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Glastonbury 2011

I do sympathise with you WBC Worker, my husband has kidney disease problems now and he will find walking very hard work if it is muddy - we will have to modify any big plans we may have.

That's why we are doing Tagerine Fields this tiime, less to carry, nearer car park etc. Any other Urbans taking the soft option? :D

Thanks for your comments - funny enough if its wet { but not muddy } it will suit me better than if its very hot as I also have side effects from Prostate cancer treatment that makes me black out if I overheat { it can be controlled with ice } - it was murder last year as I had to wait until the sun went down to walk about.

I hope your Husband gets better soon - its a long slog but in my experience the NHS is far better than it used to be and certainly in my case apart from the implant side effects the Radiotherapy was excellent { and did not cause any side effects } and its expected that it has done the job but still have to get regular check ups.

I know I would not risk it if I was camping on my own so it suits me being in the WBC Crew area so I can fully understand why you have booked the tangerine fields.
Im back, dry & warm again. :cool:

mg... The show is at midnight as I'm sure you know. I'd take him there before the controlled access kicks in (2300). Have a wander round Shangri-La, the Unfairground etc. It shouldn't be too manic then, as newbie says. If you got there at say 2230, and can make that lot last an hour or so, you can go and pick your spot in Arcadia.

I'd expect their field to start filling from 2330. It's a 360 degree stage this year, so in theory any spot will do. But I'd recommend the side *away* from where the controlled access will flow in. See the site map to see where that will be.

If you're interested, here's some chat/interview stuff I did with Arcadia on Friday:


Thanks Paulo. I think I'll print this & take it with me - possibly laminated! The little terrorist is apparently extremely excited & running around telling everyone that will listen to him that he's going to Glastonbury in 'x' days (he's counting them down). Now Im getting worried that it won't live up to his expectations!!! lol

Mine and others' current very rough prediction is that Glastonbury will enjoy/endure conditions somewhere between 2007 and 2010 ;)
Oh I do hope so, a little light rain wouldn't kill but I do want to keep the little one happy and it's sooooo much easier when the sun is out!

I think my learned friends are misunderstanding you. If I've got this right you're approaching from the East but want to enter via Gate A. No problem. Did this myself last year. No need to follow the buses. Just drive down the A361 through Pilton (could take a while on Wednesday morning) and then dive in at Red Gate or the first gate thereafter they let you in. You should end up parked fairly close to Gate A.

madamv-finding the postcode for west pennards and putting that in sat nav has taken us directly to west car parks 3 years running. It takes you through some little, windy roads and you end up on the road to the site just before the queues. No police, no diversions.

Thanks to tort & sparklefish for answering an unasked question! We're aiming for Wickets this year, rather than Cockmills so I'd kind of like to get round to the West carparks. Sod trekking from the far side of the east carparks to Wickets! That's for hardier folk than me!
madamv - I don't think they'll let you drive past the East carparks to go round to the west ones - I think that's what Tort is talking about. I think you have to duck round the back somehow - or go right up & round. LMHF couldn't get from West to East, last year I think it was - they weren't having any of it & pushed her into west. It took her nearly 2 hours from the car to Cockmills, iirc. I haven't checked the M-way numbers yet but Im thinking M4/5 (or whatever they are) to get me up & over the site, then drop down onto the west side, just to be sure. Wickets from East carparks & gate C looks like a very, very long way to me, especially with all my gear AND the little terrorist's!

I'm watching the appalling Isle of Wight footage and was pondering how many acts I'd be willing to stand in the pissing rain for and there weren't many. Morrissey, Pulp, Bouncy. Certainly not the fucking Script.

IOW really is fucking bobbins, isn't it? :D

Was that on Sunday? I was at Download, it was bloody horrendous. All day heavy rain, torrential late afternoon/early evening, just horrible. :(
Cleared up a bit later though, in time for the last headliners. Its amazing how much warmer it is when it's not chucking down!!

