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Glastonbury 2011

Cider bus, Thursday afternoon, around 3/4ish. :D
Don't go chasing balloons. If you're having a good time where you are, stay there. If not, move on. If you chase your tail all week because you're 'supposed to be *there*' you'll miss the entire festival.

Ah yes the cider bus is firmly on my list.

Is this tea n cakes burlesque thing I read about any good?
Thanks for that, the 11 June date has calmed me :)

I'll give it til the end of the week and then give them a shout.

Edit to add: I ended up having to buy a coach ticket, the actual festival ticket is handed out on the coach :rolleyes:

No problem! :)
Please don't take what I said about the 11th as gospel though, I can't remember where I read it, so it's possible that I imagined it! Waiting til the end of the week sounds reasonable though - a long enough wait but still sufficient time to get any problems sorted out. :)

Ah yes the cider bus is firmly on my list.

Is this tea n cakes burlesque thing I read about any good?

Tea and cakes?? Where??? Mmmmmmmmm......
I've got to do it once if only so that I can expertly impart my acquired wisdom to others that they should skip headliners.

Good thought.

The Pyramid after dark is quite a spectacular thing. I'd recommend every newbie does one headliner there. You can always wander off if it's not grabbing you.
@Gromit.... like mg said, dont tell yourself you HAVE to be anywhere.... Make sure that you see the bands you cant live without, but certainly chill as much as possible and go with the mood.... Some of my best finds have been stumble upons..

Also, a beer/J at the Sacred Space doing nothing is a special must do imo
i've only ever seen one headliner that didn't disappoint me. though tbf, in four glastonburies i've only seen a headliner about three times.
I just got an email saying my tickets would be sent soon - but we got them several weeks ago :D - with no email!

for those worrying - I would say it is still very early days - some years I only got them with about a week to spare.

Cider bus meet - should we have a banner or something? I could bring my very own, homemade 'Lovecats' flag and hoist it on 2 short (but not too short) poles. Will post pic if anyone thinks this is a good idea.

having said this I am still not 100% sure I am coming, mr mania is having a bad patch at the moment :(
The Pyramid after dark is quite a spectacular thing. I'd recommend every newbie does one headliner there. You can always wander off if it's not grabbing you.

And Mrs Wavey has STILL not forgiven me for making us go to watch Gong in the Avalon tent instead of David Bowie on the Pyramid Stage in 2000.
I had a blast though!
I just got an email saying my tickets would be sent soon - but we got them several weeks ago :D - with no email!

for those worrying - I would say it is still very early days - some years I only got them with about a week to spare.

Cider bus meet - should we have a banner or something? I could bring my very own, homemade 'Lovecats' flag and hoist it on 2 short (but not too short) poles. Will post pic if anyone thinks this is a good idea.

having said this I am still not 100% sure I am coming, mr mania is having a bad patch at the moment :(

Im sorry to hear that, I hope you can still come. If you can, definitely bring the flag!!! :)

And Mrs Wavey has STILL not forgiven me for making us go to watch Gong in the Avalon tent instead of David Bowie on the Pyramid Stage in 2000.
I had a blast though!
I don't think anyone should forgive you for that davey :)

I was on the backup list for the recycling crew, and just got asked today if I can join them :D Not been since 07, can't wait!
Good on ya feller, enjoy! :cool:

I confidently expect far less mud for recycling crew, and for all crew, this month. Compared to 2007 :eek: :cool:

Its been wet at Glasto for some of the days in the past week

this is a shot from this morning webcam


sadly in the past most of the damage was done before the gates opened so even if its a dry Glastonbury we can still get mud .

its really the luck of the draw as to how it will go -

personally I thought the mud was far worse in 85 { now that was a year to sort the men out from the boys }
That was festivaldeb's first year! :eek:

Incomprehensibly :p she continued to go to subsequent ones, but the horror stories from various 1985 vets I've encountered have been pretty bloodcurdling

Suffice to say that had I the chance of a life rerun and to go to all the Glastonburies I missed between 1984 (my first one) and 1993, I'd leave 1985 out ... ;)
Don't get me wrong - it was good fun - all you had to accept was at some point in time the odds are that You would get stuck in the mud.

Now at this point as its easy to forget - let me wind the clock back - In 1985 there is no way you could make or receive a call at Glastonbury { Vodafone analogue network was the first cellular network to launch in the UK at the start of 1985 } nor is it likely you would see a mobile never mind own one so if you got stuck in the mud ' your were stuffed ' - it all depended who happened to walk past and if they were willing to go and get help.

Some people would try to pull out a stuck person by hand and more then likely they ended up stuck as well - the longest line I saw was one stuck person and seven rescuers
all stuck one after the other - lucky for them someone had ran up to the farm and a guy drove down with a tractor and with a rope he dragged all eight people out.

forget fancy maps and clashfinders { and mobile phone applications } we were just happy to get from A to B and we would make a mental note not to try and reach the trading area { which used to be far higher up { closer to the farm}} or anywhere that had a incline .

I cant express how exhausted we were having to wade though the mud.

I could have made a fortune if I had a van load of traditional snowshoes.

I started going in 1979 and have not missed any { this year will be my 27 th } and it cracks me up when there is a bit of rain or mud and there is a mass exodus from the site.

Be is sun rain or snow I will be there.
the rain in 85 was certainly ferocious, and the traffic sure churned it all up (camp by your car in those days) but I don't really remember mud as that much of an issue. Not compared with that made by 150,000 plus pairs of feet in later years anyway. I do recall a huge stream running down Muddy Lane and swirling around a mate stood on something- might have been a milkcrate- directing traffic in rain so heavy he was barely visible.

happy days :)
All my stuff went mouldy in my rucksack by the time I got home that year, strange mixture of wet, mud and warmish temperatures.
From the main site ' The sheer size of the newly enlarged site meant that communications were stretched to the limit - the ultimate test for any organisation. With tractors the only possible means of towing people off the site in seriously bad weather. Michael Eavis was pleased that, “we have had the mud bath and proved we can still cope with the conditions”.

It was like walking though quicksand and even although at points it did not look all that deep once a person stood in a certain area they were just being sucked in.

I have seen it a few times but that year did stick in my head -

there has been some more wetter years than that { actual rain fall while it was on } but due to the bad weather before the gates opened the mud was waiting .

I do know I was able to drive out in my Mk1 Lotus Cortina { can you imagine having to ask a tractor to pull that out ? although a Lotus Cortina may have won the RAC rally it was still touch and go }
1985 was my worst year and the only time I have left the site early; by Sunday lunchtime we had just had enough of being up to our knees in liquid mud and we packed up and went home (I was still a punter in those days). 1997 and 1998 came close, though!
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