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Glastonbury 2011

Ah, brilliant. Is that from Castle Cary? How regular is it?

Yep, from Castle Cary.

In my experience, it's always been there to meet the London trains.

Worst case, somehow you just miss it, I'd guess you wouldn't wait more than an hour for it to get back.
I won't be bothering with the bloody Wombles! :rolleyes: I'm with Sunray on that.

Bad festival planning there, Emily. Only disorganised and uncommitted festival people would have gone and had their baby just ahead of the last festival before a fallow year. Yer rubbish :p :D

For now any talk of w**th*r should be put off til next week. I've censored myself from commenting (after this) until a lot later, on current forecasts -- the only way from here on in is up I'm afraid.
Im thinking of driving to Castle Cary station to get into the site where the buses do. That way we hopefully, can park nearest our preferred entrance A.

Have you any advice as to whether thats a good plan please veterans?
Im thinking of driving to Castle Cary station to get into the site where the buses do. That way we hopefully, can park nearest our preferred entrance A.

Have you any advice as to whether thats a good plan please veterans?

In a word, no. Where you want to be is the West car parks. Following the buses won't give any advantage in doing that.

You're best planning a route to the West car parks, regardless. It may or may not take you past Castle Cary, no matter.

If it was me, I'd try to avoid going through Pilton to do that - at least if you're turning up Wednesday when there's usually, these days, the worst traffic. So if you're coming from the East, try to 'cross over' outside the area, rather than round the edge of the site.
Im thinking of driving to Castle Cary station to get into the site where the buses do. That way we hopefully, can park nearest our preferred entrance A.

Have you any advice as to whether thats a good plan please veterans?

Sorry perhaps you have just come in from the Pub but your question does not make sense.

Why would starting out from Castle Cary matter ?

Am I missing something here ?

why would you park in west field { which is near Gate D } and then walk down on the outside to Gate A ? it does not make any sense.
Im thinking of driving to Castle Cary station to get into the site where the buses do. That way we hopefully, can park nearest our preferred entrance A.

Have you any advice as to whether thats a good plan please veterans?

I think my learned friends are misunderstanding you. If I've got this right you're approaching from the East but want to enter via Gate A. No problem. Did this myself last year. No need to follow the buses. Just drive down the A361 through Pilton (could take a while on Wednesday morning) and then dive in at Red Gate or the first gate thereafter they let you in. You should end up parked fairly close to Gate A.
madamv-finding the postcode for west pennards and putting that in sat nav has taken us directly to west car parks 3 years running. It takes you through some little, windy roads and you end up on the road to the site just before the queues. No police, no diversions.
word from my man on site right now is "wet"... plenty of time for things to change though...

arcadia lineup is now out:


18:00 - 18:45 Dub FX
18:45 - 19:30 Boxettes
19:30 - 20:30 DJ Smerinoff
20:30 - 21:15 Orkestra del Sol
21:15 - 22:00 Gypsy Unit
22:00 - 23:00 Dr Meaker
23:00 - 00:00 Deekline & Ed Solo
00:00 - 00:45 The Spider
00:45 - 02:00 Stanton Warriors
02:00 - 03:00 Dirtyphonics


17:00 - 17:45 Hidden Orchestra
17:45 - 18:45 Departure Lounge DJs
18:45 - 19:30 Dub Mafia
19:30 - 20:30 Kormac (DJ Set)
20:30 - 21:15 Wobbly Squadron
21:15 - 22:15 Monk3y Logic
22:15 - 23:00 Bonze
23:00 - 00:00 Tom Real
00:00 - 00:45 The Spider
00:45 - 01:45 Atomic Drop
01:45 - 03:00 Orbital DJ Set


17:00 - 17:45 Resonators
17:45 - 18:30 Steve Bedlam
18:30 - 19:30 Macka B
19:30 - 20:30 Mungo's HiFi & Soom T
20:30 - 21:15 Neville Staples of the Specials
21:15 - 22:15 Dub Boy
22:15 - 23:00 Gentlemans Dub Club
23:00 - 00:00 Jinx in Dub
00:00 - 00:45 The Spider
00:45 - 01:45 SL2 & MC Ribbz
01:45 - 03:00 Calyx & Teebee / MC Carasel


after some tooing, froing and wtfing with greeenpeace i'll be on site at roughly 3am this monday morning. 3g depending i'll keep urbz updated with how things are looking though photos will probs only be FB.
Thanks Tort and sparklefish.... Red Gate, thats what I'll keep in mind. I'll grab the postcode off you sparklefish xx

Thanks WBC and paolo, I'm coming from Dorset and where I want to pitch up the best entrance is Gate A so wanting to head to the nearest west car park for that.
word from my man on site right now is "wet"... plenty of time for things to change though...

after some tooing, froing and wtfing with greeenpeace i'll be on site at roughly 3am this monday morning. 3g depending i'll keep urbz updated with how things are looking though photos will probs only be FB.