ETA : just to double check - The late night access path is 'in' only, yes? 'out' is via the railway track again? I'd be rough to lose the little 'un on the way out! :D Im counting on most people wanting to stay after the midnight show tbh, so it shouldn't be too crowded to get him back up to his tent.

ETA2 - checked the map, I can see what Tort means now - I think it was the A37 LMHF couldn't get along.
Thanks to tort & sparklefish for answering an unasked question! We're aiming for Wickets this year, rather than Cockmills so I'd kind of like to get round to the West carparks. Sod trekking from the far side of the east carparks to Wickets! That's for hardier folk than me!
madamv - I don't think they'll let you drive past the East carparks to go round to the west ones - I think that's what Tort is talking about. I think you have to duck round the back somehow - or go right up & round. LMHF couldn't get from West to East, last year I think it was - they weren't having any of it & pushed her into west. It took her nearly 2 hours from the car to Cockmills, iirc. I haven't checked the M-way numbers yet but Im thinking M4/5 (or whatever they are) to get me up & over the site, then drop down onto the west side, just to be sure. Wickets from East carparks & gate C looks like a very, very long way to me, especially with all my gear AND the little terrorist's!

I always go from East to West but i avoid coming up the A37 from the south which is the main approach for the Eastern Car Parks. Instead I take the A371 through Castle Cary, turn left at the roundabout where it meets the A37 and then almost immediately right onto the A361 through Pilton (signposted Red Route). I've probably done this 7 or 8 times and never had a problem although it was gridlock for a long time in 2009.
Paolo, Mation & I had a very enjoyable evening last night at the Southbank Centre where Michael Eavis gave a talk as part of the Meltdown Festival curated by Ray Davies of The Kinks. Ray gave a very eloquent introduction and Michael appeared from behind the curtain to loud applause. He was his usual badly dressed, unassuming self. He was obviously very nervous and stammered quite badly throughout and it always amazes me that this lovely humble old guy is responsible for one of the greatest phenomena to appear in this country during the last 50 years and has had the drive & vision to have carried on when so much has been stacked against him so often.

Michael spent the first 20 minutes giving us a brief history of his life on the farm and some key stages in the development of the festival. Nothing new here for the majority of the audience who seemed to mainly be long term attendees interspersed with just a few novices. He then invited questions from the audience and covered a whole range of subjects over the course of a further hour and a half.

There was another round of applause when Michael announced the arrival of Emily’s baby at the weekend although this didn’t stop her from ringing him while he was on the train to remind him not to drop any of his famous bloopers or they’d be all over the internet this morning. The only major hint he really dropped was that Jay Z would probably be appearing with Beyonce but I guess that won’t really be a massive surprise to anybody. He was asked about several acts who have never made it to Pilton yet despite repeated rumours. He swears he will get the Rolling Stones to play one day. With Stevie Nicks and Prince his response was that they just haven’t been able to make it happen. Interestingly, however, when asked about Pulp he just said “I can’t say anything”, which would suggest that the rumour that they are one of the special guests at The Park isn’t too wide of the mark. He was also asked about The Cure and said he would love to have them back but they would only play if they headlined again and he didn’t think they were that big anymore.

Talking of Jay Z, Michael spoke at length about how he was booked in 2008, including how he had to practice saying “Jay Zee” and not “Jay Zed” before he rang the agent. He also told us how the festival was almost cancelled due to the slowness of ticket sales that year, which is something I don’t think I had previously appreciated. Initially only 80,000 tickets were sold and he reckons it was only the good weather that saved a massive deficit with the last tickets only being sold on the Thursday evening of the festival itself.

When asked about acts who he regrets not having onstage before they passed away he told us how the Grateful Dead had actually been to look around the farm and were booked to play before Jerry Garcia died. He also had George Harrison lined up to play but the grim reaper put paid to those plans as well.

