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Glastonbury 2011

ISTR it was the bar in the Dance Village.

But I do very clearly remember that first pitter-patter of rain on the tent, just as I was bedding down at 3am. And then an anxious call from my mother at about 10.30am, about site disaster.

"Oh no, it's all fine I think. We had some rain. I'm about to pop out in a bit."

And then I popped out. And it really wasn't fine. The little streams that had appeared at the top top of Cockmill had skirted round us by a foot or so. Towards the bottom, they were torrents. And then... town... blitztastic. :D

Still. As Sparklefish said, it was a light shower compared with 2007.

(How many urbs do we have that stuck with it after that? I think we lost *alot* after 2007. Good on you people for staying. We've done pretty well 2008, 2009, 2010 :) )
I don't think it was the spiegel tent but another in the dance field but yeah it was 05.

I remember going down to the bottom of pennards and seeing the divers. I was so sure they would find a body.

Then 2007 happened and the rain in 05 seemed like a bit of a shower. : D

It was in fact a WBC bar Marquee that got hit and my Team was working in it { but not at the time it got hit }

We were expecting it to be put back up straight away but the lightning had cracked the central spar { or whatever its called } and going by the image details it was put back on Sunday 26th june 2005

This is the first and only time I recall where a bar was closed by lightning - I know that one other bar was flooded as I rowed into the tent { and no I dont have a clue where the inflatable boat came from } - we inspected the bar and decided it was a wash out - that was the last time that bar was pitched in that area .


and here it is on the Sunday - I am sure that people were convinced it was going to fall down again as I know the bar was empty for most of that day.

lift dependant i'll be there on sunday or monday, just got an email detailing what i'll be doing and what i shouldn't do :)hmm: ) and i'm more than a little excited :D
2 weekends to go, and I'm getting proper excited now. spent the last weekend building a wagon (far from finished) to drag the kids around / gear to and from the car parks. Anyne else this excited? Got any special prep do do before?
I'm coming to Glastonbury!!!! :D :D I'm very excited indeedy. Never been before.

2010 Festival clean up. Remember the 2007 images?

Check out the 2010 site on Tuesday.

I'll be doing that ^ on the recycling crew. Please no mudbath please no mudbath please no mudbath. But if there is, well fuck it, I'm going to have a good time whatever.

Can. Not. Wait!!!!
I'm coming to Glastonbury!!!! :D :D I'm very excited indeedy. Never been before.

I'll be doing that ^ on the recycling crew. Please no mudbath please no mudbath please no mudbath. But if there is, well fuck it, I'm going to have a good time whatever.

Can. Not. Wait!!!!

yay! Prepare to be overwhelmed & amazed mation... The sheer scale...

...and another one to join the merry gang of urbanite crew. If we keep this up, we will have operatives working in every aspect of the festival. *strokes cat*
I'm coming to Glastonbury!!!! :D :D I'm very excited indeedy. Never been before.

I'll be doing that ^ on the recycling crew. Please no mudbath please no mudbath please no mudbath. But if there is, well fuck it, I'm going to have a good time whatever.

Can. Not. Wait!!!!

awesome :D:cool:

you still have my number? :)
yay! Prepare to be overwhelmed & amazed mation... The sheer scale...

...and another one to join the merry gang of urbanite crew. If we keep this up, we will have operatives working in every aspect of the festival. *strokes cat*

awesome :D:cool:

you still have my number? :)
Not sure I do. Can you PM it? :) Oh hang on yes, I think I do. I'll text you now to check it's right...
Please no mudbath please no mudbath please no mudbath

I'm working on it ;)

God's mobile is permanently on voicemail right now mind :eek:

But if there is, well fuck it, I'm going to have a good time whatever

Mine and others' current very rough prediction is that Glastonbury will enjoy/endure conditions somewhere between 2007 and 2010 ;)

But yeah grand times whatevs! :cool:

Because God (ONO! -- ie JACKONE of Netweather forums -- beware an 'it's highly technical' alert applies!) has plenty of time left to sort it aht ....

Can. Not. Wait!!!!

Neither can I ..... in our case, only ten days now before we go down there ....

Oh yes -- good to know your doing your Glasto Virgin thang Mation, enjoy!

Looking foward to Cider Bus based linking up in Piltonland .... :)
yay! Prepare to be overwhelmed & amazed mation... The sheer scale...

Yes!! Do as much wandering, all over, everywhere, as you pssibly can ...

Have you yet checked out Tort's Glastonbury FAQ hosted on paolo's site?