nice one fella, have you managed to blag a wee dj set anywhere?

man theres so many things i want to do and see, but all is down to when my shifts are and i wont find that out til i am down there.
Mungos hifi do a great regular night in glasgow.

look fwd to updates from the site.. heres hoping that the weather forecasts improve tho... hopefully, as they should be.. still wrong this far away..
Trying to avoid even thinking about the w**th*r prospects right now ...... failing. Not happy. :( :( :hmm:

But yes, forecasts could and should change over the next week ....
Thanks Tort and sparklefish.... Red Gate, thats what I'll keep in mind. I'll grab the postcode off you sparklefish xx

Thanks WBC and paolo, I'm coming from Dorset and where I want to pitch up the best entrance is Gate A so wanting to head to the nearest west car park for that.

I'll see if I stored it on the tom-tom, if not I think I just googled it.
Trying to avoid even thinking about the w**th*r prospects right now ...... failing. Not happy. :( :( :hmm:

But yes, forecasts could and should change over the next week ....

.... & will continue to do so over the festival so stop getting yourself in a pickle over something you can do absolutely sod all about you numpty!
Amen to that. Who gives a fig what the already inaccurate weather predictions will do with the best part of 2 weeks to go. I barely trust the forecast for tomorrow, let alone the long term business.

Big mithering shandy. Bring ya wellies and a jumper and stop fussing.
Not too bothered about weather. Had couple of downpours at Sunrise festival and to be honest apart from putting on my boots and grabbing my waterproof made not a jot of difference.

Just bring on the festival :)
That must have helped them forecasters and even me :D

They've improved their output a bit now (Sunday am) anyway! You're right though, it'll continue to be an up and down roller coaster for a while yet. It's just that the last few days f*r*c*sts were particularly bad -- this morning back into the average to better range but yes, that'll change again probably ....

Don't worry though, I'm confining almost all my weather chat to fellow sad synoptic obsessives elsewhere ;)

Ta for the advice mind. I was going to leave me boots and waterproofs at home until you said ... :p

Not shandy though. We recently increased our order of SLABS of Fursty Ferret and boxes of Westons Organic ... :D
Just checking out Duane Eddy (b. 1938! :eek: ) on Spotify. He's a fuckin legend and I'd forgotten -- was well aware of him back in the day when Peel used to play him quite a bit, but I've not heard him for years.

Must Not Miss act, definitely :) :cool:.
To clarify: I do not want a swamp-making multiday downpour that gives me trenchfoot (again) and causes me to lose wellies in humiliating stuck in deep mud saga (again).

But if a little rain occurs then who gives a flying Sunday fuck. I'll take a little shower or two for the marvellousness that is Glastonbury and not miss a smiling blink. I'll have a brief peek at the forecast before we set off and cross my fingers, but I'm not spending weeks eagerly looking for any kind of prediction, getting fixated on the likely precipitation patterns forecasted using in depth spectroanalysis of Kettley's bassoon or anything.
I had a look at the weather thread on efests but I won't bother again.

Anyone who dared to say that the heat of last year was maybe a bit much and they'd like it a little cooler was told to fuck off the thread etc etc.

I agree with tarranau, chill out William!
Pfft. If it's not the water-wusses, it's the pinkies getting angsty about potential burn up to shade of ketchup


Bring it on, whatever the weather. This is dull old Blighty and Glastonbury, not some tropical floodplain prone to arctic winds and/or testicle frazzling death sun.
Pfft. If it's not the water-wusses, it's the pinkies getting angsty about potential burn up to shade of ketchup


Bring it on, whatever the weather. This is dull old Blighty and Glastonbury, not some tropical floodplain prone to arctic winds and/or testicle frazzling death sun.

: D

It'll be grand whatever, I would rather not have to hide under a parasol for 5 days though. That heat really buggered up my drinking. ; )
i am a complete weather wusse, sorry im in the william camp but wont be bleating on abuot it in here either. I am fascinated daily by checking various weather reports, even tho deep down i know its a long way away and still changeable. It matters a lot! the difference between a dry ground at glastonbury and churned up mud is huggggggge for me. Nothing beats a dusty ground that you can plank yer arse anywherre, dont even need to put on yer walking boots.. sannies do nicely all weekend. You just cant beat it.

Its not the end of the world having to wear walking boots, but then it can go from walking boot weather to wellie time., i just dont enjoy welly time anywhere near as much, so yeah it matters big time to me. Been in too many mud baths not to worry about it and the difference in the festival you can have is massive!

water wusse.. damm right i am :D
I've been checking over my waterproofs today. I'll take whatever the weather gives us but I see more stuff when I don't have to struggle through deep mud.
GL- I am taking records, should be playing in the greenpeace field on the Tuesday and will be whiting myself to whoever will have for the duration of the festival :)
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