Michael told us how proud he is of the late night area in the South East corner of the site. Even 9 days before the gates open there were 10,000 people onsite yesterday and many of these are unpaid volunteers. He made particular mention of the new bullring, made of old lock gates which were originally offered to him as firewood but have been used to create yet another new venue. When asked what his favourite venue was he told us it was the Underground Piano Bar, which, to my shame, I have never yet set foot in. Apparently Feargal Sharkey is due to make an appearance there this year.

Naturally the question of the Wombles came up and I was quite surprised that his displeasure over their appearance really is quite genuine. I just assumed it was a comment that had been blown out of context by the press but he said that with so many excellent musicians having to be turned down they shouldn’t really be booking acts like that. He also said the same applies to the Wurzles appearance last year. I get the impression that the guy who books the bands for the Avalon Stage may be looking for alternative employment in 2013.

Michael told a great story about how Stevie Wonder invited him onstage last year to sing Happy Birthday in celebration of the festival’s 40th anniversary. Michael reckons he has a half decent voice but he couldn’t hear the monitors so he was actually singing flat. Stevie immediately signalled to the whole band to change to a different key so that they would be in tune with him and saved his embarrassment.

As far as the future is concerned well, as always, this year will be the best ever of course. The headliners are apparently already lined up for 2013. Radiohead were mentioned several times so, much as I dislike their dreary durge, they’d be my hot tip to head the bill again. Asked if the festival would continue to grow Michael said no, it was big enough. He just wants to carry on making it better. He knows £200 is a lot of money and he wants to give the best value he possibly can for it. He asked lots of people how many times they had been to the festival and was genuinely thankful to them for their support. I believe that he still finds it quite incredible that so many people want to come and play on his farm every June.

Bless him!
ETA : just to double check - The late night access path is 'in' only, yes? 'out' is via the railway track again? I'd be rough to lose the little 'un on the way out! :D Im counting on most people wanting to stay after the midnight show tbh, so it shouldn't be too crowded to get him back up to his tent.

Yep spot on. Sounds like you have a good plan. There'll probably still be a bit of residual traffic on the railway track, if only by people who aren't aware of the change. But I reckon it'll be mostly be clear - certainly much clearer than the recent years. :)
Great write up Tort.

Reading that back, I know reckon this was probably one of the most revealing sessions that Michael has done. Certainly puts "BBC Radio DJ" type interviews to shame. :)
I always go from East to West but i avoid coming up the A37 from the south which is the main approach for the Eastern Car Parks. Instead I take the A371 through Castle Cary, turn left at the roundabout where it meets the A37 and then almost immediately right onto the A361 through Pilton (signposted Red Route). I've probably done this 7 or 8 times and never had a problem although it was gridlock for a long time in 2009.

Just on this one, I may be getting a bit confused but can you still drive through Pilton? We normally come via Shepton but the last two years we've been prevented from driving through the village. In 2009 we just told the steward we needed the west car parks and he was ok with it but last year we were told now way and shepparded into the east car parks.
Great write up Tort.


Very interested in the problems of 2008, we all knew sales were slow but I'm surprised to learn they were that bad. Amidst all the rubbish about Jay Z I think it was forgotton just how awful the weather and / or mud had been at the previous two and just how big an affect that has on peoples willingness to risk £200.

Heres hoping to no serious mud or rain this year!

Very interested in the problems of 2008, we all knew sales were slow but I'm surprised to learn they were that bad. Amidst all the rubbish about Jay Z I think it was forgotton just how awful the weather and / or mud had been at the previous two and just how big an affect that has on peoples willingness to risk £200.

Heres hoping to no serious mud or rain this year!

Indeed. I know of lots of people who, independently, who didn't come back because of the weather. The Jay-Z thing was overplayed, with The Sun having no small part in stirring it up.
Just on this one, I may be getting a bit confused but can you still drive through Pilton? We normally come via Shepton but the last two years we've been prevented from driving through the village. In 2009 we just told the steward we needed the west car parks and he was ok with it but last year we were told now way and shepparded into the east car parks.

