragged us off to Unfair ground. Fucking love that place. I got to meet Bez which was awesome. An old life's ambition fulfilled.

Off to bed now. Night night.
Of course it's not the same as being there, but I'd given up watching well before the end. And I am, despite the dreadfulness of one, some or all of the members of U2, a fan. But it was really obvious how their stuff is divided in two for me - pre and post Joshua Tree (with a few exceptions). Most of the rest of it is a bit wank. So much toss served up last night - Elevation, Get on your boots, Vertigo, Mysterious ways. Yeah, they have to play a lot of songs from Achtung Baby cos it sold 20 million copies or whatever but no real surprises. Would have liked "11 O'Clock Tick Tock" or "Electric Co", "A day without me" - or "40". That'd have been good. It just felt disappointing, and they looked old and a bit like it was professional. You don't have to charge around onstage to look like you're enjoying yourself.
They are in the middle of a £120 million grossing tour - they've done this show 200 times. The Pistols appearing at the Lesser Free Trade Hall it ain't.

I don't relly understand the preoccupation with some in this thread for the main stage - 70%+ of the people at Glastonbury were elsewhere on the site when U2 played.
Yeah, we just said 'jesus, he looks a right old fucker', then glanced at each other :facepalm:

I ain't laughing at the folks suffering in the mud, as I'm likely to be wallowing in it myself at beatherder next week. :D

Seeing the "old fucker" on Monday night ;);)
according to the radio THE EDGE doesn't have any effects pedals on stage anymore, and has a lackey who knows all the parts so wel that he presses them for him in the wings. U2 inspire zero emotions in me either positively or negatively, as does that story, but i guess if you love or hate them it probably reinforces your opinion of them.

Of course its a disaster if the pedal-presser fucks up:
according to the radio THE EDGE doesn't have any effects pedals on stage anymore, and has a lackey who knows all the parts so wel that he presses them for him in the wings. U2 inspire zero emotions in me either positively or negatively, as does that story, but i guess if you love or hate them it probably reinforces your opinion of them.

Of course its a disaster if the pedal-presser fucks up:


Tbf " the Edge" has demonstated similar..
jimmy cliff is fine by me - its just the dominance of guitar based bands and pop music that usually makes me switch off all tv festival coverage...

it's just that he plays every year, and he's always the concert bbc4 show, over and over. other than the rain, it's the exact same show too...
Here's the latest Guardian update to "the most popular acts appearing at Glastonbury 2011, according to internet buzz."
1: Beyoncé
2: Ke$ha
3: Coldplay
4: U2
5: Jessie J
6: Cee Lo Green
7: Plan B
8: Tinie Tempah
9: Example
10: Mumford & Sons

Yeah! Now that's what I call rock'n'roll!

Some more pics on the Guardian site:




Had one of the best nights of my life last night. Dancing in the rain with a beautiful French girl, laughing like kids, lasers making patterns in the raindrops. No chemicals taken or needed. Must have been 5000 round the Arcadia rig. Immense.
Had one of the best nights of my life last night. Dancing in the rain with a beautiful French girl, laughing like kids, lasers making patterns in the raindrops. No chemicals taken or needed. Must have been 5000 round the Arcadia rig. Immense.
That last pic (above) makes me miss Glasto.
Had one of the best nights of my life last night. Dancing in the rain with a beautiful French girl, laughing like kids, lasers making patterns in the raindrops. No chemicals taken or needed. Must have been 5000 round the Arcadia rig. Immense.
im no cyncic - good for you

luckily ive got it on video for prosperity for you :D

has anyone got hte link for that vidoe of a fella freaking out at a us festival on his own, then more and more people join him to dance? love that
That last pic (above) makes me miss Glasto.

aye, thats what its all about.

U2 were pretty good I thought - esp. "I will Follow". Status Quo's opener in 2009 still edges it for me though, especially "Big Fat Mamma". No footage survives of this performance. So we must make do with this from the same tour.

:) :)
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