(or paolo's own very cool map? And pix ... )

Shedloads of quality facts and pictures and advice in both parts of the Glasto Earth site :) ... about pretty much everything and everywhere on site ....

(Anything they haven't included, vets like us can answer down Info Tents land during the fest ... :p ;) )

...and another one to join the merry gang of urbanite crew. If we keep this up, we will have operatives working in every aspect of the festival

*strokes cat*

We have a sinister white cat right here down our gaff right now ...
ohhhh exciting times..

exactly 14 days from now, ill be camped set up and roaming that site. making it a mission this year to meet up with a few peeps from here as well. ill be meeting up with wbc-worker on arrival on the tuesday night and take it from there..
theres a fair few workers amongst the urban crew, defiinately the way to go for me.. tho i could be lookng for a change of job in a couple of years for the next one, but lets worry about this one first..

as i dont know my shifts til i get there i cant pick and choose or plan for bands.. i do want to catch, paul simon, big audio dynamite, chase and status (hopefully ill have that night off!.. then hit shangra la!) and a good couple of right good raves :)..

who ya looking fwd to catching?

got my brothers cans and bottle of rum at the ready. :)
Still waiting on our shifts too :hmm:

Hopefully we'll bump into ya at some point ... :cool:

Among a zillion and one acts I want to catch, and mostly won't :D, I recently 'only just noticed' ;) that the legendary Duane Eddy is playing.

Want! :)
yeah w o w, ive said i would hunt you down the last 2 years.. third time lucky, besides.. i need to know if i can take alcohol in the arena :), info points, yeah?

this is the earliest i have ever been prepared for the festival, i have everything that i need apart from some food supplies. got all the camping stuff down from the loft tonight, including my wellies,... but i aint going to need them of course. although ill have my walking boots, trainers weather will do nicely :cool:
yeah w o w, ive said i would hunt you down the last 2 years.. third time lucky, besides.. i need to know if i can take alcohol in the arena :), info points, yeah?

You don't need to hunt him down as I have William's number so provided your Coach arrives as planned we should be on a wander Tuesday night and will give William and a few others a call.

We think we are camping close to each other so will not have far to walk and then we can head down to wherever.
Yes!! Do as much wandering, all over, everywhere, as you pssibly can ...

Have you yet checked out Tort's Glastonbury FAQ hosted on paolo's site?

(or paolo's own very cool map? And pix ... )

Shedloads of quality facts and pictures and advice in both parts of the Glasto Earth site :) ... about pretty much everything and everywhere on site ....

(Anything they haven't included, vets like us can answer down Info Tents land during the fest ... :p ;) )

Cheers - I'll have a look :)
I see that Avalon have pissed off Michael Evis for booking the Wombles. They are shit so I can understand his pain.

The actual reason is a band like that at a festival will cause chaos up at that stage as man+dog will want to see an old novelty act. The wurzels blocked the stage off it was so rammed.

They were pretty decent though, unlike the wombles.
I see that Avalon have pissed off Michael Evis for booking the Wombles. They are shit so I can understand his pain.

The actual reason is a band like that at a festival will cause chaos up at that stage as man+dog will want to see an old novelty act. The wurzels blocked the stage off it was so rammed.

They were pretty decent though, unlike the wombles.

the field will be damn clean by the time they finish tho :D
Police brought in to close field, 2nd time ever in festival history?

Actually they have said after the Evis slur that they will no longer clean the field, implying that it had been their plan to do so all along.
10 days to go... it's crept up a bit, hasn't it?

I'm working in the dance village this year, and quite keen to get there on the Tuesday. But I can't see any shuttle buses running from any of the stations on the 21st. Is there a way to get there by public transport on the Tuesday?

Or, alternatively, anyone driving up from London on the Tuesday with room for a small one?
10 days to go... it's crept up a bit, hasn't it?

I'm working in the dance village this year, and quite keen to get there on the Tuesday. But I can't see any shuttle buses running from any of the stations on the 21st. Is there a way to get there by public transport on the Tuesday?

There'll be a free crew bus.

For the last few years it's been run by Greenpeace, any crew welcome. Running from the Saturday through Tuesday. Much to the chagrin of local taxi drivers.
There'll be a free crew bus.

For the last few years it's been run by Greenpeace, any crew welcome. Running from the Saturday through Tuesday. Much to the chagrin of local taxi drivers.
Ah, brilliant. Is that from Castle Cary? How regular is it?
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