I've driven through Pilton every year bar one since 2000. I was at the A371/A37 roundabout at about 7:30am on the Wednesday last year and it took me about an hour and a half to get from there to Orange Gate but nobody tried to stop me. If you're not sure then just don't put your sticker on until you are approaching the carpark you want to be in.
I've driven through Pilton every year bar one since 2000. I was at the A371/A37 roundabout at about 7:30am on the Wednesday last year and it took me about an hour and a half to get from there to Orange Gate but nobody tried to stop me. If you're not sure then just don't put your sticker on until you are approaching the carpark you want to be in.

Hmmm, I wonder if the fact you were there so early made the difference, we've had no problems except the last two years.
Paolo, Mation & I had a very enjoyable evening last night at the Southbank Centre where Michael Eavis gave a talk as part of the Meltdown Festival curated by Ray Davies of The Kinks. Ray gave a very eloquent introduction and Michael appeared from behind the curtain to loud applause. He was his usual badly dressed, unassuming self. He was obviously very nervous and stammered quite badly throughout and it always amazes me that this lovely humble old guy is responsible for one of the greatest phenomena to appear in this country during the last 50 years and has had the drive & vision to have carried on when so much has been stacked against him so often.

Michael spent the first 20 minutes giving us a brief history of his life on the farm and some key stages in the development of the festival. Nothing new here for the majority of the audience who seemed to mainly be long term attendees interspersed with just a few novices. He then invited questions from the audience and covered a whole range of subjects over the course of a further hour and a half.

There was another round of applause when Michael announced the arrival of Emily’s baby at the weekend although this didn’t stop her from ringing him while he was on the train to remind him not to drop any of his famous bloopers or they’d be all over the internet this morning. The only major hint he really dropped was that Jay Z would probably be appearing with Beyonce but I guess that won’t really be a massive surprise to anybody. He was asked about several acts who have never made it to Pilton yet despite repeated rumours. He swears he will get the Rolling Stones to play one day. With Stevie Nicks and Prince his response was that they just haven’t been able to make it happen. Interestingly, however, when asked about Pulp he just said “I can’t say anything”, which would suggest that the rumour that they are one of the special guests at The Park isn’t too wide of the mark. He was also asked about The Cure and said he would love to have them back but they would only play if they headlined again and he didn’t think they were that big anymore.

Talking of Jay Z, Michael spoke at length about how he was booked in 2008, including how he had to practice saying “Jay Zee” and not “Jay Zed” before he rang the agent. He also told us how the festival was almost cancelled due to the slowness of ticket sales that year, which is something I don’t think I had previously appreciated. Initially only 80,000 tickets were sold and he reckons it was only the good weather that saved a massive deficit with the last tickets only being sold on the Thursday evening of the festival itself.

When asked about acts who he regrets not having onstage before they passed away he told us how the Grateful Dead had actually been to look around the farm and were booked to play before Jerry Garcia died. He also had George Harrison lined up to play but the grim reaper put paid to those plans as well.

Michael told us how proud he is of the late night area in the South East corner of the site. Even 9 days before the gates open there were 10,000 people onsite yesterday and many of these are unpaid volunteers. He made particular mention of the new bullring, made of old lock gates which were originally offered to him as firewood but have been used to create yet another new venue. When asked what his favourite venue was he told us it was the Underground Piano Bar, which, to my shame, I have never yet set foot in. Apparently Feargal Sharkey is due to make an appearance there this year.

Naturally the question of the Wombles came up and I was quite surprised that his displeasure over their appearance really is quite genuine. I just assumed it was a comment that had been blown out of context by the press but he said that with so many excellent musicians having to be turned down they shouldn’t really be booking acts like that. He also said the same applies to the Wurzles appearance last year. I get the impression that the guy who books the bands for the Avalon Stage may be looking for alternative employment in 2013.

Michael told a great story about how Stevie Wonder invited him onstage last year to sing Happy Birthday in celebration of the festival’s 40th anniversary. Michael reckons he has a half decent voice but he couldn’t hear the monitors so he was actually singing flat. Stevie immediately signalled to the whole band to change to a different key so that they would be in tune with him and saved his embarrassment.

As far as the future is concerned well, as always, this year will be the best ever of course. The headliners are apparently already lined up for 2013. Radiohead were mentioned several times so, much as I dislike their dreary durge, they’d be my hot tip to head the bill again. Asked if the festival would continue to grow Michael said no, it was big enough. He just wants to carry on making it better. He knows £200 is a lot of money and he wants to give the best value he possibly can for it. He asked lots of people how many times they had been to the festival and was genuinely thankful to them for their support. I believe that he still finds it quite incredible that so many people want to come and play on his farm every June.

Bless him!
Great write up, Tort :) It was also very sweet that he gave out his phone number onstage to someone who badgered him into promising to sort out his ticket problems :D
I'm nipping down to the site tomorrow any will probably be there full time by the weekend at the latest. Anyone around early and fancy meeting up for an ale?

(Apparently there was a massive party down in Shangri La last Saturday, so hoping for more of the same...)
I always go from East to West but i avoid coming up the A37 from the south which is the main approach for the Eastern Car Parks. Instead I take the A371 through Castle Cary, turn left at the roundabout where it meets the A37 and then almost immediately right onto the A361 through Pilton (signposted Red Route). I've probably done this 7 or 8 times and never had a problem although it was gridlock for a long time in 2009.
Hopefully the Tuesday opening will help me! I'll give this a go - if it all goes wrong the worst that can happen is a long walk, I don't think the world will actually come to an end! :D

Just on this one, I may be getting a bit confused but can you still drive through Pilton? We normally come via Shepton but the last two years we've been prevented from driving through the village. In 2009 we just told the steward we needed the west car parks and he was ok with it but last year we were told now way and shepparded into the east car parks.

Yes I think that's what happened to LMHF, only west to east. hmm

However, the worst that can happen is a long walk! :D

*goes off to check red route road maps*
My ticket has arrived for green police! HUZZAH! Is anyone driving down on Tuesday next week from the Bath/Bristol area? A PM would be much appreciated if so, I'm trying to sort out a ride...

Really looking forward to this. Need to work on my costumes a bit, and write some 'don't piss in the hedges' poetry haha. Fingers crossed for good weather!
I'm nipping down to the site tomorrow any will probably be there full time by the weekend at the latest. Anyone around early and fancy meeting up for an ale?

(Apparently there was a massive party down in Shangri La last Saturday, so hoping for more of the same...)

We'll be onsite from Sunday afternoon, most likely .... we'll now (I think) be staying in Glastonbury town the Saturday though, for various reasons that I won't go into .... :(
mg, Im just going to put the postcode for pilton in that sparklefish advised because I live near her so know that it works. Failing that make sure it takes me via Torts directions....
Interestingly, however, when asked about Pulp he just said “I can’t say anything”, which would suggest that the rumour that they are one of the special guests at The Park isn’t too wide of the mark.


I just screamed. :oops: Very excited about possible Jay-Z.

That sounds like a brilliant night, what a lovely man. :cool:
yay! I've been quietly confident about Pulp showing up so added weight is welcome, I just have to make sure I don't bloody miss them now.

and he should have booked The Cure - always a LOT better than U2 for a start

they could headline the second stage easy enough
Hope the Pulp rumours are true. I'm working in the Park area so should find out a little in advance, we managed to for the Thom Yorke/Johnny Greenwood set last year. I think Jarvis likes that part of the site as well, he was camped backstage at the park last time.

Starting to get excited now, I'm all packed and have sent all my camping gear to the west country already and I just ordered 20 litres of Old Rosie to see us through. 2 1/2 more days at work :cool:
Eh I havent read the whole thread, so apologies if this is obvious. Is there a Urban75 meet up planned at some stage?
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